Manual Chapter :
Providing permissions to run license usage reports
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BIG-IQ Centralized Management
- 7.0.0
Providing permissions to run license usage reports
For users to view and create license usage reports, they must have the permissions granted by an administrator. To grant permissions to a user, you complete the four tasks included in this procedure:
- Create a role type and provide that role type permissions to the licensing service. Steps 1-5
- Create a custom resource group, associate it with the licensing service, and add the utility billing report object. Steps 6-10
- Create a custom role and associate it with the resource group you added. Steps 11-16
- Add a user and associate it with the role with permissions to the utility billing reports. Steps 17-20
- At the top of the screen clickSystem, at the left select , and then click theAddbutton.
- Type aNameand an optionalDescriptionfor this role type.
- Towards the middle of the screen, from theSelect Servicelist, selectDevice, select the check box next toUtility Billing Reporting, and click theAdd Selectedbutton.
- In the Selected Object Types area, select theAddcheck box to add a specific type of permission for this role type.You might have to decrease the size of the bottom half of the screen (using the horizontal bar right above theObject Typelist) to see the permission settings.
- Click theSave & Closebutton.
- On the left, underROLE MANAGEMENTclick , and then click theAddbutton.
- Type aNameand an optionalDescriptionfor this resource group.
- Towards the middle of the screen, from theSelect Servicelist, selectDevice.
- From theSelect Object Typelist, selectUtility Billing Reporting, and then click theAdd Selectedbutton.
- ClickSave & Close.
- On the left, clickRoles.
- At the left of the Roles page, select, and then click theAddbutton.
- Type aNameand an optionalDescriptionfor this role.
- From theRole Typelist, select the custom role type that you created.
- From theResource GroupsAvailablelist, select the custom resources group you created, and move it to theSelectedlist.
- ClickSave & Close.
- On the far left, select, and then click theAddbutton.
- Type aUser Name,Full Name, andPasswordfor this user.
- From theRolesAvailablelist, select the custom role you created, and move it to theSelectedlist.
- ClickSave & Close.
This user now has permissions to create, view, and submit utility license usage reports.