Manual Chapter : Variable Assign Reference

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  • 12.1.6, 12.1.5, 12.1.4, 12.1.3, 12.1.2, 12.1.1, 12.1.0
Manual Chapter

Variable Assign Reference

Variable assign: domain plus username example

A Tcl command that separates the values of two session variables with a backslash can provide the value for a domain and user name in this format DOMAIN\USERNAME.

Tcl expression

[mcget {session.ntlm.last.domain}]\\[mcget {session.ntlm.last.username}]

The expression obtains the values of the session variables and concatenates them using a backslash as a separator. Both backslashes in the expression are needed to work with Tcl backslash substitution rules.

Tcl expression in Variable Assign entry

Custom Variable domain user equals a Custom Expression

A Tcl command in the Custom Expression pane provides the value for the custom variable, domainuser.

Variable assign: text assignment example

Variable assign configuration: a custom variable with a text value

Custom variable myDomainName set to text value, siterequest

Predefined session variable attributes

In the Variable Assign action, you can select Predefined Session Variable as the type of variable to assign. Then you can select a predefined variable and assign a value to it. The table lists the variables that you can select and provides the corresponding session variable name and expected format for the session variable.

Variable (selection) Session variable Format Description
Network Access Client IPv4 session.assigned.clientip IPv4 address, for example Stores the client IPv4 address assigned by Access Policy Manager® (APM®) after the access policy completes.
Network Access Client IPv6 session.requested.ipv6_clientip IPv6 address, for example 2001:0db8:0000:0000: 0000:ff00:0042:8329 Stores the client IPv6 address that APM assigns after the access policy completes.
ACLs session.assigned.acls A space-delimited list of assigned ACLs. For example ACL1 ACL3 ACL5. Stores the assigned static ACLs that APM assigns after the access policy completes.
Inactivity Timeout session.inactivity_timeout The inactivity timeout currently assigned to the session. For example 600. Stores the inactivity timeout that APM assigns to the session after the access policy completes.
Maximum Session Timeout session.max_session_timeout The maximum session timeout currently assigned to the session. For example 2000. Stores the maximum session timeout that APM assigns to the session after the access policy completes.
Network Access Resource A space-delimited list of network access resources currently assigned to the session. For example na1 na2 na3. Stores the network access resources that APM assigns to the session after the access policy completes.
SNAT session.assigned.snat.type The attribute value is 0, 2, or 3.
  • 0 - None (no SNAT)
  • 2 - SNAT pool (assigned with the variable snatpool_name)
  • 3 - Automap
Stores the type of SNAT that APM assigns to the session after the access policy completes.
SNAT Pool session.assigned.snat.value The name of the SNAT pool assigned to the session, for example, snat1. Stores the SNAT pool that APM assigns to the session after the access policy completes.
Route Domain session.assigned.route_domain The name of the route domain assigned to the session, for example, rd1. Stores the route domain that APM assigns to the session after the access policy completes.
UUID session.assigned.uuid The name of the UUID assigned to the session, for example, 550e8400-e29b-41d4-a716-446655440000. Stores the UUID that APM assigns to the session after the access policy completes.
Webtop session.assigned.webtop The name of the webtop assigned to the session, for example, full_webtop. Stores the webtop that APM assigns to the session after the access policy completes.