Applies To:
Show Versions
- 11.6.5, 11.6.4, 11.6.3, 11.6.2, 11.6.1
What is full and mobile browser localization?
With localization, you can change the text and messages for web browsers and mobile clients for any language defined in an access profile. The Customization tool provides a tree view that you can use to navigate through the hierarchy of access profile items, in order to localize messages.
Localizing messages for common access profile settings
Localizing layout and content of the logon page
Customize the layout and content of components that appear on the logon page when the access policy is starting by customizing the framework pages.
Framework installation settings
You can customize the following settings for general page style with the Customization tool.
Name | Value | Description |
ActiveX install options screen | Formatted HTML text | Specifies the page text and links that prompt a user to install a new ActiveX browser component. This screen appears for Windows Internet Explorer users only. |
Allow browser plugin install screen | Formatted HTML text | Specifies the page text and links displayed when the user's browser does not currently allow software installation. This page contains information about how to enable software installation, and links to continue to install plug-ins or to continue without installing the browser plug-ins. |
Allow browser plugin install screen (Linux) | Formatted HTML text | Specifies the page text and links displayed when the user's browser does not currently allow software installation. This page contains information about how to enable software installation, and links for continuing to install plug-ins or to continue without installing the browser plug-ins. This screen appears for Linux operating systems and browsers. |
Browser plugin install with manual install options screen | Formatted HTML text | Specifies the page text and links that prompt a user to install a new browser plug-in component. This screen provides manual download and installation options. This screen appears for most operating systems and browsers. |
Browser plug-in install with manual install options screen (Linux) | Formatted HTML text | Specifies the page text and links that prompt a user to install a new browser plug-in component. This screen provides manual download and installation options. This screen appears for Linux operating systems and browsers. |
Java applet install failure screen | Formatted HTML text | Specifies the page text and links that appear when the installation of software with a Java applet fails. This page allows the user options to restart the session, download and manually install the software, or continue without installing software. This page appears only on non-Windows systems. |
Java applet install screen | Formatted HTML text | Specifies the text that appears on a page with a Java applet to install a new browser plugin. This page appears only on non-Windows systems. Java applet install started screen on Safari browser specifies the page text and links that appear when the Java applet is installing software. This page appears only on Macintosh systems with the Safari web browser. |
Java applet install started screen | Formatted HTML text | Specifies the page text and links that appear when the Java applet is installing software. This page appears only on non-Windows systems. |
Endpoint security settings
You can customize the following settings for endpoint security messages that appear in web browsers and on mobile devices with the Customization tool.
Name | Value | Description |
Antivirus check message | Text | Specifies the message displayed while the antivirus check action is checking the system. |
Cache and session control ActiveX loading message | Text | Specifies the message displayed when the cache and session control ActiveX control is loading and the user may be prompted to allow cache and session control installation. |
Cache and session control ActiveX missing message | Text | Specifies the text displayed when the client requires ActiveX to start the cache and session control plug-in, and ActiveX is not available or enabled. |
Cache and session control continue link | Text | Specifies the link text that the user clicks to continue when the cache and session control plug-in cannot load. |
Cache and session control blocked popup message | Text | Specifies the message displayed when a popup blocker is enabled. The message includes information on how to allow popups from the BIG-IP device. Note: We recommend that you use an HTML editor to edit the HTML code for this box. The code appears unformatted and without line breaks in the box. |
Cache and session control failure message | Text | Specifies the message displayed when the cache and session control plug-in fails to start. The message includes information on possible causes. Note: We recommend that you use an HTML editor to edit the HTML code for this box. The code appears unformatted and without line breaks in the box. |
Cache and session control loading message | Text | Specifies the text displayed while the cache and session control plug-in starts. Note: We recommend that you use an HTML editor to edit the HTML code for this box. The code appears unformatted and without line breaks in the box. |
Checking client message | Text | Specifies the message displayed when the system is checking the client for an unspecified action. |
Continue link | Text | Specifies the link text that the user clicks to continue after opening a new browser window. |
Continue without endpoint inspection message | Text | Specifies the messages displayed when client-side security checks fail. You can specify link text to cancel and link text to continue. The continue link allows the client to continue on the fallback branch. |
Downloading message (appended to other messages) | Text | Specifies the message displayed while the client is downloading software components. |
File check message | Text | Specifies the message displayed while the file check action is checking the system. |
Firewall check message | Text | Specifies the message displayed while the firewall check action is checking the system. |
Installing message (appended to other messages) | Text | Specifies the message displayed while the client is installing software. |
