Manual Chapter : Form-Based Client-Initiated Single Sign-On Method

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  • 11.5.10, 11.5.9, 11.5.8, 11.5.7, 11.5.6, 11.5.5, 11.5.4, 11.5.3, 11.5.2
Manual Chapter

About form-based client-initiated SSO authentication

With the HTTP form-based client-initiated method of authentication, when Access Policy Manager detects the request for a logon page (URI, header, or cookie that is configured for matching the request), APM generates JavaScript code, inserts it into the logon page, and returns the logon page to the client, where it is automatically submitted by the inserted JavaScript. APM processes the submission and uses the cached user identity to construct and send the HTTP form-based post request on behalf of the user.

Basic configuration of form-based client-initiated SSO

To create a form-based client-initiated SSO configuration object, you must configure at least one form and include at least one form parameter. A form parameter represents an input element on an HTML logon form, such as a form field for entering a user name or password, or, optionally, for entering a hidden form parameter.

Form-based client-initiated SSO configuration supports three sets of matching criteria that you can define.

  • Form Detection (Required) Configures the SSO module to detect the HTTP request for the logon page by matching the HTTP URI, header, or cookie that you specify, and supports entry of multiple URIs. Requires data that is specific to the application. Form detection is successful when the request matches one of the configured items either partially or fully, depending on whether Request Prefix is enabled in Advanced Properties .
  • Form Identification (Optional) Specifies how to detect the form within the HTTP body of the logon page. The default is form parameters, which enables identification of the logon form parameter fields based on the values entered for the form parameters in the General Properties. Alternatively, you can specify that the form be identified using other data present in the form, such as the ID, name, or action attributes, or the form order.
  • Logon Detection (Optional) Configures the SSO module to detect whether logon was successful by checking for the presence of a cookie or a redirect URI. The default is None (logon detection is not performed).

The majority of web applications have a single logon page with one logon form. You need to define a single form for these applications. In less usual cases when an application has multiple logon pages with different logon forms, you need to create multiple forms, one for each logon page. If multiple logon pages use the same form, you need only one form with a list of URIs for all logon pages.

How does form-based client-initiated SSO authentication work by default?

This figure illustrates the default behavior of the form-based client-initiated SSO authentication method.

Form-based client-initated SSO Default Behavior Form-based client-initiated SSO default behavior
  1. The user logs on to Access Policy Manager and APM runs the access policy. This populates the session variables with the user credentials.
  2. The user requests the application logon page. This GET request is passed to the application web server, verbatim.
  3. The application web server replies with 200 OK and serves the logon page.
  4. APM generates JavaScript and inserts it into the logon page before returning it to the user. The JavaScript assigns values to form parameters, as specified in the form configuration. The password parameter is assigned a password token rather than the actual user password.
  5. The JavaScript runs on the client side. The logon page is not displayed to the user; user input is locked out. Without delay, the form is submitted using POST. The form parameters and their values, including user name and password token, are sent to APM.
  6. APM then replaces the password token with the actual user password, as well as other form parameters specified in the form configuration with their configured values.
  7. The POST, along with the real user credentials from step 1, is sent to the web server.
  8. The application start page is served by the webserver, and sent to the client, verbatim. Optionally, APM performs detection of successful logon by examining HTTP response headers, looking for a cookie or redirect Location URI.

About advanced configuration options for form-based client-initiated SSO authentication

You can change some aspects of the form-based client-initiated SSO default behavior by configuring optional properties.

  • You can change the default properties for form request and form submittal using advanced properties.
  • You can change the automatically generated JavaScript code that is inserted into the logon page in one of three ways using the JavaScript Insertion options. You can replace it completely with custom code or add extra code to it by specifying the application JavaScript functions to call prior to submitting a logon form.
  • You can configure the SSO module to automatically detect the application HTTP request that submits user credentials using Form Submit Detection. If you disable automatic detection, the SSO module instead detects form submittal by using an HTTP header, cookie, or HTTP URIs that you specify.

