Manual Chapter : Session Variables

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  • 13.1.5, 13.1.4, 13.1.3, 13.1.1, 13.1.0
Manual Chapter

About session variables

An access policy stores the values that actions return in session variables. A session variable contains a number or string that represents a specific piece of information. This information is organized in a hierarchical arrangement and is stored as the user's session data.

The Current Sessions report in the Access Policy Manager® Reports area displays all session variables for a session. Session variables can be useful in access policies to achieve various results, including:

  • Customizing access rules or defining your own access policy rules.
  • Providing different outcomes for policies based on the values in the session variables.
  • Determining which resources to assign to users (with the Resource Assign action).

About session variable names

The name of a session variable consists of multiple hierarchical nodes separated by periods (.).

It includes the string session, a type, the agent name or the string last, intermediate agent-specific info, node name (attr or result), attribute name

How APM constructs session variable names

Session variables for Active Directory authentication and query

Access Policy Manager® names session variables in the following manner:
  •<username>.queryresult = query result (0 = failed, 1=passed)
  •<username>.authresult = authentication result (0 = failed, 1=passed)
  •<username>.attr.<attr_name> = the name of an attribute retrieved during the Active Directory query. Each retrieved attribute is converted to a separate session variable.
Note that attributes assigned to a user on the AAA server are specific to that server, and not to Access Policy Manager.

Session variables reference

This table includes session variables and related reference information.

Session variables for access policy action items

Action Item Session Variable Type Description
Denied Ending session.policy.result string Access policy result: the access policy ended at Deny. The value is access_denied.
Redirect Ending session.policy.result string Access policy result: the access policy ended at Redirect. The value is redirect.
  session.policy.result.redirect.url string URL specified in the redirect, for example,
Allowed Ending session.policy.result string Access policy result: the access policy ended at Allow. The value is allowed.
  session.policy.result.webtop.network_access.autolaunch string Name of the resource that is automatically started for a network access webtop.
  session.policy.result.webtop.type string Type of webtop resource: network_access or web_application.
Session management session.ui.mode enum UI mode, as determined by HTTP headers. UI mode reflects the protocol that the client used to communicate with the server during APM session establishment and access policy execution. UI mode does not directly map to client type (session.client.type). For example, when BIG-IP Edge Client uses a web browser component to establish a session, the session.ui.mode is set to 0 (Full Browser). Values:
  • 0 - Full Browser
  • 6 - Pocket PC (browser)
  • 7 - Standalone Client (clientless mode, no support for endpoint inspection; not Edge Client)
  • 8 - ActiveSync Client
  • 9 - Mobile Browser (smart phone)
  • 10 - Citrix Receiver
  session.ui.lang string Language in use in the session, for example "en" (English).
  session.ui.charset string Character set used in the session.
  session.client.type enum Client type as determined by HTTP headers: portalclient or "Standalone" (Edge Client).
  session.client.version string  
  session.client.jailbreak bool Mobile device is jailbroken/rooted:
  • 0 - No
  • 1 - Yes
  session.client.js bool Client is capable of executing JavaScript:
  • 0 - No
  • 1 - Yes
  session.client.activex bool Client is capable of running ActiveX Controls:
  • 0 - No
  • 1 - Yes
  session.client.plugin bool  
  session.client.platform string Client platform as determined by HTTP headers:
  • "Android""
  • "ChromeOS"
  • "iOS""
  • "Linux""
  • "MacOS""
  • "Win10"
  • "Win2k"
  • "Win2k""
  • "Win7"
  • "Win8.1"
  • "Win8"
  • "WindowsPhone"
  • "WinLH"
  • "WinNT""
  • "WinVI""
  • "WinXP""
  session.user.access_mode string Enables direct access to a Citrix resource from the webtop. Example: local.
Active Directory action$name.queryresult bool 0 or 1.
  • 0 - Active Directory query failed
  • 1 - Active Directory query passed$name.authresult bool 0 or 1.
  • 0 - Active Directory authentication failed
  • 1 - Active Directory authentication passed$name.attr.$attr_name string Users attributes retrieved during Active Directory query. Each attribute is converted to a separate session variable.$$attr_name string User's group attributes retrieved during Active Directory query. Each group attribute is converted to a separate session variable.
Advanced Resource Assign session.assigned.bwc.dynamic string Name of the assigned dynamic bandwidth control policy.
  session.assigned.bwc.static string Name of the assigned static bandwidth control policy.
Client certificate authentication session.ssl.cert.x509extension string X509 extensions.
  session.ssl.cert.valid string Certificate result: OK or error string.
  session.ssl.cert.exist integer 0 or 1.
  • 0 - Certificate does not exist
  • 1 - Certificate exists
  session.ssl.cert.version string Certificate version
  session.ssl.cert.subject string Certificate subject field
  session.ssl.cert.serial string Certificate serial number
  session.ssl.cert.end string Validity end date
  session.ssl.cert.start string Validity start date
  session.ssl.cert.issuer string Certificate issuer
  session.ssl.cert.whole string The whole certificate
Decision box session.decision_box.last.result integer 0 or 1.
  • 0 - User chooses option 2 on the decision page, which corresponds to the fallback rule branch in the action.
  • 1 -User chooses option 1 on the decision page
Encryption of client hard disk session.check_software.last.hd.item_1.state