Machine check info message | Text | Specifies the message displayed when the client is collecting machine info for the machine info check. |
New browser window required message | Text | Specifies the message displayed when browser settings have changed, and the user must open a new browser window to continue. |
Process check message | Text | Specifies the message displayed while the process check action is checking the system. |
Virtual keyboard hide keyboard link | Text | Specifies the link text that the user clicks to hide the virtual keyboard. |
Virtual keyboard label | Text | Specifies the label for the virtual keyboard. |
Windows Group Policy action message | Text | Specifies the message displayed while the Windows group policy action is configuring the system. |
Windows Info check message | Text | Specifies the message displayed while the Windows information check action is checking the system. |
Windows machine certificate check message | Text | Specifies the message displayed while the Windows machine certificate check action is checking the system. |
Windows Protected Workspace action message | Text | Specifies the message displayed while the Protected Workspace action is starting the protected workspace. |
Windows Protected Workspace continue link | Text | Specifies the link text specified that the user can click to continue without starting protected workspace. |
Windows Protected Workspace continuing: extended message | Text | Specifies the message displayed when the protected workspace starts, and the system requires some time to display the protected workspace. |
Windows Protected Workspace logon: short message | Text | Specifies the message displayed on the client when protected workspace resumes the logon procedure after starting. |
Windows Protected Workspace started: close browser message | Text | Specifies the message displayed when protected workspace has successfully started, |
Windows Registry check message | Text | Specifies the message displayed while the registry check action is checking the system. |
Localizing layout and content of logout pages
Customize the layout and content of components that appear on logout pages when the access policy or user ends a session.
Logout component settings
You can customize the following settings for logout messages that appear in web browsers and on mobile devices with the Customization tool.
Name | Value | Description |
Access not found page reject message | Text | Specifies the message displayed when the access policy cannot be completed correctly. |
Access not found page title | Text | Specifies the title for the page displayed when the access policy cannot be completed correctly. |
ACL denied page reject message | Text | Specifies the message displayed when the user attempts to access a page to which access is specifically denied by an access control list. |
ACL denied page return link message | Text | Specifies the link text on the ACL Denied page that the user can click to return to the previous page. |
ACL denied page title | Text | Specifies the title text on the ACL Denied page. |
Error message | Text | Provides a more specific error message that follows the error title, which indicates that a problem may have occurred during access policy evaluation. |
Error title | Text | Specifies text that indicates that the session could not start. |
New session link | Text | Specifies the text label for the hypertext link to start a new session, such as click here. This link follows the New session text. |
New session text | Text | Specifies text that precedes the link a user clicks to start a new session. |
Session expired message | Text | Specifies the message that appears when the user session expires due to inactivity. |
Session ID title | Text | Specifies the text that precedes the session number when an error occurs. |
Success message | Text | Specifies the text displayed when the user logs out successfully. |
Success title | Text | Specifies the text displayed when a session is finished. |
Thank you message | Text | Specifies a thank you message displayed for network access users after logout. |
Localizing error messages
Customize the error messages that appear when the client or browser encounters errors while processing the login page or running access policy sessions.
General error settings
You can customize the following settings for general error messages that appear in web browsers and on mobile devices with the Customization tool.
Name | Value | Description |
Access denied by ACL | Text | Specifies the error displayed when an ACL entry denies access. |
Client IP address changed | Text | Specifies the error displayed if the client IP address changes while the session is in progress. |
Invalid Network Access resource | Text | Specifies the error displayed when the access profile cannot find a valid Network Access resource. |
Invalid Session ID | Text | Specifies the error displayed when the Session ID is not correct. This may occur because the session has timed out. |
Request error | Text | Specifies the error displayed when there is a malformed request or there is another problem with a request. |
Server in maintenance mode | Text | Specifies the error displayed when a session cannot start because the server is performing maintenance. |
Session ID is not found | Text | Specifies the error displayed when cookies are disabled, and this causes the session ID to be unavailable in the request. |
Stateful failover couldn’t be supported | Text | Specifies the error displayed when the access policy has changed and due to failover issues, the admin must log in again. |
System is not licensed | Text | Specifies the error displayed when a session cannot start because the system is not licensed. |
Terminated Session | Text | Specifies the error displayed when the session is terminated by the server. |
Unsupported User-Agent | Text | Specifies the error displayed when the browser user agent is not supported in the policy. |
User limit reached | Text | Specifies the error displayed when the resource cannot be assigned because the limit on the number of sessions has been reached. |
AAA error settings
You can customize the following settings for AAA error messages that appear in web browsers and on mobile devices with the Customization tool.
