Manual Chapter : GLOBAL-SITE Administator Guide v1.1: Administrative Commands

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GLOBAL-SITE Controller

  • 1.1.1 PTF-02, 1.1.1 PTF-01, 1.1.1, 1.1.0
Manual Chapter


Administrative Commands

Using GLOBAL-SITE commands

This appendix contains an alphabetic listing of the various GLOBAL-SITE Controller commands, and a syntax sample. Most entries include descriptions of their typical usage, and some contain additional information about the command.

Available options include:

-i interactive, prompts you for next parameter as you enter each one. Some commands that require only two or three arguments, and/or very repetitive by nature, do not have this option.

Options specific to only a few commands are documented with the command.

Arguments enclosed in brackets [ ] are optional.

Note that there are some differences in terminology between the browser interface and the command line utility. Following is a quick reference chart. For a listing of command utility terminology refer to Appendix A; for a complete browser interface glossary, refer to the Glossary.

command utility browser interface
edition edition
primary publisher
pub group publication
publication target subscriber
repeater distributor
repository section


  gsActivatePubGroupRepos <pubgroup name> <repository name>
  gsActivatePubGroupRepos [-i] 


This command activates a section, <repository name>, attached to publication, <pubgroup name>, for use by that publication. By default, a section is active, unless specifically declared inactive (see command gsInactivatePubGroupRepos). Active sections can be included when creating new editions. When updating sections, only active sections are to be updated, unless a specific list of sections to be updated is given (see gsUpdateReposFromStage).

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i option.


  gsCancelCommitPhase [-v] <pub group name>


This command cancels an active publication in any of the commit states:

  • CommitPhase
  • CommitPhaseSuspended
  • CommitPhaseCanceled
  • CommitPhaseFailed
  • CommitPhaseDone

    If successful, the publication returns to Idle state.

    The optional -v switch can be included to give additional verbose printout.


  gsCancelCopyPhase [-C][-v] <pub group name>


This command cancels an active publication in any of the change tree or copy states:

  • CreateChangeTree
  • ChangeTreesSusupended
  • ChangeTreesCanceled
  • ChangeTreesFailed
  • ChangeTreesDone
  • CopyPhase
  • CopyPhaseSuspended
  • CopyPhaseCanceled
  • CopyPhaseFailed
  • CopyPhaseDone

    The -C option sets the overall pubgroup state to Idle, allowing the publishing process to be restarted from the beginning. Without the
    -C option, any completed or failed operation will not be canceled. Only operations in process, as well as those that have not started yet will be canceled.

    The optional -v switch can be included to give additional verbose printout.


  gsCancelDeleteRepos [-v] <section name>


This command is used to cancel deletion of sections. It is normally used only when the deletion is taking an abnormal length of time. It will assume, in most cases, that some success has already been attained and mark the section as UNUSABLE. Deletion can then proceed again, at a later time.

The optional -v switch generates verbose output.


   gsCancelDeleteVersions <section name>


This command cancels version deletion. It is to be used sparingly and only when version deletion appears to be taking too much time and/or there is no discernible progress.


  gsCancelEdition <pub group name>


This command cancels an active publication in any of the edition states:

  • CreatingEdition
  • EditionReadySuspended
  • EditionReady
  • EditionFailed

    The publication is set to Idle state.


  gsCancelPostPubPhase [-v] <publication name>

This command cancels a post-publishing phase in the rare case when it appears that the post-publishing process is no longer publishing.

The optional -v switch generates verbose output.


  gsCancelTestConnection <node name> <user name> 
<destination name>


This command is used to cancel a test connection that appears to be making no progress.


  gsCancelUpdateFromStage [-C] <pub group name>


This command will stop updates in process, as well as cancel those that have not started yet.

Using this command with -C option sets the publication back to Idle (in the event that the gsUpdateReposFromStage command was interrupted before all updates were complete).


  gsCancelWanSync [-C] [-v] <pub group name>


This command cancels a publication in the following states:

  • WANSync
  • WANSyncSuspended
  • WANSyncCanceled
  • WANSyncDone
  • WANSyncFailed

    The -C option cancels and sets the publication back to Idle state. Without the -C option, any completed or failed operation will not be canceled. Only operations in process, as well as those that have not started yet, will be canceled.

    The optional -v switch can be included to give additional verbose printout.


  gsChangeFtpPath <node name> <user name> <old path> <new path>


Allows the user to modify the FTP path name.

The <node name> variable is node name to which FTP access entry applies. The <user name> variable is the current user name. The <old path> variable is the old full path, for example, /usr/websrc/seahawks. The <new path> variable is the new full path, for example, /usr/websrc/seahawks.


Changing an existing Manual schedule

The following command syntax should be used when changing an existing Manual schedule:

  gsChangePubGroupSchedule name=<publication name> 
[schedule=Manual] [startpub=<hh:mm>|-1]

Changing to a Manual schedule

The following command syntax should be used when changing the schedule from Daily or Polled to Manual:

  gsChangePubGroupSchedule name=<publication name> 
schedule=Manual [startpub=<hh:mm>|-1]

Changing an existing Daily schedule

The following command syntax should be used when changing an existing Daily schedule:

  gsChangePubGroupSchedule name=<publication name> 
[schedule=Daily [startpub==<hh:mm>...]

Changing to a Daily schedule

The following command syntax should be used when changing the schedule from Manual or Polled to Daily:

  gsChangePubGroupSchedule name=<publication name> 
schedule=Daily startpub==<hh:mm>

Changing an existing Polled schedule

The following command syntax should be used when changing an existing Polled schedule:

  gsChangePubGroupSchedule name=<publication name> 
[schedule=Polled] [pollinterval=<hh:mm>]

Changing to a Polled schedule

The following command syntax should be used when changing the schedule from Manual or Daily to Polled:

  gsChangePubGroupSchedule name=<publication name> 
schedule=Polled pollinterval=<hh:mm>

Using the interactive form

The following command syntax is used to run the interactive form of the command:

  gsChangePubGroupSchedule [-i]

Command usage

This command allows the user to change the scheduling parameters of a publication. The command can change parameters within the existing schedule type or change the publication to a completely different schedule type.

