Manual Chapter :
Personalizing Appearance Settings
Applies To:
Show VersionsBIG-IP APM
- 15.1.10, 15.1.9, 15.1.8, 15.1.7, 15.1.6, 15.1.5, 15.1.4, 15.1.3, 15.1.2, 15.1.1, 15.1.0
Personalizing Appearance Settings
What is personalization?
With full and mobile browser customization, you can change the appearance,
text, and messages of all pages that a browser views, either from the BIG-IP Edge Client by
directly logging in through a web browser, or on a mobile device. Some settings that are specific
to the BIG-IP Edge Client software are customized separately in the BIG-IP Edge Client
customization view.
Personalizing page appearance for common settings
Personalize access profile login pages to change
the front image and advanced customization images for the login page in a specific
access or per-request policy.
- On the Main tab, click.The Customization tool appears in General Customization view, displayingForm Factor: Full/Mobile Browsersettings.
- To configure common settings, click.
- Customize the settings for each individual element by clicking the element and changing the displayed settings.
- After you customize settings, click theSaveicon at the top of the Customization tool.
The access or per-request policy login page
reflects your changes.
Previewing customization changes
You must have customized an element with the Customization tool to see a preview of your
After you customize and save an element with the Customization tool, you can
preview the changes you have made in the Preview window. The Preview window opens a
separate browser window, and shows a live update of changes as you save them.
- On the Main tab, click.The Customization tool appears in General Customization view, displayingForm Factor: Full/Mobile Browsersettings.
- On the menu bar, at right, click thePreviewbutton.
- Navigate to a page to view customizations.For example, to navigate to a logon page and view the results of access profile branding customization, in the Preview window expand, then click.logon_page_name
The Preview window shows the results of any customization changes.
General page style settings
With the Customization tool, you can customize the
following general page style settings for access profiles or per-request policies.
Name |
Value |
Description |
Page alignment
Left , Center , or
Right . |
Indicates the general HTML page
alignment for all pages displayed by the access profile or per-request policy. |
Page background color
A hex color code, for example, #123ABC . When you click the
color value, two color choosers appear. One allows you to select a color from 40 common
color blocks, and the other allows you to select any HTML color from a more sophisticated
color wheel. You can also type the color value in as text. |
Indicates the color for the
general page background for all pages displayed by the access profile or per-request
policy. |
Page width (px or %)
A specific pixel value, for example 800px , or a
percentage, for example 80% . |
Specifies the width of the content
on all HTML pages displayed by the access profile or per-request policy, as an absolute
pixel value or as a percentage of the entire browser screen. |
Font settings
With the Customization tool, you can customize the
following font settings for access profiles or per-request policies.
Setting |
Value |
Description |
Font family (comma-separated) |
Font names or font-family names, space-separated, for example Calibri,
Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif . |
Specifies the base font used by pages displayed by the access profile. |
Headline font size (px) |
A pixel value, for example 18px . |
Indicates the pixel size for heading items on pages displayed by the access
profile. |
Text font size (px) |
A pixel value, for example 14px . |
Indicates the pixel size for text items on pages displayed by the access profile.
Page header settings
You can customize the following page header style settings
with the Customization tool.
Setting |
Value |
Description |
Disconnect icon |
An image icon 48 x 48 pixels or smaller. |
Specifies the icon image displayed in the browser when the page is disconnected. |
Header background color |
A hex color code, for example, #123ABC . When you click the color
value, two color choosers appear. One allows you to select a color from 40 common color blocks, and
the other allows you to select any HTML color from a more sophisticated color wheel. You can also
type the color value in as text. |
Indicates the background color for HTML header elements for the web pages served to web and
mobile clients. |
Header left image (Full Size) |
An image name. This is a larger image up to 80 x 80 pixels, for display on web
pages. |
The header image for web pages. To replace this image, type the relative path, or click the
preview icon to the right of the filename, and click Replace . |
Header left image (Mobile Devices Size) |
An image name. This is a smaller image up to 32 x 32 pixels, for display on
mobile devices. |
The header image for mobile device pages. To replace this image, type the relative path, or click the
preview icon to the right of the filename, and click Replace . |
Page footer settings
You can customize the following page footer style setting
with the Customization tool.