Note: Currently, there is no session variable available to represent the status of the System Drive Encrypted state.

bool 0 or 1.
  • 0 - Not all drive encrypted.
  • 1 - All drive encrypted.
  session.check_software.last.hd.state bool Unused session variable; always shows the value 0.
File check session.windows_check_file.$name.item_0.exist string True - if all files exist on the client.
  session.windows_check_file.$name.item_0.result integer Set when files on the client meet the configured attributes.
  session.windows_check_file.$name.item_0.md5 string MD5 value of a checked file.
  session.windows_check_file.$name.item_0.version string Version of a checked file.
  session.windows_check_file.$name.item_0.size integer File size, in bytes.
  session.windows_check_file.$name.item_0.modified   Date the file was modified in UTC form.
  session.windows_check_file.$name.item_0.signer   File signer information.
LDAP action session.ldap.$name.authresult bool 0 or 1.
  • 0 - LDAP authentication failed
  • 1 - LDAP authentication passed
  session.ldap.$name.attr.$attr_name string Users attributes retrieved during LDAP query. Each attribute is converted to a separate session variable.
  session.ldap.$name.queryresult bool 0 or 1.
  • 0 - LDAP query failed
  • 1 - LDAP query passed
Logon Page (CAPTCHA challenge) session.logon.captcha.tracking unsigned integer A bitmask used when CAPTCHA is enabled.
  • Bit in 0 position - Track successful and unsuccessful logon attempts by IP address
  • Bit in 1 position - - Track successful and unsuccessful logon attempts by user name
Note: Should not be used by external modules because it is intended for very specific purposes.
Machine Cert Auth session.check_machinecert.last.result integer 0, 1, 2, or -2.
  • 0 - Neither certificate nor private key found.
  • 1 - Both certificate and private key found.
  • 2 - Certificate found, but private key not found.
  • -2 - Various errors, such as: Nothing received from client. Data received is not in correct format. Incorrect configuration. (For example, CA profile is not configured). Linux client is trying to access the agent.
Note: The Machine Cert Auth action is not supported on Linux.
OTP Generate session.otp.assigned.val string Generated one-time password value to send to the end user. Example message: One-Time Passcode: %{session.otp.assigned.val}
  session.otp.assigned.expire string Internally used timestamp; OTP expiration in seconds since this date and time: (00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970)
  session.otp.assigned.ttl string OTP time-to-live; configurable as OTP timeout in seconds. Example message: OTP expires after use or in %{session.otp.assigned.ttl} seconds
OTP Verify session.otp.verify.last.authresult bool 0 or 1.
  • 0 - OTP authentication failed
  • 1 - OTP authentication passed
RADIUS action session.radius.$name.authresult bool 0 or 1.
  • 0 - RADIUS authentication failed
  • 1 - RADIUS authentication passed
  session.radius.$name.attr.$attr_name string User attributes retrieved during RADIUS authentication. Each attribute is converted to a separate session variable.
Resource allocation string Space-delimited list of names of assigned App tunnel resources. string Space-delimited list of names of assigned Network Access resources. string Space-delimited list of names of assigned Portal Access resources.
  session.assigned.resources.rd string Space-delimited list of names of assigned remote desktop resources.
  session.assigned.resources.saml string Space-delimited list of names of assigned SAML resources.
  session.assigned.webtop string Name of the assigned webtop.
Windows Info session.windows_info_os.$name.ie_version string Stores the Internet Explorer version
  session.windows_info_os.$name.ie_updates string List of installed SP and KB fixes for Internet Explorer. For example: "¦SP2¦KB12345¦KB54321¦"
  session.windows_info_os.$name.platform string Platform.
  • "Win7" - Windows 7
  • "Win8" - Windows 8
  • "WinVI" - Windows
  • "WinXP" - Windows XP
  • "Win2003" - Windows 2003 Server
  • "WinLH" - Windows 2008
  session.windows_info_os.$name.updates string List of installed SP and KB fixes for Windows. For example, "¦SP2¦KB12345¦KB54321¦"
  session.windows_info_os.$name.user string List of current Windows user names
  session.windows_info_os.$ string List of computer names
Windows Process session.windows_check_process.$name.result integer 0, 1, or -1.
  • 0 - Failure
  • 1 - Success
  • -1 - Invalid check expression
Windows Registry session.windows_check_registrys.$name.result integer 0, 1, or -1.
  • 0 - Failure
  • 1 - Success
  • -1 - Invalid check expression

