Manual Chapter : Configuring How and When BIG-IP DNS Saves Configuration Changes

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  • 13.0.1, 13.0.0
Manual Chapter

Overview: Configuring how and when BIG-IP DNS saves configuration changes

By default, BIG-IP® DNS automatically saves BIG-IP DNS configuration changes 15 seconds after the change is made in either the Configuration utility or tmsh. You can change how long BIG-IP DNS waits before it saves BIG-IP DNS configuration changes. In addition, you can disable automatic saves of BIG-IP DNS configuration changes, but then you must run a command in tmsh to save those changes. All changes to the BIG-IP DNS configuration are stored in the bigip_gtm.conf file.

Task summary

Perform one of these tasks to configure how and when the BIG-IP system saves BIG-IP DNS configuration changes.

Changing the automatic configuration save timeout

Ensure that DNS is provisioned on the device.
You can change how long the BIG-IP system waits to save the BIG-IP DNS configuration following a BIG-IP DNS configuration change. For example, if you are making many changes to the BIG-IP DNS configuration at one time, you might want to extend the Configuration Save Timeout to allow you to complete more changes before the BIG-IP DNS configuration is saved.
  1. On the Main tab, click DNS > Settings > GSLB > General .
    The General configuration screen opens.
  2. In the Configuration Save area, for the Automatic setting, select the Enabled check box.
  3. In the Configuration Save area, for the Timeout field, type the number of seconds that follow a BIG-IP DNS configuration change before the BIG-IP DNS configuration is automatically saved.
    The values shown in the table are worth noting:
    Value in seconds Description
    0 BIG-IP DNS immediately saves changes to the configuration.
    86400 Maximum number of seconds following a BIG-IP DNS configuration change before the BIG-IP system saves the BIG-IP DNS configuration.
    15 Default number of seconds following a BIG-IP DNS configuration change before the BIG-IP system saves the BIG-IP DNS configuration.
    Warning: Setting the value of the Timeout field to less than 10 seconds can impact system performance.
The BIG-IP system waits the specified number of seconds before saving BIG-IP DNS configuration changes to the stored configuration.

Enabling manual saves of configuration changes

Ensure that DNS is provisioned on the device.
You can disable automatic saves of BIG-IP DNS configuration changes when you want to have strict control over when BIG-IP DNS configuration changes are saved to the stored configuration. CPU usage can be affected simply by saving small changes to a large configuration.
  1. On the Main tab, click DNS > Settings > GSLB > General .
    The General configuration screen opens.
  2. In the Configuration Save area, for the Automatic setting, clear the Enabled check box to disable automatic saves of BIG-IP DNS configuration changes.
    Important: If you disable automatic saves of BIG-IP DNS configuration changes, to save those changes you must run this command from the command line: tmsh save sys config gtm-only partitions all
  3. Click Update.

Configuring how and when BIG-IP DNS saves configuration changes using tmsh

Ensure that DNS is provisioned on the device, and that your user role provides access to tmsh.
By default, the BIG-IP® system automatically saves BIG-IP DNS configuration changes made in the Configuration utility and tmsh. You can change how long the system waits to save BIG-IP DNS configuration changes. You can also configure the system for manual saves that require you to run a tmsh command to save BIG-IP DNS configuration changes.
  1. Log in to the command-line interface of the BIG-IP system.
  2. Run a variation of this command, based on how and when you want the BIG-IP system to save BIG-IP DNS configuration changes:
    tmsh modify gtm global-settings general automatic-configuration-save-timeout <interval in seconds>
    Note the value for each save-timeout interval:
    Interval in seconds Value description
    0 BIG-IP DNS immediately saves changes to the configuration.
    -1 BIG-IP DNS never saves changes to the configuration (manual save required).
    86400 Maximum number of seconds following a BIG-IP DNS configuration change before the system saves the change.
    15 Default number of seconds following a BIG-IP DNS configuration change before the system saves the change.
    Warning: Setting automatic-configuration-save-timeout to less than 10 seconds can impact system performance.
BIG-IP DNS waits the number of seconds you specify before saving BIG-IP DNS configuration changes. If you specified -1, then you must save the configuration manually using this command: tmsh save sys config gtm-only partitions all