Manual Chapter : Migrating a Blade from One Chassis Partition to Another

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  • 1.6.0, 1.5.1, 1.5.0, 1.3.2, 1.3.1, 1.3.0
Manual Chapter

Migrating a Blade from One Chassis Partition to Another

To expand the capacity of a chassis partition, you can migrate a blade from one chassis partition to another using the
system controller and chassis partition webUIs.
Before you can migrate a blade from one chassis partition to another, the physical blades must already be installed. See the Platform Guide: VELOS CX Series.

Overview: Removing the blade from the chassis partition from the webUI

To remove a blade from a chassis partition, you must first remove any VLANs from the interfaces on the blade being removed. You must also remove ports from existing LAGs and either delete or move tenants from the slot.

Remove any network configurations from the blade

If there are interfaces on the blade that are configured with VLANs, you must remove the VLANs from the interfaces on the blade being removed from the chassis partition. Removing other network configurations from the blade is optional.
  1. Log in to the VELOS chassis partition webUI using an account with admin access.
  2. On the left, click
    The screen shows VLANs that are configured for that chassis partition.
  3. Select the VLAN from the table and click
Next, you remove ports from existing LAGs.

Remove ports from existing LAGs

You must remove the blades from any existing link aggregation groups (LAGs). The LAGs will persist, but can only have members that reside on blades that will stay in the chassis partition.
  1. Log in to the VELOS chassis partition webUI using an account with admin access.
  2. On the left, click
    The screen shows LAGs that are configured.
  3. Click the LAG name.
    Edit LAG
    screen displays.
  4. For
    Configured Members
    , clear the check box for the ports you are removing from the chassis partition.
  5. Click
    Save & Close
Configured Members
column in the LAGs table is empty.
Next, you move tenants to other blades or delete them.

Delete tenants or move them to other slots

You must either delete any tenants that reside on the chassis partition, or reconfigure them so they only reside in slots that will remain in the chassis partition. No active tenants can reside on the chassis partition.
  1. To delete the tenants:
    1. Log in to the
      chassis partition webUI using an account with admin access.
    2. On the left, click
      Tenant Deployments
      The Tenant Deployments screen displays showing the existing tenant deployments and associated details.
    3. Select the check box next to the tenant to be removed and click
  2. To redeploy the tenants:
    1. Log in to the
      chassis partition webUI using an account with admin access.
    2. On the left, click
      Tenant Deployments
      The Tenant Deployments screen displays showing the existing tenant deployments and associated details.
    3. Click the name of the tenant deployment you want to modify.
      The Edit Tenant Deployment screen displays.
    4. Change the
      to Provisioned.
    5. For
      Allowed Slots
      , select the slot to which you want to redeploy the tenant.
    6. Change the
      to Deployed.
    7. Click
      Save & Close
Next, you remove the slots from the chassis partition.

Remove slots from the chassis partition

You must remove any slots assigned to the chassis partition.
  1. Log in to the VELOS system controller webUI using an account with admin access.
  2. On the left, click
    The Chassis Partitions screen opens.
  3. From the chassis partition list, select the chassis partition that you want to edit.
  4. Click
  5. Remove slots identified for removal from the chassis partition.
  6. Click
Next, if you are adding the blade to a different chassis partition, you create the new chassis partition or edit an existing partition.

Overview: Adding the blade to a different chassis partition from the webUI

If you choose to add the removed blade to a different chassis partition, you must first create a new chassis partition or modify and existing one. VLANs and LAGs must then be reassigned, and tenants must be created or expanded.

Create a new chassis partition or edit an existing chassis partition

You can create a new chassis partition to which you can add the blade or add the blade to an existing chassis partition.
  1. To create a new chassis partition:
    1. Log in to the
      system controller webUI using an account with admin access.
    2. On the left, click
      The Chassis Partitions screen displays a graphical view of the
      chassis, which shows available slots, which slots contain blades, how many chassis partitions currently exist, which slots are associated with the chassis partition, and whether the chassis partitions are enabled or disabled. You select slots for the chassis partitions from this graphic.
    3. If all slots are assigned to the default chassis partition, the
      button is unavailable. Before you can create a new chassis partition, you first need to select one or more slots and remove them from the default chassis partition.
    4. Click
    5. Enter the relevant information to create the chassis partition. For more information, see
      VELOS Systems: Administration and Configuration
      at Documentation - F5OS-C and VELOS.
  2. To edit an existing chassis partition:
    1. Log in to the
      system controller webUI using an account with admin access.
    2. On the left, click
    3. From the chassis partition list, select the chassis partition that you want to edit.
    4. Click
    5. Adjust the settings as needed.
    6. Click
Next, you add the blade to the chassis partition.

Add the blade to a chassis partition

For the system to use a blade, you must first add the blade to a chassis partition
  1. Log in to the VELOS system controller webUI using an account with admin access.
  2. On the left, click
    The Chassis Partitions screen displays a graphical view of the VELOS chassis, which shows available slots, which slots contain blades, how many chassis partitions currently exist, which slots are associated with the chassis partition, and whether the chassis partitions are enabled or disabled.
  3. From the chassis partition list, select the chassis partition that you want to edit.
  4. Click
  5. Add slots to the chassis partition.
  6. Click
Next, you configure network settings.

Configure network settings

You can now reconfigure network settings.
  1. Log in to the VELOS chassis partition webUI using an account with admin access.
  2. On the left, click
    The screen shows VLANs that are configured for that chassis partition.
  3. Reassign VLANs.
  4. On the left, click
    The screen shows LAGs that are configured.
  5. Reassign LAGs.
  6. Configure any other desired network settings.
    For more information, see
    VELOS Systems: Administration and Configuration
    at Documentation - F5OS-C and VELOS.
Next, you create new tenants or expand existing tenants.

Create new tenants or expand existing tenants

You can create new tenants or expand existing tenants.
  1. Log in to the VELOS chassis partition webUI using an account with admin access.
  2. On the left, click
    Tenant Deployments
    The Tenant Deployment screen displays showing the existing tenant deployments and associated details.
  3. Add a tenant deployment or modify an existing tenant deployment.
    For more information, see
    VELOS Systems: Administration and Configuration
    at Documentation - F5OS-C and VELOS.

Overview: Backing up tenant configuration

Before you perform an upgrade, it is a good idea to save and export a backup of the tenant configuration using that tenant's backup mechanism. For BIG-IP tenants, you can create a UCS file from the tenant CLI to maintain tenant configuration.

Create a UCS file to maintain BIG-IP tenant configuration

You can create a UCS file to maintain tenant configuration from the tenant CLI. For more information, see
  1. Create a backup for each running tenant.
    tmsh save sys ucs <
  2. Move these backup files to a safe location off of the tenant:
    • /config/bigip.conf
    • /config/bigip_base.conf
    • /config/bigip_user.conf
    If you perform a clean installation, the tenant will be formatted.
    Consider naming the files to associate them with the appropriate tenants.
After the migration completes, restore the BIG-IP tenant configuration.