Manual type publications

A publication of schedule type Manual has only two parameters associated with it:

  • A time of day to actually start publishing
  • A time of day to activate (commit) the published content

The user manually starts the process by instructing the GLOBAL-SITE Controller primary (publisher) to deliver an edition. If properly instructed to do so, the appropriate sections will be updated and a new edition created (an already-existing edition can be specified, thereby bypassing these two steps).

Once the edition is determined (and created if necessary), the manually-scheduled publication then checks to see if a particular time of day has been specified for the actual process of publishing to begin. If so, the publication goes into Scheduled state until the next occurrence of that time of day (if that time of day occurred after the user manually initiated the process, but before the edition was created, publishing will begin immediately).

Once the content has been delivered to all target subscribers, the manually-scheduled publication then determines whether or not an activation time of day has been specified. If not, activation begins immediately. If so, activation waits until the next occurrence of that time of day (if that time of day passed after the user-initiated process began, activation occurs immediately).

Both of these times can be temporarily overridden when the user initiates the process: Each can be set to a different time or can be effectively removed for this one publish operation.

Daily type publications

A publication of schedule type Daily can have as many as 24 times of day specified, all of them effective on specified days of the week. On each day of the week that has been selected, the publication will automatically, at each selected time of day, update its active sections, create an edition based on the latest versions from each of its active sections, and begin publishing. Any activation time of day will be ignored as the publication will attempt to complete the publishing process as quickly as possible.

Polled type publications

A publication of schedule type Polled has a specified interval that is effective on specified days of the week. On those days, the publication will attempt to update and publish according to the frequency specified by the polling interval. For example, the interval may be every ten minutes. Again, any activation time is ignored as the publication will attempt to publish as quickly as possible.

The gsChangePubGroupSchedule command allows an activation time to be specified for Daily and Polled publications. However, this time is not used as long as the publication remains on its Daily or Polled schedule. However, if the publication's scheduling is paused, it is temporarily on a manually-activated schedule and uses this specified activation time unless it is overridden when the publish is initiated. For more information, see the gsPausePubGroupSchedule and gsResumePubGroupSchedule commands.

Note: A publication's scheduling must be paused before using this command, unless it is a manually-scheduled publication.

Each change must include the publication name (name=<publication name>) and, optionally, the desired schedule type (schedule=<Manual|Daily|Polled>). If the schedule is not entered, it is assumed that the schedule type is not changing. Additional parameters can be necessary depending upon whether the schedule type remains the same or there is a change to a completely new schedule type.

If a manual schedule's parameters are being changed (the publication remains Manual), there are two optional parameters:

  • startpub= followed by a two-digit hour, a colon and a two-digit minute. This specifies a new time of day for manually-activated publishing to begin. This parameter is sometimes referred to as PubPrep time. For example, the parameter value startpub=16:30 causes manually-activated publishing to occur at 4:30 P.M. (any update and edition creation is done immediately). Alternately, a -1 can be entered, which removes any scheduled time and publishing starts immediately after manual activation (and any updating of sections and edition creation). An example is the parameter value startpub=-1
  • activate=, followed by either a valid two-digit hour, colon, and two-digit minute or a -1, with the same results as the first parameter, except that this affects activation time.

    If either of these parameters is not specified, that part of the schedule is unchanged.

    If changing a Polled or Daily schedule to a Manual schedule, the two parameters alone are again the only additional parameters (other than name= and schedule=), again optional. Of course, schedule=Manual will be mandatory in order to know to change to Manual.

    If you are making changes to an already Daily schedule, the additional parameters are 0-24 of the startpub= parameter values (-1 is not valid here - only hour and minute), an optional daysofweek= parameter, and an optional activate= parameter. If no startpub= parameters are present, no change is made to the times of day for Daily scheduling; however, if one time is entered, all desired times must be entered, For example:
  gsChangePubGroupSchedule name=DailyPub 
schedule=Daily startpub=08:00 startpub=11:30

The publication DailyPub continues its Daily schedule and begins updating sections and publishing at 8:00A.M., 11:30 A.M., and 4:30 P.M..

The daysofweek= parameter specifies the days of the week for which the "startpub=" times are valid. For example, the above command might also have the following parameter entry:


This parameter value specifies that publishing is to occur only on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday of each week. The list of days is always a three-character day (Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat) and the days are always separated by a comma, with no spaces.

If this parameter is not entered, the currently-specified days of the week are not changed.

The activate= parameter is as described earlier and, again, has no effect unless scheduling is paused.

Changing from Manual or Polled to Daily is the same with the following exceptions:

  • schedule=Daily. Mandatory, in order to know we are changing to Daily.
  • startpub=<hh:mm>. One instance is mandatory (and up to 23 can optionally be entered) as Daily will require at least one start time.
  • daysofweek= Optional, If not present and changing from Polled, the same days that the old schedule had will be used. If changing from Manual and there is no "daysofweek", all seven days are used.

    If an already Polled schedule is being changed, the daysofweek= and activate= parameters are optional and pollinterval= is optional. The first two are as described above for their optional entry. If not specified, there is no change and if activate= is specified, it is potentially used only when the normal schedule is paused.

    The pollinterval= parameter is much like a startpub= parameter except that a number of minutes is being entered rather than a specific time of day. The number of minutes is used as the interval between the start of each update/create edition/publish sequence, and is expressed as hh:mm, where hh is the number of hours and mm is the number of minutes. For example, pollinterval=01:30 sets a polling interval of an hour and a half or every 90 minutes. If not specified, the poll interval is unchanged.

