Manual Chapter :
Configuring Resources for Portal Access
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- 16.0.1, 16.0.0, 15.1.0
Configuring Resources for Portal Access
Creating a portal access configuration
- On the Main tab, click.The Portal Access List screen opens.
- Click theCreatebutton.The New Resource screen opens.
- Type the name and an optional description.
- From theACL Orderlist, specify the placement for the resource.OptionDescriptionLastSelect this option to place the new portal access resource last in the ACL list.AfterSelect this option to select, from the list of configured ACLs, the ACL that this portal access resource should follow in sequence.SpecifySelect this option to specify an order number, for example,0or631for the ACL.
- FromConfiguration, selectBasicorAdvanced.TheAdvancedoption provides additional settings so you can configure a proxy host and port.
- For theMatch Case for Pathssetting, selectYesto specify that portal access matches alphabetic case when matching paths in the portal access resource.
- From thePatching Typelist, select the patching type for the web application.For both full and minimal patching types, you can select or clear patching methods specific to your selection.
- If you selectedMinimal Patchingand theHost Patchingoption, type a host search string, or multiple host search strings separated with spaces, and the host replace string, which must be the Access Policy Manager virtual server IP address or fully qualified domain name.
- To publish a link for the web application on the full webtop, or to use hosted content files, for thePublish on Webtopsetting, select theEnablecheck box.Do not enable thePublish on Webtopsetting if you are configuring the portal access resource for minimal patching.
- If you enabledPublish on Webtop, select whether theLink Typeis an application URI or a file uploaded to the hosted content repository.
- Application URI:This is the main URI used to start this portal access resource. You can configure other URIs with specific caching and compression settings by adding resource items to the portal access resource, after the main resource is configured.
- Hosted Content:Use content uploaded to the hosted content repository to present on the webtop. When you select a hosted content file (typically a web-browser readable file), that file becomes the main destination for this webtop link.In theResource Itemsarea, you must add all resources that you have uploaded to the hosted content repository that apply to this particular hosted content link.
- In the Customization Settings for English area, in theCaptionfield, type a caption.The caption appears on the full webtop, and is required. This field is required even if you do not select thePublish on webtopoption.
- Optionally, in theDetailed Descriptionfield type a description for the web application.
- In theImagefield, specify an icon for the web application link. Click theView/Hidelink to show the current icon.
- If your application is behind a proxy server, to specify a proxy host and port, you must selectAdvancedfor the configuration to display additional fields, and type the proxy host and proxy port.Portal access does not support forwarding HTTPS requests through the HTTPS proxy. If you specify the HTTPS scheme in theApplication URIfield and specify a proxy host, portal access does not forward the requests.
- Click theCreatebutton.
This completes the portal access resource configuration.
Add resource items to the portal access resource to provide functionality for your web
Creating a portal access resource item
You create a portal access resource item to add a port, path, and other portal access
functionality to a portal access resource. If your portal access resource is a hosted content file (for
example, a web application) you must add that file, and all related files from the hosted content
repository that are used with the hosted content file. For example, you might add image files, CSS, and
scripts that are required by the web page or application. You typically use resource items to refine the
behavior for web application directories; for example, you might specify
and a Cache All
caching policy for the
directory for a portal access resource. - On the Main tab, click.The Portal Access List screen opens.
- Click the name of a portal access resource.The Portal Access Properties screen for that resource opens.
- In the Resource Items area, click theAddbutton.A New Resource Item screen for that resource opens.
- Select whether the resource item is application paths or hosted content.
- Paths:If you select this option, set the host name or IP address, URI paths, the scheme, and the port.
- Hosted Content:If you select this option, choose an item from the list of content uploaded to the hosted content repositoryYou must add all files that you have uploaded to the hosted content repository that apply to this particular hosted content resource.
- Configure the properties for the resource item.
- To add headers, selectAdvancednext to New Resource Item.
- To configureSession Update,Session Timeout, andHome Tab, selectAdvancednext to Resource Item Properties.
- ClickFinished.This creates the portal access resource item.
Portal access resource item properties
Use these properties to configure a resource item for a portal access
Property | Value | Description |
Item Type | Paths or Hosted Content | Specifies whether the resource item is a path to a web resource or an uploaded file from the
hosted content repository. |
Destination | Host name, IP address, or network address and mask | Specifies whether the web application destination is a host or an IP address, and
provides the host name or IP address. You can specify an IPv4 or IPv6 IP address, or a
host name that resolves to either an IPv4 or IPv6 address. When a resource is configured
using the host name, and the host name resolves to both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, the IP
address family preference setting in the client's DNS configuration is used to choose the
IP address type from the DNS response. |
Hosted Files | A local file | If the item type is Hosted Content, you can select a local file from this list to specify as
the resource. If the portal access resource is a hosted content file, all
related files must be defined separately as portal access resource items within that portal access
resource. |
Port | A port number or 0 | Specifies the port for the web application. 0 means the web
application matches port 80 for the http
scheme option, and port 443 for the https
scheme option. |
Scheme | http , https , or
any | Specifies whether the URI scheme for the web application is
http , https , or any (either HTTP or HTTPS)
scheme. |
Paths | An application path or paths, separated by spaces | Specifies any paths for the web application. You can separate multiple paths with
spaces. You can use wildcards, for example /* . |
Headers | Name-value pairs | Specifies any custom headers required by the web application. To add a header,
type the header name in the Name field, and the header content in
the Value field, then click the Add
button. |
Compression | No compression or GZIP
compression | No Compression specifies that application data sent to the
client browser is not compressed. GZIP Compression specifies that
application data sent to the client browser is compressed with GZIP compression. To use GZIP compression with a portal access resource, in the virtual
server definition, you must specify the HTTP Compression Profile
setting as httpcompression . |
Client Cache | Default , Cache All , or
No Cache | Specifies settings for client caching of web applications. In the rewrite profile
that you associate with the virtual server for the portal access resource, you can specify
a client caching option: CSS and JavaScript , CSS, Images
and JavaScript , No Cache or Cache
All . If you configure a client cache setting other than
Default in the portal access resource item, that resource setting
overrides the cache setting in the rewrite profile.