Configuring form-based client-initiated SSO

You can use the form-based client-initiated SSO method to create form-based SSO configurations. For example, you can use this SSO method to support web applications that run JavaScript in the browser and need to maintain application state during the login process. You can also use it to support web applications that present multiple login screens.
  1. On the Main tab, click Access Policy > SSO Configurations > Forms - Client Initiated. The Forms - Client Initiated screen for SSO configurations opens.
  2. Click Create. A screen, Create New Forms-Client Initiated Configuration, opens.
  3. In the SSO Configuration Name field, type a name.
  4. Select Form Settings from the left pane. Fields in SSO Configuration displays in the right pane.
  5. Click Create. The Create button is not active until you complete they General Settings by typing a name for the SSO configuration.
    Note: You must create at least one form to complete the SSO configuration.
    The Create New Form Definition screen opens.
  6. Type a name in the Form Name field.
  7. Select Form Parameters from the left pane. Form Parameters displays in the right pane.
  8. For each form parameter that you want to create, repeat these steps:
    1. Click Create. The Create New Form Parameter screen opens.
    2. In the Form Parameter Name field, type or select a name.
    3. In the Form Parameter Value field, type or select a value.
    4. Click OK.
    The screen closes, showing the Create New Form Definition window, which displays the new form parameter.
  9. Click Form Detection from the left pane. The right pane displays required fields.
  10. From the Detect Form by list, select an option and type required data.
    • URI Type a URI in the Request URI field.
    • Cookie Type a name in the Cookie Name field.
    • Header Type a name in the Header Name field.
    The OK button is available.
  11. Click OK. You can create another form next or you can save the configuration. The new form is created. Its name displays on the Create New Forms-Client Initiated Configuration screen.
  12. Click OK. The screen closes, displaying the Forms - Client Initiated screen for SSO Configurations.
The new form-based client-initiated SSO configuration is available for use.

Forms-based client-initiated SSO configuration settings

These settings are available when you create a form-based client-initiated SSO configuration.

General settings

Setting Description
SSO Configuration Name Specifies the name of the configuration. It must be unique.
SSO Description Specifies a description. Optional.
Log Level Specifies at what level of details the system logs. Valid values are listed. Defaults to Notice.