    If changing a Manual or Daily schedule to a Polled schedule, the only differences from above are:
  • schedule=Polled. Mandatory, in order that it be known to change to Polled
  • pollinterval=. Mandatory, as there is a change to a completely new type of schedule


  gsCompletePublish <pub group name>


This command completes the publication process once the publication is in either CommitSuspended, CommitDone, or CommitCanceled state.

Paths for which the Commit phase completed successfully will be updated with the appropriate edition, version(s), section(s), and a state of Idle.

Note: Paths for which the Commit phase failed will be set to a state of CommitIncomplete. Edition, version(s), section(s) information for that path will NOT change.

The publication is set to Idle state, and if any path at all was successful, its published edition is set to the edition just published.

Note: An alternative is to use the gsPublish command.


  usage: gsConnectFtpPathRepeater name=<nodename> user=<username> 
path=<directory path> repeater=<nodename>
  usage: gsConnectFtpPathRepeater [-i]


This command associates a particular path with a specific distributor. Both must already exist (see gsCreateRepeater and gsCreateFtpPath).

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments, or simply with the -i option.


  gsConnectPubGroupPath name=<pub group>, node=<node name> user=<user 
name> [accesstype=<type>] path=<directory path>
  gsConnectPubGroupPath [-i]


This command assigns a particular path to a specific publication as a potential target for publication. Both must already exist (see
gsCreatePubGroup and gsCreateFtpPath).

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i option.


  gsConnectPubGroupRepos <pubgroup name> <repository name>
  gsConnectPubGroupRepos [-i]


This command assigns a specific section to be used as a source of content for a specific publication. Both must already exist (see
gsCreatePubGroup and gsCreateRepos).

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i option.


  gsConnectReposSource name=<reposname> node=<nodename> 
[accesstype=<access type string>] access=<username>
path=<access path>
  gsConnectReposSource [-i]


This command assigns a particular path as a staging source for this section. Both must already exist (see gsCreateRepos and

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i option.


  gsConnectSourceToTarget name=<pub group>, repository=<repository> 
node=<nodename> user=<username> [accesstype=<type>]
path=<directory path>
  gsConnectSourceToTarget [-i]


For the specified publication, this command specifies a section to be used as a source for content for the specified path. The publication, section, and path must already exist (see
gsCreatePubGroup, gsCreateRepos, and gsCreateFtpPath). If the section and (or) the path have not already been associated with this specified publication, an attempt to do so will be made by this command. (For example, it will effectively attempt a
gsCommitPubGroupRepos and/or gsCommitPubGroupPath.)

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i option.


  gsCreateBigip name=<bigipname> [description=<string>] user=<string> 
  gsCreateBigip [-i]


This command creates an object representing a BIG-IP Controller. The <name> variable is a string that is usually the distributor name followed by a colon, followed by the address of the BIG-IP Controller. The <description> variable is any description string you want. The <user> and <password> variables are still required by the command, but not used at this time

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i option.


  gsCreateEdition pubgroup=<pubgroup name> version=<vers. 
number>:<repos. name> ...
  gsCreateEdition [-i]


This command creates a new edition for the publication. If the non-interactive form of this command is used, the version/section pair for each section to be published as a part of this edition must be specified. If the interactive -i form of this command is used, the user will be prompted to enter the version for each active section.

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i option.


  gsCreateFtpAccess name=<nodename> [description=<string>] 
  gsCreateFtpAccess [-i]


Creates FTP access to the created primary, repeater, staging, or target servers.

The <name> variable is the name of a node on which you want FTP access. The <description> variable is the string describing the access entry. The <user> variable is the user name for FTP logon. The <password> is the clear text password for this user name.

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i option.


  gsCreateFtpPath name=<nodename> user=<username> path=<directory 
path> [repeater=<nodename>]
  gsCreateFtpPath [-i]


This creates a path associated with an access entry (and its node).

The <name> variable is a node name to which FTP access entry applies. The <user> variable is the user name. The <path> variable is the full path, that is, /usr/websrc/seahawks. The <repeater> variable specifies the repeater name, if applicable and preferred at this point.

Both the node name, user name, and repeater must already be known to the GLOBAL-SITE Controller at this point (see gsCreateNode, gsCreateFtpAccess, and gsCreateRepeater).


  gsCreateNode name=<nodename> [description=<string>] [cpu=<string>] 
[opsys=<string>] [bigip=<string> virtserv=<string>]
  gsCreateNode [-i]


Create GLOBAL-SITE Controller nodes for primary, distributor FTP accesses. Note that the local node is automatically created.

The primary is the main device performing most of the processing of content replication. Configuration and operational elements are stored in the configuration database resident on this device.

The <name> variable is a name by which the node can be accessed.

Note that if the node is to be used as a distributor, gsCreateRepeater will change the node name to a fully-qualified node name, if it is not already. For example, if gsCreateNode creates a node named dist1, gsCreateRepeater will change that node name to a fully-qualified node name. For example, assume gsCreateNode is used to create a node named dist1. If gsCreateRepeater is given the same name, the node and the repeater will be changed to a fully-qualified name; for example,

The <description> variable is any additional description other than CPU type and operating system, that is, Western Region Production Machine.

The <cpu> variable is a string describing the CPU, that is, Intel PII or Alpha 8400.

The <opsys> variable is a string describing the operating system, that is, Linux or Windows NT.

The <bigip> variable indicates the name of the BIG-IP Controller that is servicing this node (For more information, see the gsCreateBigip command). When using this variable, the <virtserv> variable is also required. The name is usually the name of the distributor that publishes to this BIG-IP Controller's virtual server, followed by a colon and the IP address of the BIG-IP Controller.

The <virtserv> variable is a string that indicates the name of the virtual server being used. This name is normally an IP address with a colon followed by a port number. When using this variable, the <bigip> variable is also required.

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i option.