SSO Configuration | SSO configuration, selected from a list of available SSO
configurations | Specifies an SSO configuration to use with the portal access resource item for
Single Sign-On. |
Session Update | Enable or disable | Some application web pages that start through portal access connections contain
JavaScript code that regularly refreshes the page or sends HTTP requests, regardless of
user activity or inactivity. A session that is abandoned at such a site does not time out,
because it appears to be active. When disabled, the session update feature prevents these
sessions from remaining active indefinitely. |
Session Timeout | Enable or disable | Enables or disables session timeouts. |
Home Tab | Enable or disable | This option inserts into HTML pages a small amount of HTML code that includes the
JavaScript that displays the home tab, which contains links to the Home and Logout
functions and a URL bar. To enable the home tab on a web application page, select the
Home Tab check box. Web pages generated without the home tab
JavaScript code contain no home or logout links. You can customize the appearance and
configuration of the home tab on the webtop customization page. When you start a web
application from the full webtop, the home tab is displayed on the webtop only, and not on
web pages launched from the webtop, regardless of this setting. |
Log | None or Packet | Specifies the log level that is logged when actions of this type occur.
Creating a portal access resource item for minimal patching
Create a portal access resource item to add an port, path and other portal access functionality to
a portal access resource. You typically use resource items to refine the behavior for web application
directories; for example, you might specify
No Compression
and a Cache
caching policy for the /attachment
directory for a portal access
resource. - On the Main tab, click.The Portal Access List screen opens.
- Click the name of a portal access resource that is configured for minimal patching.The Portal Access Resource Properties screen opens.
- In the Resource Items area, clickAdd.The New Resource Item screen opens.
- In theHost Namefield, type an asterisk*.
- From theSchemelist, selectany.When you selectany, the port changes correctly to0.
- In thePathsfield, type/*.
- ClickFinished.The portal access resource item is created.
This creates the portal access resource item required for a minimal patching configuration.
Creating a portal access configuration with the wizard
You can use the portal access wizard to quickly configure an access policy, resource, resource
item, and a virtual server to allow portal access connections.
- On the Main tab, click.Follow the instructions in the wizard to create your access policy and virtual server.
- SelectPortal Access Setup Wizardand clickNext.
- Type thePolicy Name, select the default language, and specify whether to enable the simple antivirus check in the access policy.
- ClickNext.
- On the Select Authentication wizard screen, configure authentication. You can select an existing authentication server configured on the Access Policy Manager, or you can create a new authentication configuration.For a full discussion of Access Policy Manager authentication, seeBIG-IP Access Policy Manager: Single Sign-On Concepts and Configuration.
- On the Portal Access screen, select a portal access application.DWAConfigures a Domino Web Access configuration with common settings.OWA2003Configures an Outlook Web Access 2003 configuration with common settings.OWA2007Configures an Outlook Web Access 2007 configuration with common settings.OWA2010Configures an Outlook Web Access 2010 configuration with common settings.CustomAllows you to configure custom settings for a portal access configuration.
- In thePortal Access Start URIfield, type the applicable URI.
- To configure SSO with the portal access configuration, select theConfigure SSOcheck box.If you enable this setting, you also select the SSO method from theSSO Methodlist.
- ClickNext.
- In theVirtual Server IP addressfield, type the IP address for your virtual server.Select theCreate Redirect Virtual Servercheck box to create a redirect action for clients who attempt to connect over HTTP instead of HTTPS.
- ClickNext.
- Review the configuration.You can clickNextto accept the configuration and create the portal access configuration,Backto go back and change settings, orCancelto discard the configuration.
Configuration is complete. You can test the portal access resource by browsing to the virtual server
Creating a portal access configuration with a template
You can create a portal access resource with a template for a common application, to add when you
configure an access policy. When you create a portal access configuration with a template, you create the
portal access resource, along with common resource items for the configuration.
- On the Main tab, click.The Portal Access List screen opens.
- Click theCreate with Templatebutton.
- Type a name for the portal access resource.
- From theTemplatelist, select a portal access application template.
- DWA- Configures a Domino Web Access configuration with common settings.
- OWA2003- Configures an Outlook Web Access 2003 configuration with common settings.
- OWA2007- Configures an Outlook Web Access 2007 configuration with common settings.
- OWA2010- Configures an Outlook Web Access 2010 configuration with common settings.
- From theOrderlist, specify the sequence for the resource.LastSelect this option to place the new portal access resource last in the ACL list.AfterSelect this option to select, from the list of configured ACLs, the ACL that this portal access resource should follow in sequence.SpecifySelect this option to specify an order number, for example,0or631for the ACL.
- For theDestinationsetting, selectHost NameorIP Addressfor the resource address, then type the resource address in the corresponding field or fields.
- Click theFinishedbutton.
The Access Policy Manager creates a portal access resource and the associated common resource items
from the template.
You can add resource items to the portal access resource, to provide more functionality for your
web applications.