Manual Chapter : Creating Custom TAC DB

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  • 12.1.6, 12.1.5, 12.1.4, 12.1.3, 12.1.2, 12.1.1, 12.1.0
Manual Chapter

Creating Custom TAC DB

Overview: Custom TAC DB

In Policy Enforcement Manager™ (PEM™), custom Type Allocation Code DB (TAC DB) is dis either the one delivered with the release, or it can be downloaded from a configureable location. The activation is hitless and does not require system restart. The use of the TAC DB is licenseddb by default with PEM license, as well as the one the user can configure. This manages the licensed TAC DB. You are now able to easily update TAC DB automatically whenever a new version is available. In PEM, you can also provide a location for your own TAC DB. The BIG-IP® system will download the custom DB, and initial updates from the configured location.

Task summary

Creating a custom TAC DB

You can use the customdb component in PEM™ to define a custom TAC DB.
  1. On the Main tab, click Policy Enforcement > Global Options > TAC DB .
    The TAC DB screen opens.
  2. In the Custom TAC DB Configuration area, for the Priority setting, select High or Low from the drop-down menu to specify that if the Custom TAC DB is built-in.
  3. In the TAC DB setting, for the Name field, type a name for the custom TAC DB.
  4. In the TAC DB setting, for the Upload New From drop-down menu, select File to choose a file with TAC code information that is located on your client machine or Location to set the URL location of the TAC DB. The URL can be, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SFTP or file on BIG-IP file system.
    If you choose Location, additional fields in TAC DB setting appear.
  5. In the TAC DB setting, for the Description field, type the description for this custom TAC DB.
  6. In the TAC DB setting, for the TAC DB Location, type the URL location where the TAC DB file is stored.
  7. In the TAC DB setting, for the Username field, type the username for access to the custom TAC DB information.
  8. In the TAC DB setting, for the Password field, type the password to access the custom TAC DB information.
  9. In the Sync Mode setting, select Automatic to automatically upload files from the location and specify how often the polling interval can be configured in weeks. Select Manual to manually synchronize the files.
  10. Click Update to save any changes.