Creating a Manual scheduled publication

The following command syntax should be used when creating a Manual scheduled publication:

  gsCreatePubGroup name=<publication name> [pubstop=<pubstop 
type>...] [puberror=<puberror option>] [description=<string>]
[pubtype=<Archived or -Archived>] [mail=<string>]
[independentactivation=y | [independentactivation=n]
[activate=<hh:mm>]] ] [[disablevirtservers=y
persisttimeout=<1-120>] | [disablevirtservers=n]]
[[schedule=Manual] [startpub=<hh:mm>]]

Creating a Daily scheduled publication

The following command syntax should be used when creating a Daily scheduled publication:

  gsCreatePubGroup name=<publication name> [pubstop=<pubstop 
type>...] [puberror=<puberror option>] [description=<string>]
[pubtype=<Archived or -Archived>] [mail=<string>]
[independentactivation=y | [independentactivation=n]
[activate=<hh:mm>]] ] [[disablevirtservers=y
persisttimeout=<1-120>] | [disablevirtservers=n]]
schedule=Daily startpub=<hh:mm> [startpub=<hh:mm> ...]

Creating a Polled scheduled publication

The following command syntax should be used when creating a Polled scheduled publication:

  gsCreatePubGroup name=<publication name> [pubstop=<pubstop 
type>...] [puberror=<puberror option>] [description=<string>]
[pubtype=<Archived or -Archived>] [mail=<string>]
[independentactivation=y | [[independentactivation=n]
[activate=<hh:mm>]] ] [[disablevirtservers=y
persisttimeout=<1-120>] | [disablevirtservers=n]]
schedule=Polled pollinterval=<hh:mm>

Using interactive mode

The following command syntax should be used when using interactive mode:

  gsCreatePubGroup [-i]


This command creates a new publication. The newly-created publication starts out as paused from scheduling.

The following table lists and describes the arguments available with the gsCreatePubGroup command.

gsCreatePubGroup arguments
name= Used to specify the name of the pub group.
pubstop= Can be used as many times as necessary to specify the desired pub stops (None, AfterEditionCreation, AfterPubPrep, AfterWANSync, AfterChangeTrees, AfterCopy, AfterCommit). These may not be considered useful with publications that are scheduled and the AfterCopy pub stop will be ignored if an activation time has been scheduled. However, if that time is in the future, the publication will effectively stop until the scheduled time arrives. Note that only AfterCommit is supported via the browser-based interface.
puberror= Specifies action to be taken when a publication phase detects an error. Currently, the browser interface supports only one action, Cancel, but the command utility supports three: Cancel, Pause, LogAndContinue. The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i option.
pubtype= Should be either Archived or -Archived. The default, if this argument is not entered, is Archived.
mail= Should be a string of e-mail addresses to which electronic mail will be sent when certain problems occur with the publication. For example: mail=""
indepentactivation= Requires a y for Yes or an n for No. If selected (with a y), the following parameters either cannot be used or will have no effect: singledistactivation=, subscriberactivation=, or activate=. Selecting independent activation causes each path that is published to be activated as quickly as possible, regardless of whether or not other paths on the same subscriber are ready for activation. The result is that each path for a subscriber is activated with maximum speed, but consistency with other paths being published on that subscriber may be lost until the other paths have been successfully activated, too. (Activation simply means that new material copied to the subscriber path is made visible to those accessing the data).
If not specified, the default value for this argument is "n", not selected.
singledistactivation= Requires a y for Yes or n for No. As already mentioned, this argument and independentactivation= argument are mutually exclusive, that is, both cannot be y. If y, activation is performed on only one distributor at a time. When a distributor completes activation, activation is started on the next applicable distributor until all applicable distributors have completed activation of all paths on all subscribers that they distribute to. If not specified, the default value for this argument is "n", not selected.
subscriberactivation= Requires a number in the range of 1-100, which represents the percentage of subscribers for a particular distributor to be activated simultaneously. If independent activation has been selected, this argument is not considered valid. The default, if not entered, is 100. This argument is used when activating subscribers behind a BIG-IP Controller.
activate= Requires a time of day, such as 16:30, at which time manually-activated publications are to be activated. This argument is not useful if independent activation was selected.
disablevirtservers= Requires a y for Yes or an n for No. Selecting this feature specifies that virtual server nodes (behind a BIG-IP Controller) be disabled while their content is being activated. The default if there is no entry is n
persisttimeout= Used only if disablevirtservers= is y. It is a number in the range of 1-120 that specifies the number of seconds after which to timeout persistent connections (again, used with a BIG-IP Controller). The default value is 120.
schedule= Specifies which type of scheduling is normal for this publication. If not entered, the default is Manual. The values to be used are either Manual, Daily, or Polled. For more information, see the gsChangePubGroupSchedule command for an explanation of these types of schedules.
startpub= Used only with Manual or Daily schedules. It is a time of day in the form HH:MM, for example, 15:30. For a Manual publication, this represents the time of day at which a manually-initiated publish is to actually begin the PubPrep phase (actual publishing beginning after any updating of sections and edition creation). If not entered for a Manual publication, PubPrep begins as soon as possible. For Daily schedules, this argument must be entered once and can be entered up to 23 more times. Each entry represents a different time of day at which to begin updating sections, create an edition, and then publish it.
pollinterval= Used only by Polled schedules and is mandatory for them. It is the interval in minutes to elapse between each initiation of the section updating, edition creation, publishing cycle. For example, an entry of 01:00 results in polling every 60 minutes.
daysofweek= Valid only with Daily and Polled schedules. It specifies the days of the week on which the schedules are to be active, for example, "daysofweek=Mon,Wed,Fri" specifies that scheduling be done only on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. If this entry is not specified, scheduling takes place on all seven days of the week. The current values are: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, and Sat. The values must be separated by a comma with no intervening spaces.

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i option.


  usage: gsCreateRepeater name=<nodename> [description=<string>] 
[identifier=<installation ID>] [secret=<encryption string>]
          where installation ID is either decimal or hexadecimal 
  usage: gsCreateRepeater [-i]


This command creates a repeater (distributor) that distributes the primary's (publisher) content to the target servers. Repeaters are remotely located and serve remote content servers (subscribers).

