Manual Chapter : Importing and Exporting Access Profiles

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  • 12.0.0
Manual Chapter

Importing and Exporting Access Profiles

Overview: Importing and exporting access profiles

You can export or import an access profile for the purpose of backing up and restoring a profile or for copying it from one Access Policy Manager® (APM®) system to another. An access profile is exported to a compressed tar file. Import is supported on a system with the same version of APM that created the export file.

Task summary

Exporting an access profile

You can export any access profile and later import it to restore it on the same BIG-IP system with Access Policy Manager® (APM®), or import it to another BIG-IP® system with APM (at the same software version).
  1. On the Main tab, click Access Policy > Access Profiles .
    The Access Profiles List screen opens.
  2. Locate the access profile that you want to export.
  3. In the Export column, click the Export link.
    A compressed archive file (gz) downloads. The full filename is profile-<PartitionName><AccessProfileName.conf.tar.gz.

Importing an access profile

You can import an access profile that was previously exported from an Access Policy Manager® (APM®) system to restore the access profile or to add an access profile from another APM system.
Note: Do not import a policy if you exported it from another version of APM.
  1. On the Main tab, click Access Policy > Access Profiles .
    The Access Profiles List screen opens.
  2. Click Import.
    The Import Profile screen opens.
  3. In the New Profile Name box, type the name for the new profile.
    Note: The access profile name must be unique among all access profile and per-request policy names.
  4. Next to the Config File Upload field, click Choose File.
    A popup screen opens.
  5. Select the file to import and click the Open button.
    The full filename for an exported access profile usually follows this pattern profile-<PartitionName><AccessProfileName.conf.tar.gz.
  6. Select the Reuse Existing Objects check box to reuse objects that exist on the server.
    This option reuses APM configuration objects, such as server definitions or resources, instead of recreating them for use with the imported access policy.
  7. Click Import.
    The file is imported to the system.