Release Notes : 3-DNS Controller Release Note

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3-DNS Controller versions 1.x - 4.x

  • 1.0.6
Release Notes
Updated Date: 04/18/2019



Installing the software upgrade

The following instructions explain how to install the 3DNS Controller version 1.0.6 onto existing systems.  Note that the sum file available on the FTP site provides the checksum numbers for the upgrade files.

  1. Click here and follow the instructions for using the F5 Networks FTP site.
  2. Download the 3dns106kit.tar file to the /var/tmp/ directory on the target 3DNS Controller.  

  3. Verify the integrity of the file using the sum command:
    sum 3dns106kit.tar

  4. Extract the kit file in the /var/tmp/ directory:
    cd /var/tmp
    tar -xvf 3dns106kit.tar

  5. Verify the integrity of each extracted file using the sum command:
    sum <file name>

  6. Backup the existing configuration files on the 3DNS Controller:
    cd /var/tmp
    /usr/contrib/bin/gtar -cvf 3dbackup.tar -T backupfile.txt

  7. Stop all currently running 3DNS Controller processes:
    ndc stop
    kill `cat /var/run/`
    kill `cat /var/run/`
    ps -aux|grep thttpd
    kill pid#

  8. Extract the tar gz file in the /var/tmp/ directory:
    cd /
    /usr/contrib/bin/gtar -zxvpUf /var/tmp/<file name>

    • For US 3DNS Controllers, extract the 3.v1.0.6.tar.gz file.
    • For international 3DNS Controllers, extract the 3.v1.0.6i.tar.gz file.

  9. Run 3dparse to update the /etc/wideip.conf file.

  10. Restart the 3DNS Controller.

Note: Once you install the 3DNS Controller software, you need to install new versions of the big3d utility on all BIG/ip Controllers managed by the 3DNS Controller.

Once you install the software update, refer to the Configuring and using the new software section below, which contains important information about enhancements and new configuration options.

What's new in this version

The 3DNS Controller version 1.0.6 upgrade includes the following enhancements and fixes:

  • Updated 3DNS Controller Administrator Guide
    The 3DNS Controller Administrator Guide is now updated and available in both hard-copy and in PDF format. To view the PDF format, click the Admin Guide link in the 3DNS Web Administration tool.

  • Fix 2401:  The Round Robin, Global Availability, and Random pool load balancing modes ignore the first pool in the list
    These three pool load balancing modes now use the first pool in the list as expected.  Note that this fix does not affect the big3d utility, nor does it require you to make any changes to your current configuration.

    In the following sample wideip.conf file, the 3DNS Controller would first use the Los Angeles pool.  If all virtual servers in the Los Angeles pool went down, the 3DNS Controller would then use the Tokyo pool.  If all virtual servers in the Tokyo pool went down, the 3DNS Controller would then use the wideip key address   The New York pool would never be used.  The new version of the 3DNS Controller would use the New York pool first (as it should), and then move on the Los Angeles pool if all virtual servers in the New York pool went down.

    wideip {
       port 80
       name ""
       alias ""
       ttl 120
       pool_lbmode ga

       pool {
          name "New York"
          type vsb
          ratio 2
          preferred leastconn
          alternate null
          fallback null
          address ratio 2
          address ratio 1
          address ratio 1

       pool {
          name "Los Angeles"
          type vsb
          ratio 1
          preferred leastconn
          alternate null
          fallback null
          address ratio 3
          address ratio 2
          address ratio 1

       pool {
          name "Tokyo"
          type vsb
          ratio 1
          preferred leastconn
          alternate null
          fallback return_to_dns
          address ratio 3
          address ratio 2
          address ratio 1


  • Fix 1804:  The BIG/ips screen in the Web Admin tool displays phantom BIG/ip Controller
    The 3DNS Web Administration tool intermittently displayed phantom BIG/ip Controllers with garbage IP addresses. The BIG/ips screen now displays the BIG/ip Controllers correctly.

  • Fix 1863:  MX queries are corrupted when domain names and zone names are identical
    If you used zone names and domain names that were identical, the 3DNS Controller would return corrupted records. This issue is resolved, and the following example /etc/wideip.conf configuration now works properly. 

      wideip {

       name ""
       alias ""
      pool {
         type "VSb"
         lbmode rr

    The corresponding excerpt from /var/namedb/  would read: IN MX 10 IN A ‹
  • Fix 1868:  The 3DNS Web Administration tool does not properly save edtied wideip.conf files
    The Edit command in the 3DNS Web Administration tool now saves edited wideip.conf files.

  • Fixes 2096 and 2180:  Hosts are marked down when they are actually up and available
    The 3DNS Controller did not properly resolve conflicting timer settings for timer_get_host_data and timer_get_path_data. The issue is now resolved.

  • Fix 2149:  Syntax errors allowed in the widip.conf   file
    The wideip.conf edit tools now prevent wideip.conf files from being saved when the file contains a syntax error.

  • Fix 2167:  Multiple instances of named were running on the 3DNS System
    The /etc/rc.local file on new 1.0.4 3DNS Controllers was incorrect. The new /etc/rc.local file now correctly starts the named process.

  • Fix 2247:  The big3d parent process occasionally stops working
    The big3d's parent process occasionally stops working on the BIG/ip Controller when it issues virtual server status commands on behalf of the 3DNS Controller.  Because the 3DNS Controller communicates with the BIG/ip Controller using the parent process of big3d, iQuery communication was stopped. This problem was caused by a race condition between big3d and bigpipe for a system resource.  In the updated software, the race condition is now properly detected, error messages are logged, and queries are resumitted.

Configuring and using the updated software

The upgrade does not introduce new software configuration issues.

Known issues

When the 3DNS Controller sends iQuery requests to the BIG/ip Controller shared IP address (redundant systems only), the BIG/ip Controller responds using the actual interface IP address.