Name | Value | Description |
AD domain password change failure | Text | Specifies the text displayed when the attempt to change the Active Directory password failed. |
AD domain password change failure with extended error | Text | Specifies the text displayed when the attempt to change the Active Directory password failed, and includes the error message from the Active Directory component. |
AD domain password expired | Text | Specifies the text displayed when the Active Directory domain password has expired. |
AD domain password expired with extended error | Text | Specifies the text displayed when the Active Directory password has expired, and includes the error message from the Active Directory component. |
Incorrect AD username or password with extended error | Text | Specifies the text displayed when the Active Directory user name or password is incorrect, and includes the error message from the Active Directory component. |
Incorrect LDAP username or password with extended error | Text | Specifies the text displayed when the LDAP user name or password is incorrect, and includes the error message from the LDAP component. |
Incorrect OAM username or password with extended error | Text | Specifies the text displayed when the OAM user name or password is incorrect, and includes the error message from the OAM component. |
Incorrect RADIUS username or password with extended error | Text | Specifies the text displayed when the RADIUS user name or password is incorrect, and includes the error message from the RADIUS component. |
Incorrect username or password | Text | Specifies the text displayed when the user name or password is incorrect. |
OAM authentication error | Text | Specifies the text displayed when there is an OAM authentication error. |
OAM authorization error | Text | Specifies the text displayed when there is an OAM authorization error. |
OAM internal error | Text | Specifies the text displayed when there is an invalid setup for the OAM server. |
OAM SDK initialization error | Text | Specifies the text displayed when there is an OAM error related to the F5 webgate and OAM SDK. |
RADIUS challenge failure | Text | Specifies the text displayed when a RADIUS challenge fails. |
RADIUS challenge failure with extended error | Text | Specifies the text displayed when a RADIUS challenge fails, and includes the error message from the RADIUS component. |
SecurID logon failure with retry | Text | Specifies the text displayed when the RSA SecurID logon or password is incorrect. |
SecurID logon failure with retry with extended error | Text | Specifies the text displayed when the RSA SecurID logon or password is incorrect, and includes the error message from the SecurID component. |
Installation error settings
You can customize the following settings for installation error messages that appear in web browsers and on mobile devices with the Customization tool.
Name | Value | Description |
ActiveX is not allowed or unsupported | Text | Specifies the error displayed when the access policy attempts to load an ActiveX control in Microsoft Internet Explorer and ActiveX is not enabled. |
Installation failure | Text | Specifies the error displayed when installation of a browser component fails. |
Resource error settings
You can customize the following settings for resource error messages that appear in web browsers and on mobile devices with the Customization tool.