The <name> variable is the node name (already created by gsCreateNode) of the repeater/distributor.

The <identifier> variable is the installation ID (GSID) assigned when the GLOBAL-SITE Controller was shipped.

The <description> variable is any description string.

The <secret> variable is the string used to create the 56-bit encryption key used to communicate with the distributor.

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i option.

The repeater name will be used to look for a node (see gsCreateNode) as shown in the following table:

gsCreateRepeater results
has fully-qualified name
has already created node with fully-qualified name
No No Renames node to fully-qualified name. Creates repeater with fully-qualified name.
No Yes Creates repeater with fully-qualified name.
Yes No Creation fails because it either has no node created or it uses a short name.
Yes Yes Creates repeater with fully-qualified name.


  gsCreateRepos name=<reposname> [type=FTPStage|FTPna] 
[description=<string>] [node=<nodename> [accesstype=<access
type string>] access=<username> path=<accesspath>]
  gsCreateRepos [-i]


This command creates a repository. A repository (section) is a collection of related directories and files stored at the primary server (publisher). The data was extracted from staging servers.

Note that the FTP path must be created before creating a repository.

The <name> variable is a name given to the repository that is useful to the user of the GLOBAL-SITE Controller.

The <type> variable is the type of source for this repository. FTPStage is available, as well as FTPna for non-archived source.

The <description> variable is any descriptive string.

The <node> variable is the source node (stage) for FTP access.

The <accesstype> variable is currently unnecessary as there is only one type of source access, FTP.

The <access> variable is the user name of access entry.

The <path> variable is the source stage path from which this repository will retrieve its new versions.

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i option.


  gsDeleteBigip <name>


This command deletes any BIG-IP Controller that is not currently referred to by a node.


  gsDeleteFtpAccess  <nodename> <username>


This command removes the FTP access to the primary, repeater, staging, or target server.

The <name> variable is the node name on which FTP access is to be deleted.

The <user> variable is the user name for FTP logon.

All paths that use this access (this node and user) must have already been deleted (see gsDeleteFtpPath).


  gsDeleteFtpPath node=<nodename> user=<username> path=<directory 
  gsDeleteFtpPath [-i]


This command removes the FTP path.

The <node> variable is the node name to which FTP access entry applies.

The <user> variable is the current user name. The <path> variable is the full path; for example, /usr/websrc/seahawks.

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i option.

The path cannot be deleted if it is recorded as having published content on it.

You must either:

  • Actually publish an edition with the null revision (currently version -1) for that section, requiring that you set other paths served by that section(s) to unavailable so their data will not be removed, also
  • Use the command gsSetPublished to simply record this path as empty, using an edition with version -1, without actually publishing to it.


  gsDeleteNode <nodename>


This command removes a node used by a repeater, staging, or target server. When a node is deleted, any connection to a BIG-IP Controller is automatically deleted. However, if a BIG-IP Controller is removed, all nodes must have been previously disconnected from that controller.

The node cannot be deleted if there is a repeater by that name or any FTP access entries that reference the node to be deleted.


  gsDeletePubGroup <pubgroup name>


This command deletes the publication. All connected objects (paths, sections) must be disconnected first. An attempt is made to clean up all information about this publication on all distributors known to the primary (publisher).


  gsDeleteRepeater <node name>


This command deletes a repeater. All paths must be disconnected first (see gsDisconnectFtpPathRepeater).


  gsDeleteRepos <reposname>


This command removes repository information. The repository must no longer be connected to any publication (see gsDisconnectPubGroupRepos).

The <reposname> is a name given to the repository.

This command also removes information from the distributors.

This command attempts to delete information for this section on all distributors through which this repository is currently published. The repository itself will not be removed from the primary until this happens. If for some reason there is a problem with a remote distributor such that it is not certain that the information has been removed, the section is marked as UNUSABLE and deletion can be tried again at the user's convenience.


  usage: gsDeleteVersions repos=<repository name> [begin=<version 
number>] [end=<version number>] [keep=<min. number to keep>]
[age=<min. age to delete>] [verbose=<y/n>]
  usage: gsDeleteVersions [-i]


This command deletes versions from a section.

The [begin] variable is the optional first version number to consider deleting.

The [end] variable is the optional last version number to consider deleting.

The [keep] variable is the minimum number of versions to keep.

The [age] variable is the minimum age in days to delete.

The [verbose] variable provides the option to get detailed information.

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i option.


  usage: gsDestroyPubSubscriber name=<pub group>, node=<nodename> 
user=<username> [accesstype=<type>]
  usage: gsDestroyPubSubscriber [-i]


For the specified publication, this command tries to remove as much of the specified subscriber as possible.

First, an edition is temporarily created that specifies removal of all content for each section. For each path serviced by this subscriber, that edition is recorded as that path's published edition. This effectively means that nothing is published on that path. The path is then disconnected from the section(s) that is its source of content.

Next, the path is disconnected from the publication and from the distributor, after which the path is deleted. Once all paths have been processed, the FtpAccess entry <user> is deleted, including its node.

Finally, the newly created edition is deleted. There may be failures during the process, such as being unable to delete the user because other publications also use it; consequently, errors are ignored and as much as possible is done.

Warning: This procedure is dangerous. Be sure you understand the consequences before you use it.

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i option.


  usage: gsDisconnectFtpPathRepeater name=<nodename> user=<username> 
path=<directory path>
  usage: gsDisconnectFtpPathRepeater [-i]


This command severs the connection between a path and its distributor, leaving the path disconnected from any distributor.

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i option.


  gsDisconnectPubGroupPath name=<pub group>, node=<nodename> 
user=<username> [accesstype=<type>] path=<directory path>
  gsDisconnectPubGroupPath [-i]


This command disconnects the association between a content path and a publication leaving the path unserviced by any publication. Any connection between the path and a source section to be published on that path must be severed first (see

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i option.


  gsDisconnectPubGroupRepos <pubgroup name> <repository name>
  gsDisconnectPubGroupRepos [-i]


This command disconnects the association between a section and a publication. The section must first be disconnected from any content targets (see gsDisconnectSourceFromTarget).

