Manual Chapter : Configure management IP addresses from the CLI

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  • 1.4.0
Manual Chapter

Configure management IP addresses from the CLI

After you connect your system controllers to a management console or console server, you can configure a management IP address from the CLI. You can use either IPv4 or IPv6 format for these IP addresses.
  1. Connect to the system using a management console or console server.
    The default baud rate and serial port configuration is 19200/8-N-1.
  2. Log in to the command line interface (CLI) of the system using an account with admin access.
    When you log in to the system, you are in user (operational) mode.
  3. Change to config mode.
    The CLI prompt changes to include
  4. Configure the management IP address.
    system mgmt-ip config [
    ] system address <
    This example assigns an IPv4 address:
    system mgmt-ip config ipv4 address
    This example assigns an IPv6 address:
    system mgmt-ip config ipv6 address 2001:db8:ffff:100::1
  5. Configure the default gateway, if not using DHCP.
    system mgmt-ip config [
    ] gateway <
    This example assigns an IPv4 gateway:
    system mgmt-ip ipv4 gateway
    This example assigns an IPv6 gateway:
    system mgmt-ip ipv6 gateway 2001:db8:ffff:100::fffe
  6. Configure the default CIDR prefix length.
    system mgmt-ip config [
    ] prefix-length <
    This example assigns a prefix length for an IPv4a address:
    system mgmt-ip ipv4 prefix-length 24
    This example assigns a prefix length for an IPv6 address:
    system mgmt-ip ipv6 prefix-length 64
  7. Commit the configuration changes.
The system saves the new IP addresses and gateway address. You can now use the management IP address that you assigned to access the system either over SSH or using the webUI.