Name | Value | Description |
ACL does not exist | Text | Specifies the error text displayed when the assigned ACL does not exist. |
Inconsistent host replacement string | Text | Specifies the error text displayed when portal access resources configured in Minimal Patching mode contain inconsistent host replace strings. |
Incorrect resource assigned (Network Access) | Text | Specifies the error text displayed when a resource assign action is configured to assign a portal access webtop with a network access resource. Webtop and resource types must match. |
Incorrect resource assigned (Portal Access) | Text | Specifies the error text displayed when a resource assign action is configured to assign a network access webtop with a portal access resource. |
Invalid Dynamic ACL Assignment | Text | Specifies the error text displayed when the dynamic ACL is incorrectly assigned or configured. |
Invalid host for App Tunnel resource | Text | Specifies the error text displayed when a host that the app tunnel attempts to start a connection to does not respond correctly. |
Invalid host for Remote Desktop resource | Text | Specifies the error text displayed when the host that a remote desktop resource attempts to start a connection to does not respond correctly. |
Invalid Portal Access start URI | Text | Specifies the error text displayed when the portal access webtop has an invalid start URI. |
Invalid Static ACL assignment | Text | Specifies the error text displayed when a static ACL is not configured correctly. |
Missing Network Access resource | Text | Specifies the error text displayed when a network access webtop is configured with no network access resource. Webtop and resource types must match. |
More than one Network Access resource | Text | Specifies the error text displayed when more than one network access resource is assigned to an access policy branch. |
Network Access and Portal Access resources assigned | Text | Specifies the error text displayed when both network access and portal accesss resources are assigned to an access policy branch. |
Portal Access resources have inconsistent patching methods | Text | Specifies the error text displayed when multiple portal accesss are assigned to an access policy branch, with different patching methods. All portal access resources assigned to an access policy branch must use the same patching method. |
Resource does not exist | Text | Specifies the error text displayed when the assigned resource does not exist. |
Webtop does not exist | Text | Specifies the error text displayed when the assigned webtop does not exist. |
Webtop required | Text | Specifies the error text displayed when a webtop is required, but not assigned. |
Dynamic configuration error settings
You can customize the following settings for dynamic configuration error messages that appear in web browsers and on mobile devices with the Customization tool.
Name | Value | Description |
Invalid Dynamic ACL entries | Text | Specifies the text displayed when a dynamic ACL contains invalid entries. |
Localizing logon pages
Customize the messages that appear for a specific logon page or HTTP 401 response page in an access policy.
Logon page settings
You can customize the following settings for logon pages that appear in web browsers and on mobile devices with the Customization tool.
Name | Value | Description |
Form Header Text | Text | Specifies the text that appears at the top of the logon screen. |
HTTP 401 Response | Text | Specifies the text displayed when an HTTP 401 authentication error occurs. |
Logon Button | Text | Specifies the text that appears on the logon button, which a user clicks to post the defined logon agents. |
Logon Page Input Field # (1-5) | Text | These fields specify the text that is displayed on the logon page for each of the logon page agents, defined in the Logon Page Agent screen area. |
New Password Prompt | Text | Specifies the prompt displayed when a new Active Directory password is requested. |
Password and Password Verification do not Match | Text | Specifies the prompt displayed to confirm the new password when a new Active Directory password is requested. |
Save Password Checkbox | Text | Specifies the text that appears adjacent to the check box that allows users to save their passwords in the logon form. This field is used only in the secure access client, and not in the web client. |
Verify Password Prompt | Text | Specifies the prompt displayed to confirm the new password when a new Active Directory password is requested. |
Localizing decision pages
Customize the messages that appear for decision pages.
General decision page settings
You can customize the following settings for decision pages that appear in web browsers and on mobile devices with the Customization tool.
Name | Value | Description |
Field 1 Image | Image | Specifies the image that appears in the first option field on the decision page. Click the icon at the right of the field to view the image. Click Replace to change the image. |
Field 2 Image | Image | Specifies the image that appears in the second option field on the decision page. Click the icon at the right of the field to view the image. Click Replace to change the image. |
Advanced customization image settings
You set advanced customization images to make images you add through the image browser available to your advanced customization pages.
The Advanced Customization Images properties pages allow you to set advanced customization images from the image browser to associate with advanced customization image names. You can then use the image name to add an image to an advanced customization page.
To select an image from the image browser to associate with an image for advanced customization, click the button next to the current (or default) image name, and select Replace.
Localizing message box pages
Customize the message boxes that appear for message box pages.
Advanced customization image settings
You set advanced customization images to make images you add through the image browser available to your advanced customization pages.
The Advanced Customization Images properties pages allow you to set advanced customization images from the image browser to associate with advanced customization image names. You can then use the image name to add an image to an advanced customization page.
To select an image from the image browser to associate with an image for advanced customization, click the button next to the current (or default) image name, and select Replace.
Localizing ending pages
Customize the ending pages that appear in access policies.
Advanced customization image settings
You set advanced customization images to make images you add through the image browser available to your advanced customization pages.
The Advanced Customization Images properties pages allow you to set advanced customization images from the image browser to associate with advanced customization image names. You can then use the image name to add an image to an advanced customization page.
To select an image from the image browser to associate with an image for advanced customization, click the button next to the current (or default) image name, and select Replace.