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i option.


  usage: gsDisconnectReposSource name=<>


This command severs the relationship between a section and its staging (source) path, leaving the section without a source/stage.


  gsDisconnectSourceFromTarget name=<pub group> 
repository=<repository> node=<nodename> user=<username>
[accesstype=<type>] path=<directory path>
  gsDisconnectSourceFromTarget [-i]


This command disconnects the source section from the target content path, leaving both the section and path still associated with the publication.

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i option.


  gsInactivatePubGroupRepos <pubgroup name> <repository name>
  gsInactivatePubGroupRepos [-i]


This command inactivates a section for the specified publication. While the section is inactivated, it cannot be used in any new editions created. It also will not be updated by gsUpdateReposFromStage, unless it is specifically included by the command line.

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i option.


  gsPausePubGroupSchedule <pub name>


This command suspends the normal scheduling.

Pausing a Daily or Polled schedule puts the schedule into Manual mode and an Activation Time previously specified is used unless overridden. For more information, see gsCreatePubGroupSchedule and gsChangePubGroupSchedule.

Pausing a Manual schedule cancels any PubPrep time or Activation time previously scheduled

If a PubPrep time was scheduled, the publication's state is set to EditionReady, so that when publishing is initiated, it will skip updating and edition creation and immediately begin publishing. It also cancels activation time, if that was scheduled. If only activation was scheduled, it sets state to CopyDone so that publishing will resume with the activation or commit phase of publishing. Subsequent publishes will ignore the normal PubPrep time and Activation time, unless an overriding value is presented. For more information, see the gsResumePubGroupSchedule command.


  gsPrepareToPublish <pub group name> <edition number>


This command prepares a publication and the distributors to be used for a publishing cycle using the specified edition.

The publication is left in the state PubPrepDone.

Normally, the gsPublish command should be used rather than this command. Use this command only if you only want to prepare to publish, and then pause.


  usage: gsPublish [-v] [-d] [-p -1|-2|hh:mm] [-a -1|-2|hh:mm] <pub 
group name> <edition number>
  gsPublish -r [-v] [-d] <publication name>


This command directs the publication to start publishing, or to resume publishing from some previously stopped publishing cycle. If <edition number> is zero, the publication will first update all active sections, and then create a new edition using the latest version from each section.

The optional -v switch can be included to give additional verbose printout.

The optional -d switch causes the process to fork., used primarily for testing.

The optional -p switch is used to override manual PubPrep time, while the optional -a switch is used to override manual Activation time. For both switches, the -1 argument causes the already-specified time to be ignored. The -2 argument, which is the default if either of these switches is not specified, causes the already-specified time to be used. The hh:mm argument causes this time of day to be used instead of the already-specified time. Note that these changes to the already-specified time are one-time only changes and revert back to the normal time after this operation is complete.

The optional -r switch with the <publication name> argument retries a failed/cancelled publication phase.


  gsResetNodeState <node name> <state>


This command is used to set a node state to Idle if a problem occurred during a Test Connection operation and has left the node in the TestConn state.

This command can also be used to set the node to any supported state.


  gsResetPubGroupState <pub group name> <state>


This command is used to set the pubgroup to Idle immediately after preparing a publication with gsPrepareToPublish, thus canceling the publishing process before proceeding further. Use one of the phase-specific gsCancel commands for all other states.


  gsResetPublish [-v] [-d] <publication name>


This command ensures that post publication processing is done after any cancellations/failures and then resets to IDLE.

The optional -v switch generates verbose output.

The optional -d switch forks the process. This switch is used for debugging only.


  gsResetReposState <repos name> <state>


This command is used to set the repositories to Idle after updating sections with gsUpdateReposFromStage only if some abnormal occurrence left the section in a state other than Idle.


  gsResumePubGroupSchedule <pub name>


This command resumes the normal scheduling. The normal scheduling parameters are reactivated to their previous values, unless they have been changed in the interim. For more information, see the gsPausePubGroupSchedule command.


  gsSetBigipInfo name=<bigipname> [newname=<new name>] 
[description<description>] [user=<string>] [password=<string>]
  gsSetBigipInfo [-I]


The primary use of this command is to change the name (<new name=>) or description (<description=>) of a BIG-IP Controller.

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i option.


  gsSetFtpAccessInfo node=<nodename> user=<username> [newname=<new 
username>] [description=<string>] [password=<new password>]
  gsSetFtpAccessInfo [-i]


This command allows modification of the FTP information.

The <node> variable is a node name to which FTP access entry applies.

The <user> variable is the current user name.

The <newname> is a new user name.

The <description> a new description.

The <password> is new clear text password.

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i switch.


  gsSetFtpAccessState node=<nodename> user=<username> path=<full 
path> state=<state>
  gsSetFtpAccessState [-i]


This command is used to set the state of a path to either Idle or Unavailable.

Setting the path to Idle, allows publishing to that path.

Setting the path to Unavailable prohibits any publishing to that path.

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i switch.


  gsSetNodeInfo name=<nodename> [newname=<new nodename>] 
[description=<string>] [cpu=<string>] [opsys=<string>]
[virtserv=<string,.=<as is>, space=<no virtual server or bigip>>
bigip=<string,.<as is>>]
  gsSetNodeInfo [-i]


This command allows the previously-entered information to be changed. Also, because information on a node is eliminated when the node is first updated, this command can be used to set new information on that updated node.

The <newname> variable is the new node name of the node. It can be the alias. If the node is to be a distributor node, be aware of the ramifications of renaming the node (see gsCreateNode).

The <description> variable is any additional description other than cpu type and operating system, for example, Western Region Production Machine.

The <cpu> variable is a string describing the cpu, for example, Intel PII or Alpha 8400.

