Manual Chapter : Generic Message Commands

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  • 17.1.2, 17.1.1, 17.1.0, 17.0.0, 16.1.5, 16.1.4, 16.1.3, 16.1.2, 16.1.1, 16.1.0, 16.0.1, 16.0.0
Manual Chapter

Generic Message Commands

Generic Message Commands
Gets the peer’s route name.
GENERICMESSAGE::peer name <name>
Sets the peer's route name.
Gets the message’s source address
GENERICMESSAGE::message src <src_addr>
Sets the message's source address
Gets the message’s destination address
GENERICMESSAGE::message dst <dst_addr>
Sets the message’s destination address
GENERICMESSAGE::message is_request
Returns ‘true’ if the message is a request message
GENERICMESSAGE::message is_request true OR false
Identifies the message as a request
GENERICMESSAGE::message length
Gets the message size in bytes.
GENERICMESSAGE::message text
Gets the message text.
GENERICMESSAGE::message text <new_text>
Sets the message text.
GENERICMESSAGE::message data
Gets the message data (as an array of bytes).
GENERICMESSAGE::message data
Sets the message data (as an array of bytes).
GENERICMESSAGE::message no-response
Returns 'true' if the message is an asynchronous message.
GENERICMESSAGE::message no_response true OR false
Identifies the message as an asynchronous message.
GENERICMESSAGE::message create [<text> [<destination address>]]
Creates a new empty message that can be sent. Once created a TEXTMSG_INGRESS event shall be raised where the script writer will be able to populate the message. Upon completion of the script, the message will be forwarded for routing.
GENERICMESSAGE::message drop <reason>
Terminates processing of the current message.
GENERICMESSAGE::message status
Returns the route status. Please see MR::message status
GENERICMESSAGE::message request_sequence_number
Gets the request_sequence_number used to save the last hop of a request message. This will be valid during GENERICMESSAGE_EGRESS of request messages. During GENERICMESSAGE_INGRESS of response messages, it will contain the sequence number of the oldest un-responded request.
GENERICMESSAGE::message request_sequence_number <number>
Sets the request_sequence_number used to save the last hop of a request message. During GENERICMESSAGE_INGRESS, setting this field will allow associting a response message with an un-responded request message and the request message's lasthop will be used as the next hop for the message.
GENERICMESSAGE::route add [src <src_addr>] [dst <dst_addr>] peer <peer> [peer <peer>]*
Adds a route to the current instance that the iRule context is running in. (Note both ‘src’ and ‘source’ are acceptable. Likewise ‘dst’, ‘dest’ and ‘destination’ are acceptable).
GENERICMESSAGE::route delete [src <src_addr>] [dst <dst_addr>]
Deletes a route from the current instance that the iRule context is running in. (Note both ‘src’ and ‘source’ are acceptable. Likewise ‘dst’, ‘dest’ and ‘destination’ are acceptable).
GENERICMESSAGE::route lookup [src <src_addr>] [dst <dst_addr>]
Returns a route matching the specified source address and destination address in the instance that the iRule context is running in. (Note both ‘src’ and ‘source’ are acceptable. Likewise ‘dst’, ‘dest’ and ‘destination’ are acceptable).