Name |
Value |
Description |
Footer font size (px) |
A font size, in pixels, for example 12px . |
Specifies the font size for text in web page footers. |
Layout settings
You can customize the following settings for page layouts with the Customization
Name |
Value |
Description |
Form cell width (px or %) |
Width, in pixels or percentage, of the main login page form, for example
240px , or 50% . |
Specifies the width of the login page form in pixels or as a percentage of the
frame. |
Image cell width (px or %) |
Width, in pixels or percentage, of the main login page image cell width, for
example 240px , or 50% . |
Specifies the width of the login page image area in pixels or as a percentage of
the frame. |
Main table background color |
A hex color code, for example, #123ABC . When you click the color
value, two color choosers appear. One allows you to select a color from 40 common color blocks, and
the other allows you to select any HTML color from a more sophisticated color wheel. You can also
type the color value in as text. |
Indicates the background color for the login page main frame. |
Page layout |
Form left, form center, or form right. |
Indicates the placement of the login page form on the main access policy
page. |
Image settings
You can customize the following settings for the main page image with the Customization
Name |
Value |
Description |
Default image |
Width, in pixels or percentage, of the main login page form, for example
240px , or 50% . |
Specifies the width of the login page form in pixels or as a percentage of the
frame. |
Image left margin (px) |
Left side margin, in pixels, of the main login page image, for example
24px . |
Specifies the left margin of the login page image. |
Image right margin (px) |
Right side margin, in pixels, of the main login page image, for example
24px . |
Specifies the right margin of the login page image. |
Image top margin (px) |
Top-edge margin, in pixels, of the main login page image, for example
24px . |
Specifies the top margin of the login page image. |
Side image alignment |
Center, left, or right. |
Specifies the alignment of the image within the side frame. |
Form settings
You can customize the following login form settings with
the Customization tool.
Setting |
Value |
Description |
Form alignment |
Center , Left , or
Right . |
Specifies the alignment of the form within the form frame. |
Form background color |
A hex color code, for example, #123ABC . When you click the color
value, two color choosers appear. One allows you to select a color from 40 common color blocks, and
the other allows you to select any HTML color from a more sophisticated color wheel. You can also
type the color value in as text. |
Indicates the background color for the login page form. |
Form height (px, %, or auto) |
Height value in pixels, as a percentage of the frame, or auto, for example
240px , 40% , or auto . |
Specifies the height of the login form in the login frame. |
Form left margin (px) |
Left margin, in pixels, of the main login page form, for example
24px . |
Specifies the left margin of the login form. |
Form right margin (px) |
Right margin, in pixels, of the main login page form, for example
24px . |
Specifies the right margin of the login form. |
Form top margin (px) |
Top margin, in pixels, of the main login page form, for example
24px . |
Specifies the top margin of the login form. |
Form width (px or %) |
Form width in pixels or as a percentage of the form frame, for example
250px or 50% . |
Specifies the login form width within the login frame. |
Form element settings
You can customize the following settings for the appearance of elements in the login
form with the Customization tool.
Name |
Value |
Description |
Field alignment |
Center , Left , or
Right . |
Specifies how fields align in the login form. |
Field width (%) |
A percentage value, for example 67% . |
Specifies the width of fields in the login form, as a percentage of the total size
of the login form. |
Header alignment |
Left, center, or right. |
Specifies the alignment of header elements in the login form. |
Label alignment |
Left, center, or right. |
Specifies the alignment of form field labels in the login form. |
Label position |
Left or above. |
Specifies whether login form field labels are above or to the left of their
respective fields. |
Label width (%) |
A percentage value, for example 67% . |
Specifies the width of field labels in the login form. |
Advanced customization image settings
You set advanced customization images to make images you add through the image browser available
to your advanced customization pages.