The <opsys> variable is a string describing the operating system, for example, Linux or Windows NT.

The <virtserv> variable is a string that usually indicates the IP address of the virtual server being used. If this argument is not entered, then the <bigip> variable should not be used.

The <bigip> variable indicates the name of the BIG-IP Controller that is servicing this node.

An example:

$ gsSetNodeInfo

Enter Current Node Name:

Enter New Node Name []: .

Enter CPU description [.=Pentium III]:.

Enter Operating System description [.=Windows NT]: WNT

Enter additional description [.=Personal Workstation]: Group Workstation

Enter new Virtual Server [.=,space=<no virtual server>]:.

Enter new bigip []:.

set info completed.

Notice the use of the period (.) to denote no change; the current value is displayed in brackets, showing what the entry of a period (.) will leave as the value.

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i switch.


  gsSetPubGroupInfo name=<pubgrp name> [newname=<new pubgrp name] 
[description=<description>] [pubstop=<pubstop type>...]
puberror=<puberror option>]
[disablevirtservers=<y/n>] [subscriberactivation=<1-100>]
[persisttimeout=<no. of seconds>] [mail=<string/space=none>]
  gsSetPubGroupInfo [-i]


This command is used to modify publication information.

The <newname> variable is used to change the publication's name.

The <description> variable is used to change the description.

The <pubstop> variable is used to change the pubstops, and can be repeated as often as necessary (see gsCreatePubGroup).

The <puberror> variable is used to change the action taken when a phase detects that an error occurred (see gsCreatePubGroup).

The <independentactivation> variable is used to turn independent activation on or off.

The <singledistactivation> variable is used to turn the distributor activation method on or off.

The <disablevirtservers> variable is used to turn on or off the disable virtual servers feature.

The <subscriberactivation> variable is used to change the percentage of subscribers behind a BIG-IP Controller that are turned off at one time while being activated with new content.

The <persisttimeout> variable is used to change the number of seconds for persistence timeouts.

The <mail> variable is used to change the recipients of mail.

For a more detailed description of some of these variables, see the gsCreatePubGroup command.

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i switch.


  usage: gsSetPublished pubgroup=<publication name> edition=<edition 
number> [[node=<nodename> user=<username>] path=<directory
path>] [setedition=<yes/no>]
  usage: gsSetPublished [-i]


This command sets information as to the edition published without actually publishing the edition.

The pubgroup argument is the name of the publication.

The edition argument is the edition number containing the version or versions to be set as having been published.

The [node] argument is the node name of the subscriber.

The [user] argument is the user name used to access the subscriber's paths.

The [path] argument is the directory path for the subscriber.

The [setedition] argument is set to either <yes> or <no>. This argument is used to set or not set the edition as the published edition for this publication. If <yes> is specified, then edition is set as the published edition for this publication. If <no> is specified, then the published edition that was already recorded remains as the published edition.

If [node], [user], and [path] are specified, then only that path is set to say that edition (and the appropriate version/section) is published on it. Any other paths for the same subscriber are not affected.

If only [node] and [user] are specified, then all paths for that node/user pair (subscriber) are set for this publication. This option is useful when a new subscriber has been added that the user is certain contains the section versions contained by edition. This option is also useful when an existing subscriber is switched to a new GLOBAL-SITE distributor.

If [node] and [user] are not specified, then all paths for this publication are set. This option is useful when bringing up a new publication where it is certain that all subscribers already contain the material specified by edition. In this case, setting the [setedition] option to <yes> is appropriate.

Warning: Use this command with CAUTION. This is because no check is made to verify the actual content.

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i switch.


  usage: gsSetRepeaterInfo name=<nodename> [description=<string>] 
[identifier=<installation ID>] [secret=<encryption string>]

Where the installation ID is either decimal or hexadecimal (0xffffffff).

  usage: gsSetRepeaterInfo [-i]


This command changes the distributor information.

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i switch.


  gsSetReposInfo name=<reposname> [newname=<new repos name] 
[description=<description>] [[exception=<full path> ... ] |
[[exception+=<full path> ... ] [exception-=<full path> ... ]]]
  gsSetReposInfo [-i]


This command modifies repository information.

The <reposname> variable is a name given to the repository.

Use of <exception> precludes use of <exception+ > or
<exception- >, and replaces the section's exception paths with the specified paths (can be used multiple times in one command).

Use of <exception+ > and/or <exception- > specifies adding and removing exception paths, respectively (can be used multiple times in one command).

The second form is the interactive form and is either without any arguments or simply with the -i switch.


  gsShowAllbigips [-v | -h | -d]


This command prints, on screen, a list of all BIG-ips that have been created (see the gsCreateBigip command).

The -v option prints out detailed information for each BIG-IP.

The -h switch displays the header only (name, local object ID, object type:version, description, and state). This switch is useful when a lengthy printout is not needed.

The -d switch formats the instantiation as if it were to be written to disk but instead dumps the instantiation to the screen. This switch is useful for debugging.


  gsShowAllFtpAccess [-v | -h | -d]


This command prints on screen a list of all <node> and <user> pairs.

The -v option prints out detailed information for each, including a clear-text password.

The -h switch displays the header only (name, local object ID, object type:version, description, and state). This switch is useful when a lengthy printout is not needed.

The -d switch formats the instantiation as if it were to be written to disk but instead dumps the instantiation to the screen. This switch is useful for debugging.


  gsShowAllNodes [-v | -h | -d]


This command prints, on screen, a list of all nodes.

The - v option prints out detailed information for each node.

The -h switch displays the header only (name, local object ID, object type:version, description, and state). This switch is useful when a lengthy printout is not needed.

The -d switch formats the instantiation as if it were to be written to disk but instead dumps the instantiation to the screen. This switch is useful for debugging.


  gsShowAllPubGroups [-v | -h | -d]


This command prints, on screen, a list of all publications.

The -v option prints out detailed information for each publication.