Form settings

Table 1. General Properties
Setting Description
Form Name Specifies the name of the form. It can be any name and need not match the actual name of the HTML form.
Form Description Specifies an optional description of the form.
Table 2. Form Parameter Properties
Setting Description
Form Parameter Name Specifies the name of a form parameter.
Form Parameter Value Specifies the value of the form parameter. This is usually the name of a session variable. The value could also be a literal string or a combination of strings and session variable names.
Note: If the session variable is not found when the SSO request is processed, the value of the corresponding POST parameter will be empty.
Secure Specifies whether the parameter is secure. Defaults to No.
Table 3. Form Detection
Setting Description
Detect Form by Specifies which element of the HTTP request headers is used to identify the application request for logon page: Cookie, Header, or URI. Defaults to URI.
Cookie Specifies that the system identifies the form by the presence (default) or absence (configurable with Advanced Properties) of this cookie.
Header Specifies that the system identifies the form by the presence (default) or absence (configurable with Advanced Properties) of a header.
URI Specifies that the system identifies the form by a successful match (default) or failed match (configurable with Advanced Properties) against one or multiple URIs.
Table 4. Form Identification
Setting Description
Identify Form by Specifies how the HTML logon form is found in the HTML body of the logon page. If there is more than one form on the logon page matching the criteria, the first match is used. Options are:
  • ID Attribute-Specifies that a form ID is used to find the form.
  • Name Attribute-Specifies that
  • Action Attribute-Specifies that
  • Form Order-Specifies that
  • Form Parameters (default)--Specifies that the form parameters, which have already been defined, are used to find the form. There is nothing more to configure.
Form ID Specifies the form ID that is used to identify the form.
Form Name Specifies the specific form name.
Form Action Specifies the value of the action attribute.
Form Order Specifies the relative order of the form on the logon page (starting from 1).
Table 5. Logon Detection
Setting Description
Detect Login by Specifies whether and how to detect a successful logon. Options are:
  • Presence of Cookie
  • Redirect URI
  • None (default)
Cookie Name Specifies the cookie name that identifies successful logon.
Redirect URI Specifies the redirect URI that identifies successful logon.
Table 6. Advanced Settings - Form Request
Setting Description
Request Method Specifies whether the request method is GET or POST. Defaults to GET.
Request Negative When selected, specifies that the system detects the form that fails to match the criteria specified for Form Detection. The system then detects the form by the absence of the specific cookie or header, or by its failure to match the URIs. The default is cleared.
Request Prefix When selected, specifies that the system matches on a partial string. If this option is not selected, the match must be verbatim. The default is selected.
Table 7. Advanced Settings - Submit Request
Setting Description
Submit Request Negative When selected, specifies that the system detects the form that fails to match the criteria specified for Form Detection. The system then detects the form by the absence of the specific cookie or header or by its failure to match the URIs. The default is cleared.
Submit Request Prefix When selected, specifies that the system matches on a partial string. If this option is not selected, the match must be verbatim. The default is selected.
Table 8. JavaScript Injection
Setting Description
Injection Method Specifies whether to use the default JavaScript that APM creates. Defaults to Auto.
  • Auto
  • Extra
  • Custom
Extra Javascript Specifies more JavaScript to run at the end of the automatically generated JavaScript.
Note: Review the logon page source to determine whether any JavaScript functions are called on submit.
Custom Javascript Specifies JavaScript to run in place of the automatically generated JavaScript.
Table 9. Submit Detection
Setting Description
Disable Auto detect submit Defaults to No.
Scheme Available when Disable Auto detect submit is set to Yes. Specifies how to detect submit. Options are:
  • URI
  • Cookie
  • Header

Header Settings

Setting Description
Header Name Name
Header Value Value

Form-based client-initiated SSO configuration examples

Using the examples provided for various applications, you can quickly create form-based client-initiated SSO configurations.

DWA form-based client-initiated SSO example

This example lists settings and values for creating a form-based client-initiated SSO configuration for Domino Web Access (DWA).

Setting Sample value
SSO Configuration Name ssov2-dwa
Form Name testform
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • Username
  • %{session.sso.token.last.username}
  • No (Default)
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • Password
  • %{session.sso.token.last.password}
  • Yes
Detect Form by URI
Request URI /
Identify Form by Name Attribute
Form Name STLogonForm
Detect Logon by Presence of Cookie
Cookie Name DomAuthSessId
Request Prefix Not selected

Bugzilla form-based client-initiated SSO example

This example lists settings and values for creating a form-based client-initiated SSO configuration for Bugzilla.

Setting Sample value
SSO Configuration Name ssov2-bugzilla
Form Name tform
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • Bugzilla_login
  • %{session.sso.token.last.username}
  • No (Default)
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • Bugzilla_password
  • %{session.sso.token.last.password}
  • Yes
Detect Form by URI
Request URI /
Identify Form by ID Attribute
Form ID mini_login_top
Detect Logon by Presence of Cookie
Cookie Name Bugzilla_logincookie
Request Prefix Not selected

Ceridian form-based client-initiated SSO example

This example lists settings and values for creating a form-based client-initiated SSO configuration for Ceridian.

