Manual Chapter :
About Windows Registry
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Show VersionsBIG-IP APM
- 15.0.1, 15.0.0
About Windows Registry
The Windows Registry action verifies the existence or absence of certain keys and values in
the Windows system registry database based on user-entered key values or Boolean expressions.
Windows Registry can also fetch the value of a key and store it in a session variable,
provided that the client is configured to allow the value to be fetched.
The Windows Registry action provides these configuration elements:
- Continuously check the result and end the session if it changes
- SpecifiesEnabledorDisabled.WhenEnabled, if the client does not respond for five minutes, the server ends the session.
- Expression
- Specifies a Boolean expression.
This is the syntax for registry checker expressions:
" comparison_operator
" >>
" ISPR- “key”
- Represents a path in the Windows registry. Quotation marks are required around the path. If quotation marks exist as part of the registry path, they should be doubled (requires two sets of quotation marks).
- “value”
- Represents the name of the value. Quotation marks are required. If quotation marks exist as part of the value name, they should be doubled (requires two sets of quotation marks).
- comparison_operator
- Represents a comparison operator (< <= > >= =) or ISPR. ISPR verifies that a key or value is present. The equal sign (=) and the double equal sign (==) specify equality.Windows Registry does not support comparison of binary data.
- data
- Represents the content to compare against. Any spaces, commas, slashes, tabs, or other delimiters in the data must be enclosed in quotation marks. Data is interpreted as a version number when formatted like this:d.d[.d][.d]”,(whered,d[,d][,d]dis a number). Data is interpreted as a date when formatted like
- >>
- This is the GET operator; it fetches the value of a key provided that the client is configured to allow the value to be fetched.All sub-expressions of a compound expression are evaluated even if they are joined by OR operators. Windows Registry values are sent to the server for successful fetch operations even if the overall expression is evaluated to false.The GET operator supports these Windows Registry data types only: REG_DWORD, REG_SZ, and REG_MULTI_SZ. The maximum recommended amount of data that a GET operator returns should be kept within 1 KB.
- "variable_name"
- Represents the variable into which the GET operator stores the value of the key. When a GET operation is successful, the registry value retrieved from the client is saved in a session variable in this Quotation marks are required. The variable name can include alphanumeric symbols, underscores, dots, and hyphens only and must be no more than 64 characters long.
Expression | Description |
| Checks for the presence of the specified path in the registry and stores the
value in the variable IEBuild .
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InternetExplorer" ."Version" >=
"6.0.2900.2180" | Checks that the Internet Explorer version is greater than or equal to the value
specified. |
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InternetExplorer" ."Version" >=
"5.0.2800.0" AND
"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InternetExplorer" ."Version"
>= "6.0.2900.0" | Checks for the presence of Internet Explorer. With this registry check, the
Internet Explorer version must be greater than or equal to 5.0.2800.0, and less than
or equal to 6.0.2900.0. |