The -h switch displays the header only (name, local object ID, object type:version, description, and state). This switch is useful when a lengthy printout is not needed.

The -d switch formats the instantiation as if it were to be written to disk but instead dumps the instantiation to the screen. This switch is useful for debugging.


  gsShowAllPubGroups [-v | -h | -d]


This command prints, on screen, a list of all distributors.

The -v option prints out detailed information for each distributor.

Sample response with -v option:

  Type:           Repeater
  Description:    Local node distributor
  State:          Idle
  Mode:           Direct
  Installation ID: 0x4
  Encryption Secret: 
  no paths currently connected to this repeater...

Another partial sample response:

  Type:           Repeater
  State:          Idle
  Mode:           Direct
  Installation ID: 0x2c
  Encryption Secret: GlobalSiteTest
          Repeats to following trees:
          Type: FTP
          FTP Access Entry: gsite
          Path: /gSITE/prod/targ2/images
          Type: FTP
          Ftp Access Entry: gsite
          Path: /gSITE/prod/targ2

The -h switch displays the header only (name, local object ID, object type:version, description, and state). This switch is useful when a lengthy printout is not needed.

The -d switch formats the instantiation as if it were to be written to disk but instead dumps the instantiation to the screen. This switch is useful for debugging.


  gsShowAllRepos [-v | -h | -d]


This command prints on screen a list of all sections.

The -v option prints out detailed information for each section.

The -h switch displays the header only (name, local object ID, object type:version, description, and state). This switch is useful when a lengthy printout is not needed.

The -d switch formats the instantiation as if it were to be written to disk but instead dumps the instantiation to the screen. This switch is useful for debugging.


  gsShowBigip [-h | -d]


This command prints, on screen, a list of all publications.

Using no switch prints out detailed information for each publication.

The -h switch displays the header only (name, local object ID, object type:version, description, and state). This switch is useful when a lengthy printout is not needed.

The -d switch formats the instantiation as if it were to be written to disk but instead dumps the instantiation to the screen. This switch is useful for debugging.


  gsShowFtpAccess [-h | -d] <nodename> <username>


This command displays FTP access information for one specific user, including clear-text password.

The <nodename> variable is a node name to which FTP access entry applies.

The <username> variable is the user name.

The -h switch displays the header only (name, local object ID, object type:version, description, and state). This switch is useful when a lengthy printout is not needed.

The -d switch formats the instantiation as if it were to be written to disk but instead dumps the instantiation to the screen. This switch is useful for debugging.


  gsShowNode [-h | -d] <nodename>


This command displays information pertaining to a specific primary, repeater, staging, or target server.

The -h switch displays the header only (name, local object ID, object type:version, description, and state). This switch is useful when a lengthy printout is not needed.

The -d switch formats the instantiation as if it were to be written to disk but instead dumps the instantiation to the screen. This switch is useful for debugging.


  gsShowPubGroup [-h | -d] <pubgroup name>


This command displays information pertaining to a specific publication.

The -h switch displays the header only (name, local object ID, object type:version, description, and state). This switch is useful when a lengthy printout is not needed.

The -d switch formats the instantiation as if it were to be written to disk but instead dumps the instantiation to the screen. This switch is useful for debugging.


  gsShowPubStatus [-h | -d] <pubgroup name>


This command displays information pertaining to the status of a specific publication step.

The -h switch displays the header only (name, local object ID, object type:version, description, and state). This switch is useful when a lengthy printout is not needed.

The -d switch formats the instantiation as if it were to be written to disk but instead dumps the instantiation to the screen. This switch is useful for debugging.


  gsShowRepeater [-h | -d] <node name>


This command shows the status of a repeater (in the browser interface, the distributor).

The -h switch displays the header only (name, local object ID, object type:version, description, and state). This switch is useful when a lengthy printout is not needed.

The -d switch formats the instantiation as if it were to be written to disk but instead dumps the instantiation to the screen. This switch is useful for debugging.


  gsShowRepos [-h | -d] <repository name>


This command displays repository information.

The <reposname> is a name given to the repository.

The -h switch displays the header only (name, local object ID, object type:version, description, and state). This switch is useful when a lengthy printout is not needed.

The -d switch formats the instantiation as if it were to be written to disk but instead dumps the instantiation to the screen. This switch is useful for debugging.


  gsStartCommitPhase <pub group name>


This command starts the commit phase of a publishing cycle. The previous phase, copy phase, must be completed, and is indicated by the publication state.


  gsStartCopyPhase  [-v] [-w | -r]] <pub group name>


This command starts the copy phase of a publishing cycle. The previous phase, WANSync phase, must be completed, and is indicated by the publication state.

The -w option stops processing after the change trees are prepared, but before they are actually copied to the publication targets. It can be used with the -v option, which displays additional status information. After the change trees are prepared, the user is queried as to whether to continue with the actual copy or not.

If the copy phase is not performed immediately (after saying "no" to the -w prompt), then the copies can be initiated without recreating the changed files by using the -r option to resume the copy phase. It can be used with the -v option, which displays additional status information.

The -v option alone proceeds with both change trees, and the copying of changed files to the publication targets, providing additional status information during the process.

Using none of the options proceeds with change trees and copying of changed files to the publication targets without providing the additional status information.


  gsStartWanSync [-v] <pub group name>


This command starts the WANSync phase of publishing. Publication preparation must be successfully completed (see

The optional -v switch can be included to give additional verbose printout.


  gsUpdateReposFromStage <pub group name> [reposname ...]


By specifying the optional list of repositories, this command initiates an update operation only for those repositories specified, as opposed to all active repositories in the pubgroup, which is the default.

Specifying the optional list can override a repository's inactive status temporarily by including it in the specified list, or override its active status temporarily by not including it in the list.


gsUpdateReposFromStage Pub1 section1 section2

Only Section 1 and Section 2 are being updated.

gsUpdateReposFromStage Pub1

All sections on the active list are being updated.