Settings to configure form-based client-initiated SSO for Ceridian

Setting Sample value
SSO Configuration Name ssov2_ceridian
SSO Description
Form Name auth_form
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • ClientIDInput
  • %{session.logon.last.clientid}
  • No (Default)
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • SerialNumberInput
  • %{session.sso.token.last.username}
  • No (Default)
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • PasswordInput
  • %{session.sso.custom.last.password}
  • No (Default)
Detect Form by URI
Request URI





Identify Form by Form Parameters
Detect Logon by Redirect URI
Redirect URI*
Request Prefix Not selected
Injection Method Custom
Custom Javascript See sample code that follows.
Disable Auto detect submit Yes
Scheme URI



Custom JavaScript

<script> function checkInternetExplorerVersion() // Returns 'true' if the version of Internet Explorer > 8 { var r = -1; // Return value assumes agreement. if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') { var ua = navigator.userAgent; var re = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-8]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})"); if (re.exec(ua) != null) r = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ); } return ( r==-1 ) ? true : false; } if (checkInternetExplorerVersion()) {'hidden';'none'; } document.body.onkeydown=function(e){return false;}; function __f5submit() { var __f5form = document.forms[0]; __f5form.SerialNumberInput.value='%{session.sso.token.last.username}'; __f5form.PasswordInput.value='%{session.sso.custom.last.password}'; __f5form.ClientIDInput.value='%{session.logon.last.clientid}'; f_submit(); } if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('load',__f5submit,false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('onload',__f5submit); } else { window.onload=__f5submit; } </script>

Logon Page customization in access policy

Logon Page Agent (field 3):

  • Type: text
  • Post Variable Name: clientid
  • Session Variable Name: clientid

Logon Page Input Field #3: Company ID

Variable Assign definition in access policy

session.sso.custom.last.password = expr { [mcget -secure {session.sso.token.last.password}] }

Citrix 4.5 and 5 form-based client-initiated SSO example

This example lists settings and values for creating a form-based client-initiated SSO configuration for Citrix versions 4.5 and 5.

Setting Sample value
SSO Configuration Name sso_fbv2
Form Name testform
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • domain
  • %{session.logon.last.domain}
  • No (Default)
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • user
  • %{session.sso.token.last.username}
  • No (Default)
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • password
  • %{session.sso.token.last.password}
  • Yes
Detect Form by URI
Request URI



Identify Form by Action Attribute
Form Action login.aspx
Detect Logon by Redirect URI
Redirect URI



Devcentral form-based client-initiated SSO example

This example lists settings and values for creating a form-based client-initiated SSO configuration for Devcentral.

Settings to configure form-based client-initiated SSO for Devcentral

Table 10. Devcentral Configuration Example
Setting Sample value
SSO Configuration Name ssov2_devcentral
SSO Description
Form Name auth_form
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • dnn$ctr1093548$Login$Login_DNN$cmdLogin
  • Login
  • No (Default)
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • dnn$ctr1093548$Login$Login_DNN$txtUsername
  • %{session.sso.token.last.username}
  • No (Default)
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • dnn$ctr1093548$Login$Login_DNN$txtPassword
  • %{session.sso.token.last.password}
  • Yes
Detect Form by URI
Request URI



Identify Form by Form Parameters
Detect Logon by Cookie
Cookie Name authentication
Injection Method Extra
Extra Javascript See sample code that follows.

Extra Javascript

WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions("dnn$ctr1093548$Login$Login_DNN$cmdLogin", "", true, "", "", false, false)); __f5form.enctype = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'; __f5form.encoding = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';

Google form-based client-initiated SSO example

This example lists settings and values for creating a form-based client-initiated SSO configuration for Google.

Setting Sample value
SSO Configuration Name ssov2_google
Form Name form_auth
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • Email
  • %{session.sso.token.last.username}
  • No (Default)
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • Passwd
  • %{session.sso.token.last.password}
  • Yes
Detect Form by URI
Request URI /ServiceLogin
Identify Form by Form Parameters
Detect Logon by Presence of Cookie
Cookie Name SID
Note: For Internet Explorer 7 (and 8), disable the advanced setting Display a notification about every script error.

Oracle Application Server form-based client-initiated SSO example

This example lists settings and values for creating a form-based client-initiated SSO configuration for Oracle 10g Release 2 (10.1.2).

