Manual Chapter :
Tools for Geo-Redundancy
Applies To:
Show VersionsBIG-IP LTM
- 17.1.2, 17.1.1, 17.1.0, 17.0.0, 16.1.1, 16.1.0, 16.0.1, 16.0.0, 15.0.1
Tools for Geo-Redundancy
BIG-IP command line interface (CLI) tools
Access the following tools from the BIG-IP CLI:
- bigstart: For control and status check on the daemons/process (TMM, Kafka, ZooKeeper, MirrorMaker).
- diadb: To display and delete Diameter persistence entries.
Geo-Redundancy specific BIG-IP CLI tools
: To display the status of
Geo-redundancy setup, enforce manual reload, and display Geo-Redundancy iRule
Usage: geodb [options] -r, --reload manually trigger a georedundancy reload this device will become reload_receiving -s, --status output a single word status e.g. "connected" -i, --irules lists all entries in iRule session table in raw format -c, --count show persistance record count -w, --watchdog show watchdog monitor status e.g. "alive" or "expired"
Possible geodb states
- unset/offiline: Geo-redundancy is not initialized or not enabled
- connected: In sync with remote site
- reload_receiving: Waiting for reload data from remote site
- reload_sending: Sending reload data to remote site
- standalone: Reload timeout has expired, running standalone
Possible geodb watchdog
- unset: Geo-redundancy is not initialized or not enabled
- alive: Received watchdog keep alive from remote site within allocated watchdog period
- expired: Watchdog timeout expired
Kafka tools
Kafka includes a number of tools for maintenance and administration of a
Kafka cluster as part of the open source project. Under normal circumstances, these
tools are not required, but can be useful for troubleshooting as a last resort.
Modifying Kafka configs generated by iAppLX is
recommended.By default,
is not configured on a BIG-IP; set it before using any of
the Kafka tools. Topic and consumer group are configured in the Geo-Redundancy
Each BIG-IP maintains its own Kafka cluster, so output
will likely be different on each BIG-IP.
The scripts below are located in
. For more
. - SetJAVA_HOME:# export JAVA_HOME="/usr/java/java-1.7.0-openjdk"
- List created topics:# /usr/bin/kafka/bin/ --list --zookeeper localhost:2181
- Check topic status:# /usr/bin/kafka/bin/ --describe --zookeeper localhost:2181 --topic <topic>
- Checking consumers offset:# /usr/bin/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9192 --group <group> --describe
- Producing test Kafka records:# /usr/bin/kafka/bin/ --broker-list localhost:9192 --topic <topic>
- Consuming Kafka records:# /usr/bin/kafka/bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9192 --topic <topic>