Manual Chapter :
BIG-IP Reference guide v3.2: Configuration files
Applies To:
Show Versions
BIG-IP versions 1.x - 4.x
- 3.2 PTF-01, 3.2.3 PTF-01, 3.2.3, 3.2.0
Configuration Files
Configuration files for the BIG-IP Controller
File | Description |
/etc/bigip.conf | Stores virtual server and node definitions and settings, including node ping settings, the load balancing mode, and NAT and SNAT settings. |
/etc/bigconf.conf | Stores the user preferences for the Configuration utility. |
/etc/bigd.conf | Stores service check settings. |
/etc/hosts.allow | Stores the IP addresses of workstations that are allowed to make administrative shell connections to the BIG-IP Controller. |
/etc/netstart | Stores basic system start up settings. |
/etc/ipfw.conf | Stores IP filter settings. |
/etc/rateclass.conf | Stores rate class definitions. |
/etc/ipfwrate.conf | Stores IP filter settings for filters that also use rate classes. |
/etc/snmpd.conf | Stores SNMP configuration settings. |
/etc/bigip.license | Stores authorization information for the BIG-IP Controller. |
/etc/syslog.conf | Stores the configuration files for syslogd under the BIG-IP Controller. |
/etc/rc.sysctl | Stores the default UNIX and the BIG-IP Controller sysctl variables. |
/etc/hosts | Stores the hosts table for the BIG-IP Controller. |
/etc/rc.local | Stores the local daemons, filters, local boot settings for the BIG-IP Controller. |
/etc/irs.conf | Controls information retrieval functions in the C library. |
/etc/login.conf | UNIX system file, modified for the BIG-IP Controller. |
/etc/rc | UNIX system startup script, modified for the BIG-IP Controller. |
/etc/sshd_config | This is the configuration file for the secure shell server. It contains all the access information for people trying to get into the system via ssh. |
/etc/wideip.conf | This is a 3DNS Controller configuration file. For more information, please refer to the documentation for that product. |
/VENDOR | This file contains information describing F5 Networks. It includes the company name, a common name, contact information, and the text of the licensing agreement for the software. |
/VERSION | Contains name of the product, the number, and the access rights (BIG-IP 3.2 HA, for example). |
/usr/contrib/bin/ssh-askpass | This is the external program used by the ssh configuration utility to ask the user for his password from an X-windows system. It allows SSH to connect to a remote site, or generate a PPKey pair, in a secure manner. |
/var/f5/httpd/conf/cert.conf | The information for the public key/private key certification infrastructure for the webserver. |
/var/f5/httpd/conf/httpd.conf | The main configuration file for the webserver. |
/var/f5/httpd/ssl/lib/ssleay.cnf | This file holds the configuration information for how the SSL library interacts with browsers, and how key information is generated. |
/var/f5/httpd/ssl/lib/ssleay.conf | This file holds the configuration information for how the SSL library interacts with browsers, and how key information is generated. |
/var/f5/httpd/basicauth/users | The webserver password file. Contains the user names and passwords of the people permitted to access whatever is provided by the webserver. |
/var/f5/bigdb/user.db | This is the location of the BIG/db database. This database holds various configuration information. |