Manual Chapter : QoS configuration from the webUI

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  • 1.6.0, 1.5.1, 1.5.0, 1.3.2, 1.3.1, 1.3.0, 1.2.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.0
Manual Chapter

QoS configuration from the webUI

Enable a QoS mode

You can enable the QoS feature to use either the 802.1p mode or DSCP mode from the chassis partition webUI.
VELOS supports using only one mode at a time. You cannot mix 802.1p and DSCP values.
  1. Log in to the VELOS chassis partition webUI using an account with admin access.
  2. On the left, click
    QoS Configuration
  3. For
    QoS Enable/Disable
    , select either 802.1p or DSCP.
    This enables QoS and sets a global default traffic priority. It assigns a QoS queue as the default queue to use for 802.1p or DSCP values that are not mapped to a traffic priority.
Next, you can create a traffic priority, or QoS queue, and then set a default traffic priority for that queue.

Create traffic priorities

You can create traffic priorities, or quality of service (QoS) queues, from the chassis partition webUI. You can also make a traffic priority the default traffic priority for 802.1p or DSCP values that are not mapped to a specific traffic priority.
  1. Log in to the VELOS chassis partition webUI using an account with admin access.
  2. On the left, click
    QoS Configuration
  3. Under
    Traffic Priorities
    , click
  4. For
    , enter a descriptive name for the traffic priority (for example, Gold, Bronze, or VoIP).
  5. For
    Make Default
    , select either
    to assign the default standard to use for this traffic priority.
  6. Click
    Save & Close
Next, you can repeat these steps to add additional traffic priorities. After you have created all of your traffic priorities, you map the traffic priorities that you created to 802.1p or DSCP values.

Map traffic priorities

After you create traffic priorities, you can map them to either 802.1p or DSCP values from the chassis partition webUI.
  1. Log in to the VELOS chassis partition webUI using an account with admin access.
  2. On the left, click
    QoS Configuration
  3. Under
    , click
  4. For
    , select either
    to map a specific standard to a traffic priority.
  5. For
    Traffic Priority
    , select one of the traffic priorities that you previously created.
  6. For
    , specify individual values or ranges separated by commas.
    Valid values for 802.1p are 0-7. An example of values for 802.1p might be: 0-2, 4, 6-7.
    Valid values for DSCP are 0-63. An example of values for DSCP might be: 2-7, 10-20, 25.
  7. Click
    Save & Close
Next, you create a meter group and assign a weight to traffic priorities.

Create a meter group

After you configure a default traffic priority, or quality of service (QoS) queue, you can create meter groups from the chassis partition webUI. You create a meter when you assign a weight to a traffic priority. A meter group is the set of eight meters created with all traffic priorities.
  1. Log in to the VELOS chassis partition webUI using an account with admin access.
  2. On the left, click
    QoS Configuration
  3. Under
    Meter Groups
    , click
  4. For
    , enter the name for the meter group.
  5. For
    Traffic Priority & Weight
    , select each traffic priority and assign a weight to it.
    Click the + on the right to add another traffic priority and weight.
  6. For
    , assign an egress interface for the meter group.
Finally, you can verify that your QoS configuration is the way that you want it. You can view and edit the traffic priorities, mappings, and meter groups, as needed.