Setting Sample value
SSO Configuration Name ssov2_oracle
Form Name tform
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • ssousername
  • %{session.sso.token.last.username}
  • No (Default)
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • password
  • %{session.sso.token.last.password}
  • Yes
Detect Form by URI
Request URI /sso/pages/login.jsp?site2pstoretoken=v1.2
Identify Form by Form Parameters
Detect Logon by Cookie
Cookie Name SSO_ID

OWA 2010 and 2007 form-based client-initiated SSO example

This example lists settings and values for creating a form-based client-initiated SSO configuration for Outlook Web App (OWA) 2010 and OWA 2007.

Table 11. OWA 2010 and OWA 2007 Configuration Example
Setting Sample value
SSO Configuration Name ssov2-owa
Form Name tform
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • username
  • %{session.sso.token.last.username}
  • No (Default)
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • password
  • %{session.sso.token.last.password}
  • Yes
Detect Form by URI
Request URI



Identify Form by Form Parameters
Detect Logon by Presence of Cookie
Cookie Name sessionid
Injection Method Extra
Extra Javascript clkLgn()

OWA 2003 form-based client-initiated SSO example

This example lists settings and values for creating a form-based client-initiated SSO configuration for Outlook Web App (OWA) 2003.

Setting Sample value
SSO Configuration Name ssov2-owa2003
Form Name tform2003
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • username
  • %{session.sso.token.last.username}
  • No (Default)
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • password
  • %{session.sso.token.last.password}
  • Yes
Detect Form by URI
Request URI /exchweb/bin/auth/owalogon.asp?url=
Identify Form by Form Parameters
Detect Logon by Presence of Cookie
Cookie Name sessionid

Perforce form-based client-initiated SSO example

This example lists settings and values for creating a form-based client-initiated SSO configuration for Perforce.

Setting Sample value
SSO Configuration Name perforce-sso
Form Name p4
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • u
  • %{session.sso.token.last.username}
  • No (Default)
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • p
  • %{session.sso.token.last.password}
  • Yes
Detect Form by URI
Request URI /p4web
Identify Form by Form Parameters
Detect Logon by Presence of Cookie
Cookie Name P4W8080
Request Prefix Not selected

Reviewboard form-based client-initiated SSO example

This example lists settings and values for creating a form-based client-initiated SSO configuration for Reviewboard.

Setting Sample value
SSO Configuration Name reviewboard-sso
Form Name rb_logon
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • username
  • %{session.sso.token.last.username}
  • No (Default)
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • password
  • %{session.sso.token.last.password}
  • Yes
Detect Form by URI
Request URI /account/login
Identify Form by Form Parameters
Detect Logon by Redirect URI
Redirect URI */dashboard
Request Prefix Not selected

SAP form-based client-initiated SSO example

This example lists settings and values for creating a form-based client-initiated SSO configuration for SAP.

Setting Sample value
SSO Configuration Name ssov2_sap
Form Name tform
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • j_user
  • %{session.sso.token.last.username}
  • No (Default)
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • j_password
  • %{session.sso.token.last.password}
  • Yes
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • uidPasswordLogon
  • Log On
  • No (Default)
Detect Form by URI
Request URI /irj/portal
Identify Form by Form Parameters
Detect Logon by Presence of Cookie
Cookie Name MYSAPSSOV2
Request Prefix Not selected

Salesforce form-based client-initiated SSO example

This example lists settings and values for creating a form-based client-initiated SSO configuration for Salesforce.

Setting Sample value
SSO Configuration Name ssov2_salesforce
Form Name auth_form
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • username
  • %{session.sso.token.last.username}
  • No (Default)
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • pw
  • %{session.sso.token.last.password}
  • Yes
Detect Form by URI
Request URI /
Identify Form by Form Parameters
Detect Logon by Cookie
Cookie Name inst
Injection Method Custom
Custom Javascript See sample code that follows.

