Manual Chapter : Defining an HTTP Connector Transport

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  • 17.1.0, 17.0.0, 16.1.5, 16.1.4, 16.1.3, 16.1.2, 16.1.1, 16.1.0, 15.1.10, 15.1.9
Manual Chapter

Defining an HTTP Connector Transport

A DNS Resolver object is required for an HTTP Connector Transport. You can select an existing resolver, or define one when you create the HTTP Connector Transport.
Create an HTTP Connector Transport to provide the DNS resolver info and connection settings for an HTTP Connector Request.
  1. On the Main tab, click
    HTTP Connector
    HTTP Connector Transport
  2. Click
  3. Specify a
    for the connector transport.
  4. Select a
    DNS Resolver
    , or create one by clicking
    The transport uses this DNS resolver to resolve the server name specified in the HTTP Connector URL.
  5. If you require encrypted communication for the connection, select a
    Server SSL Profile
    , or create one by clicking
    If the HTTP server requires SNI (Server Name Indication), make sure that corresponding fields in the Server SSL profile referenced in the HTTP Connector Request are set correctly. The
    Server Name
    field should match the server name specified the
    field of the HTTP Connector Request. In the Server Authentication section,
    Server Certificate
    should be set to
    Authenticate Name
    should also match with the server name in the URL.
  6. Specify the
    Maximum Response Size
    in bytes that the HTTP Connector Transport can receive.
    The Maximum Response Size limit is ignored if the
    Response Action
    in the associated HTTP Connector Request is set to
  7. Specify the
    in seconds for the HTTP Connector Transport.
  8. Click
The HTTP Connector Transport is defined, and appears in the HTTP Connector Transport list.
Configure an HTTP Connector Request, and specify the transport in the configuration.