Manual Chapter : How to Diagnose Network Connection Issues

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  • 12.1.5, 12.1.4, 12.1.3, 12.1.2, 12.1.1, 12.1.0
Manual Chapter

How to Diagnose Network Connection Issues

Diagnosing network connection issues

To help you diagnose network connection issues, you can view the status of and statistics about the iQuery® connections between BIG-IP® Global Traffic Manager™ (BIG-IP DNS) and other BIG-IP systems on your network. iQuery connection information displays for IP addresses that are configured on BIG-IP server objects.

Viewing iQuery statistics

Ensure that the BIG-IP® DNS configuration contains at least one BIG-IP server object with a self IP address.
To view information about the connections between BIG-IP DNS and other BIG-IP systems, view iQuery® statistics.
  1. On the Main tab, click Statistics > Module Statistics > DNS > GSLB .
    The Global Traffic statistics screen opens.
  2. From the Statistics Type list, select iQuery.
    Information about the iQuery connections between this system and other BIG-IP systems in your network displays.
  3. When you want to estimate iQuery traffic throughput, click Reset.
    The following statistics are reset to zero:
    • iQuery Reconnects
    • Bytes In
    • Bytes Out
    • Backlogs
    • Bytes Dropped
To view information about the iQuery® connections between a different BIG-IP DNS and the BIG-IP systems in your network, log in to that BIG-IP DNS and repeat this procedure.

iQuery statistics descriptions

The information in the table describes the iQuery® statistics.

iQuery Statistics Description
IP Address Displays the IP addresses of the servers that have an iQuery connection with this BIG-IP® DNS.
Server Displays the name of the server with the specified IP address.
Data Center Displays the data center to which the specified server belongs.
iQuery State Displays the state of the iQuery connection between the specified server and the BIG-IP DNS. Possible states are:
  • Not Connected
  • Connecting
  • Connected
  • Backlogged (indicates messages are queued and waiting to be sent)
iQuery Reconnects Displays the number of times the BIG-IP DNS re-established an iQuery connection with the specified server.
Bytes In Displays the amount of data in bytes received by the BIG-IP DNS over the iQuery connection from the specified server.
Bytes Out Displays the amount of data in bytes sent from the BIG-IP DNS over the iQuery connection to the specified server.
Backlogs Displays the number of times the iQuery connection between the BIG-IP DNS and the specified server was blocked, because iQuery had to send out more messages than the connection could handle.
Bytes Dropped Displays the amount of data in bytes that the iQuery connection dropped.
SSL Certificate Expiration Displays the date the SSL certificate expires.
Configuration Time Displays the date and time that the BIG-IP DNS configuration was last modified. The timestamps should be the same for all devices in a BIG-IP DNS synchronization group.