Manual Chapter : MRF SIP Troubleshooting Logs

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  • 17.0.0, 16.1.3, 16.1.2, 16.1.1, 16.1.0, 16.0.1, 16.0.0, 15.1.8, 15.1.7, 15.1.6, 15.1.5, 15.1.4, 15.1.3, 15.1.2, 15.1.1, 15.1.0, 15.0.1, 15.0.0, 14.1.5, 14.1.4, 14.1.3, 14.1.2, 14.1.0, 14.0.1, 14.0.0, 13.1.5, 13.1.4, 13.1.3, 13.1.1, 13.1.0
Manual Chapter

MRF SIP Troubleshooting Logs

If MRF SIP diagnostic log events are enabled via the log.mrsip.level db variable, the following events will be logged to /var/log/tmm?.
MRF SIP Troubleshooting Logs
Event Text
Log Level
MR SIP: Invalid config attribute <name> in profile <name>
An unexpected configuration attribute was found. For example, an unsupported persist-key was used.
MR SIP: Missing header <name> in the message
One of the mandatory SIP header attributes (To, From, Call-ID, Route, Via) was missing. Since the message will not be accepted without the required attributes, this error occurs when an iRule script removes all instances of one of the required scripts after parsing.
MR SIP: Decrypt branch parameter failed with error : <error_text>
Unable to decrypt our generated Via header.
MR SIP: Encrypt branch parameter failed with error : <error_text>
Unable to encrypt our generated Via header.
MR SIP: Generation of AES encryption key failed
Unable to generate AES encryption key for Via header encryption.
MR SIP: Parse error reading number for <value> value near <offset> Status code <status code>
Unable to parse a number for the specified value near the specified offset of an input SIP message. If error response is configured, the specified status code response will be returned and the corresponding stats counter will be incremented.
MR SIP: Parse error bad sip protocol version in headline near <offset>. Status Code <status code>
Invalid sip protocol version near the specified offset of an input SIP message. If error response is configured, the specified status code response will be returned and the corresponding stats counter will be incremented.
MR SIP: Parse error invalid or malformed uri in headline near <offset>. Status Code <status code>
The SIP URI in the headline of an input SIP message is invalid or malformed. If error response is configured, the specified status code response will be returned and the corresponding stats counter will be incremented.
MR SIP: Parser error invalid headline near <offset>. Status Code <status code>
The headline of the incoming sip message is invalid near the specified offset. If error response is configured, the specified status code response will be returned and the corresponding stats counter will be incremented.
MR SIP: Parser error to many headers near <offset>. Status Code %d.
The incoming SIP message contains to many headers to be processed. The header near the specified offset should be the first header that exceeded the limit. If error response is configured, the specified status code response will be returned and the corresponding stats counter will be incremented.
MR_SIP: Parser error extraneous header field near <offset> Status code <status code>
The incoming SIP message contains a extra field in a header near the specified offset. If error response is configured, the specified status code response will be returned and the corresponding stats counter will be incremented.
MR_SIP: Parser error header to large near <offset>. Status Code <status code>.
The incoming SIP message has a header line that is too long near the specified offset. If error response is configured, the specified status code response will be returned and the corresponding stats counter will be incremented.
MR_SIP: Parser error missing header code <code>. Status Code <status code>.
The incoming SIP message is missing a required header. The displayed code is a bit-field that can be decoded with access to the internals of the sip parser. If error response is configured, the specified status code response will be returned and the corresponding stats counter will be incremented.
MR_SIP: Parser error CSEQ method does not match headline tag <tag> : <tag>. Status Code <status code>
The incoming SIP message has a mis-match between the headline tag. If error response is configured, the specified status code response will be returned and the corresponding stats counter will be incremented.
MR_SIP: Parser max-forwards value has reached zero. Status Code <status code>
The incoming sip message has been forwarded too many times while being routed, causing the max-forwards value to be decremented to zero. The BIG-IP system will not process this message. If error response is configured, the specified status code response will be returned and the corresponding stats counter will be incremented.
MR_SIP: Server in maintenance mode. Status Code 503
The server has been placed in maintenance mode and will not process traffic. If error response is configured, status code 503 response will be returned and the corresponding stats counter will be incremented.
MR_SIP: Loop detected. Status code 482.
The incoming SIP message contains a SIP round loop. If error response is configured, status code 482 response will be returned and the corresponding stats counter will be incremented.
MR_SIP: Missing Media Connection attributes. Status Code 488.
The incoming SIP message is missing required Media Connection Attributes. If error response is configured, status code 488 response will be returned and the corresponding stats counter will be incremented.
MR_SIP: Too many media sessions <count> / <count limit>. Error Code <code>
The number of media sessions in <count> has exceeded the configured <limit count>. If error response is configured, the specified code response will be returned and the corresponding stats counter will be incremented.