Custom Javascript

<script> function checkInternetExplorerVersion() // Returns 'true' if the version of Internet Explorer > 8 { var r = -1; // Return value assumes agreement. if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') { var ua = navigator.userAgent; var re = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-8]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})"); if (re.exec(ua) != null) r = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ); } return ( r==-1 ) ? true : false; } if (checkInternetExplorerVersion()) {'hidden';'none'; } document.body.onkeydown=function(e){return false;}; function __f5submit() { var __f5form = document.forms[0]; __f5form.username.value='%{session.sso.token.last.username}'; __f5form.password.value='f5-sso-token'; ; var __f5action = __f5form.action; var __f5qsep = (__f5action.indexOf('?') == -1) ? '?' : '&'; __f5form.action = __f5action + __f5qsep + 'f5-sso-form=auth_form';; } if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('load',__f5submit,false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('onload',__f5submit); } else { window.onload=__f5submit; } </script>

Sharepoint 2010 form-based client-initiated SSO example

This example lists settings and values for creating a form-based client-initiated SSO configuration for Sharepoint.

Setting Sample value
SSO Configuration Name ssov2_shp2010
Form Name form_auth
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$signInControl$UserName
  • %{session.sso.token.last.username}
  • No (Default)
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$signInControl$password
  • %{session.sso.token.last.password}
  • Yes
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • ctl00$PlaceHolderMain$signInControl$login
  • Sign In
  • Yes
Detect Form by URI
Request URI /_forms/default.aspx?ReturnUrl=
Identify Form by Form Parameters
Detect Logon by Cookie
Cookie Name FedAuth

Weblogin form-based client-initiated SSO example

This example lists settings and values for creating a form-based client-initiated SSO configuration for Weblogin.

Setting Sample value
SSO Configuration Name ssov2-weblogin
Form Name tform
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • user
  • %{session.sso.token.last.username}
  • No (Default)
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • pass
  • %{session.sso.token.last.password}
  • Yes
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • submit_form
  • Submit
  • No (Default)
Detect Form by URI
Request URI /sso/login.php?redir=
Identify Form by Name Attribute
Form Name theForm
Detect Logon by Cookie
Cookie Name issosession

Yahoo form-based client-initiated SSO example

This example lists settings and values for creating a form-based client-initiated SSO configuration for Yahoo.

Setting Sample value
SSO Configuration Name sso_yahoo
SSO Description
Form Name form_login
  • Form Parameter Name
  • Form Parameter Value
  • Secure
  • login
  • %{session.sso.token.last.username}
  • No (Default)
Detect Form by URI
Request URI /
Identify Form by ID Attribute
Form ID login_form
Detect Logon by Cookie
Cookie Name PH
Injection Method Custom
Custom Javascript See example custom Javascript that follows.
Disable Auto detect submit Selected
Javascript /config/login

Custom Javascript

<script> //Logon page will not be hidden in IE7/8. //This is workaround for the problem with JS method .focus() //"Can't move focus to the control because it is invisible, not enabled, or of a type that does not accept the focus." function checkInternetExplorerVersion() // Returns 'true' if the version of Internet Explorer > 8 { var r = -1; // Return value assumes agreement. if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer') { var ua = navigator.userAgent; var re = new RegExp("MSIE ([0-8]{1,}[\.0-9]{0,})"); if (re.exec(ua) != null) r = parseFloat( RegExp.$1 ); } return ( r==-1 ) ? true : false; } if (checkInternetExplorerVersion()) {'hidden'; var inter = setInterval(function () { var err = document.getElementsByClassName('yregertxt')[0]; var wcl = document.getElementById('captcha_c'); if (err) { = 'visible'; clearInterval(inter); } if (wcl) { if ( == 'hidden') { = 'visible'; clearInterval(inter); } } }, 1000); }; function __f5submit() { var adv = document.getElementById('adFrame'); if (adv)'hidden'; var __f5form = document.forms[0]; if (__f5form.login) __f5form.login.value='%{session.sso.token.last.username}'; __f5form.passwd.value='%{session.sso.custom.last.password}'; __f5form[".save"].click(); } if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('load',__f5submit,false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('onload',__f5submit); } else { window.onload=__f5submit; } </script>

Variable Assign definition used in access policy

session.sso.custom.last.password = expr { [mcget -secure {session.sso.token.last.password}] }