Advanced Customization Images
properties pages allow you to set
advanced customization images from the image browser to associate with advanced
customization image names. You can then use the image name to add an image to an advanced
customization page.To select an image from the image browser to associate with an image for advanced
customization, click the button next to the current (or default) image name, and select
. Personalizing page appearance for access profile logout settings
Personalize access profile logout settings to add advanced customization image
support to logout pages in the access profile.
- On the Main tab, click.The Customization tool appears in Advanced Customization view, displaying theForm Factor: Full/Mobile Browsersettings in the left pane.
- To configure logout settings, in the left pane, expand the folders and navigate to.
- Customize the settings for advanced customization images.
- After you customize settings, click theSaveicon at the top of the Customization tool.
The access policy advanced customization page reflects your changes.
Advanced customization image settings
You set advanced customization images to make images you add through the image browser available
to your advanced customization pages.
Advanced Customization Images
properties pages allow you to set
advanced customization images from the image browser to associate with advanced
customization image names. You can then use the image name to add an image to an advanced
customization page.To select an image from the image browser to associate with an image for advanced
customization, click the button next to the current (or default) image name, and select
. Personalizing page appearance for access policy pages
Personalize access policy pages to change advanced customization images for the
login page in a specific access policy, and to add advanced customization images for
other access policy pages.
- On the Main tab, click.The Customization tool appears in Advanced Customization view, displaying theForm Factor: Full/Mobile Browsersettings in the left pane.
- On the Branding tab, click, and select the folder for the item to customize.
- Customize the settings for each individual element by clicking the element and changing the displayed settings.
- After you customize settings, click theSaveicon at the top of the Customization tool.
The access policy pages reflect your changes.
Customization settings for access policy items
You can personalize the following settings for pages exposed to the user in an access policy.
Setting |
Value |
Description |
General > Front image |
Image |
The image that appears in the image frame of the login page for an access
policy. |
Advanced Customization Images |
Images |
Each Advanced Customization Images properties page allows you to set advanced
customization images from the image browser to associate with advanced customization image
names. Each access policy item has a page for advanced customization images. You can use
these image names to add an image to a page using advanced customization. To select an
image from the image browser to associate with an image for advanced customization, click
the button next to the current (or default) image name, and select
Replace . |
Localizing messages for BIG-IP Edge Client
Configure localization for BIG-IP
Edge Client® to change the messages and text in the BIG-IP Edge
Client application.
- On the Main tab, click.The Customization tool appears in General Customization view, displayingForm Factor: Full/Mobile Browsersettings.
- From theForm Factorlist at the top of the Customization tool, selectBIG-IP Edge Client.
- To select the BIG-IP Edge Client, in the left pane, expand the folders and navigate to, and clickBIG-IP Edge Client.
- At the top right of the Customization settings pane, select theLanguagefor which to customize localization messages for the BIG-IP Edge Client.
- Customize the settings for BIG-IP Edge Client localization.
- After you customize settings, click theSaveicon at the top of the Customization tool.
Previewing customization changes
You must have customized an element with the Customization tool to see a preview of your
After you customize and save an element with the Customization tool, you can
preview the changes you have made in the Preview window. The Preview window opens a
separate browser window, and shows a live update of changes as you save them.
- On the Main tab, click.The Customization tool appears in General Customization view, displayingForm Factor: Full/Mobile Browsersettings.
- On the menu bar, at right, click thePreviewbutton.
- Navigate to a page to view customizations.For example, to navigate to a logon page and view the results of access profile branding customization, in the Preview window expand, then click.logon_page_name
The Preview window shows the results of any customization changes.
Customization settings for BIG-IP Edge Client localization
You can customize the following settings for BIG-IP Edge
Client customization with the Customization tool. To see these settings, set
to BIG-IP Edge Client
. Setting |
Value |
Description |
About link |
The text that appears as a link in the about area of the BIG-IP Edge Client. |
About text |
Text |
Text, typically copyright info or some other identifying information, that appears in the
about area of the BIG-IP Edge Client. |
Application Name |
Text |
The application name, which appears in the status bar of the application. |