Manual Chapter : Remove chassis partitions

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  • 1.6.0, 1.5.1, 1.5.0
Manual Chapter

Remove chassis partitions

Remove chassis partitions from the system controller from the CLI

You can remove chassis partitions from system controllers from the system controller CLI.
  1. Log in to the command line interface (CLI) of the system controller using an account with admin access.
    When you log in to the system, you are in user (operational) mode.
  2. Change to config mode.
    The CLI prompt changes to include
  3. Remove chassis partitions from the system controller.
    no partitions partition <partition-name>
    In this example, you remove chassis partitions named part1 and part2:
    syscon-1-active(config)# no partitions partition part1 syscon-1-active(config)# no partitions partition part2
  4. Commit the configuration changes.

Remove slots from chassis partitions from the CLI

You can remove slots from the chassis partitions to which they are assigned from the system controller CLI.
  1. Log in to the command line interface (CLI) of the system controller using an account with admin access.
    When you log in to the system, you are in user (operational) mode.
  2. Change to config mode.
    The CLI prompt changes to include
  3. Set slots to none.
    slots slot <
    > partition none
    In this example, you clear slots 1 and 2:
    syscon-1-active(config)# slots slot 1 partition none syscon-1-active(config-slot-1)# syscon-1-active(config)# slots slot 2 partition none
  4. Commit the configuration changes.