Manual Chapter :
About APM alerts
Applies To:
Show Versions
BIG-IQ Centralized Management
- 8.3.0, 8.2.0, 8.1.0, 8.0.0, 7.1.0
About APM alerts
Configuring APM alerts
You configure alert rules to define the
thresholds that establish when an alert is a warning and when it is critical. BIG-IQ sends
you APM email alerts to notify you when these error and license usage metrics meet the
thresholds you specify.
- Click.BIG-IQ displays the list of alert rules configured on this system.
- To create a new Alert Rule for an Access Group or a single BIG-IP device, selectAdd.You can also edit the default APM alert rules by clicking ondefault-access-health. Doing this will change the alerts for all devices managed by this BIG-IQ.
- Add a unique name and a description for this alert rule.
- SelectDevice access-healthto configure this alert rule for APM.
- Select the check box by each of the metrics for which you would like to receive monitoring alerts.The metrics you can receive alerts for include: Network Access Reconnects, Network Access Errors, Bad IP Reputations, Denied Sessions, SAML - IdP Errors, SAML - SP Errors, Access Usage, Connectivity Usage, and SWG Usage.
- For each metric you decide to receive alerts for, set a number of occurrences at which you would like to receive a warning alert and a number of occurrences at which you would like to receive a critical alert.
- ClickSNMP Trapsto enable alerts sent from remote SNMP-enabled devices.
- To send alerts to an email inbox, select the check box byEmail. Enter the emails to receive the alerts in the box below separated by commas.
- UnderDevices, select the group of devices for which you would like to configure alerts. You can select an Access Group at this point.
- Select the BIG-IP devices and use the arrows to move them between the boxes.
- When you have finished, clickSave & Close.
When you finish, you will start receiving alerts
(either in BIG-IQ, or your email, or both) based on what you configured.
Monitoring APM alerts
Before you can use BIG-IQ to monitor APM alerts,
you must first create alert rules that define the thresholds that establish when an alert
is a warning and when it is critical.
You can use BIG-IQ to monitor both current APM
alerts and past APM alerts to determine trends with network access and connectivity issues.
- Click.
- You can sort all active alerts by alertLevel,Title,Start time,Type,Context,Reported Object, andLast Updated.Sorting byTypecan be particularly important when you are searching for alerts associated with the health of APM configurations.
- Once APM alerts are inactive, they will move to theAlert Historytab under .
- From there, you can filter results by the last day and by the last two days from the dropdown menu in the top left in order to triage connection errors and other network issues for users of an APM connection.