Network access resource configuration variables and attributes

This table includes network access resource configuration variables and attributes.

Variables and attributes for network access resource configurations

Network access resource property Type Attribute value format
leasepool_name string The attribute value is the name of a leasepool that exists on Access Policy Manager.
compression int The attribute value is 0 or 1.
  • 0 = disable compression
  • 1 = enable compression
  • Bool
  • String
  • IPAddress
  • Number
  • Bool
  • Vector(String)
The attribute is XML, formatted as follows:

< client_proxy_settings >




<client_proxy_address>proxyaddress</ client_proxy_address>








Note that <client_proxy> should have the value 1 for the other settings to be effective, otherwise all other setting from <client_proxy_settings> will be ignored.

drive_mapping Vector (Struct) The attribute is XML, formatted as follows:



<description> description</description>





Note that the drive letter range is from D to Z.

session_update_threshold int The attribute value is the session update threshold, in seconds.
session_update_window int The attribute value is the session update window, in seconds.
address_space_include_dns_name Vector (string) The attribute is XML, formatted as follows:


<item><dnsname> dnsname1 </dnsname>


<item><dnsname> dnsname2 </dnsname>



address_space_include_subnet Vector (network) The attribute value is a space-separated list of subnets. For example:

address_space_exclude_subnet Vector(network) The attribute value is a space-separated list of subnets. For example:

address_space_protect Bool The attribute value is 0 or 1.

0 = disable address space protection

1 = enable address space protection

address_space_local_subnets_excluded Bool The attribute value is 0 or 1.

0 = disable address space local subnet exclusion

1 = enable address space local subnet exclusion

address_space_dhcp_requests_excluded Bool The attribute value is 0 or 1.

0 = disable address space DHCP requestexclusion

1 = enable address space DHCP requestexclusion

split_tunneling Bool The attribute value is 0 or 1.

0 = disable split tunneling

1 = enable split tunneling

Note: If split_tunneling is set to 0 then you must set the following variables:

address_space_exclude_subnet = "" address_space_include_subnet = ""

address_space_include_dns_name = "*"

dns String The attribute is XML, formatted as follows:


<dns_primary>IPAddress</ dns_primary><dns_secondary>IPAddress</ dns_secondary></dns>

dns_suffix String The DNS Default Domain Suffix. For example,
wins String The attribute is XML, formatted as follows:


<wins_primary >IPAddress</ wins_primary ><wins_secondary>IPAddress</ wins_secondary></wins>

static_host Vector(staticHost) The attribute is XML, formatted as follows:







client_interface_speed int The number for the client interface speed value in the network access resource, in bytes.
client_ip_filter_engine Bool The attribute value is 0 or 1.

0 = disable integrated IP filtering engine

1 = enable integrated IP filtering engine

client_power_management Bool The attribute value is 0 or 1.

0 = disable client power management

1 = enable client power management

microsoft_network_client Bool The attribute value is 0 or 1.

0 = disable the Client for Microsoft Networks option

1 = enable the Client for Microsoft Networks

warn_before_application_launch Bool The attribute value is 0 or 1.

0 = disable the Display warning before launching applications option

1 = enable the Display warning before launching applications option

application_launch Vector(AppLaunch) The attribute is XML, formatted as follows:







For the <os_type> value, type WINDOWS, MAC, or IOS. This field is case sensitive.

provide_client_cert Bool The attribute value is 0 or 1.

0 = disable the Provide client certificate on Network Access connection when requested option

1 = enable the Provide client certificate on Network Access connection when requested option

tunnel_port_dtls int The attribute is the DTLS port, for example 4433.

Note: setting this to any number other than 0 enables DTLS in the network access resource, and sets the number you specify as the DTLS port.

sessiondump command usage

The sessiondump command syntax includes one operation and one or more arguments and flags.


sessiondump <operation> <arguments> <flags>
Table 1. Operation
Name Description
help Show this help message
list Show list of all sessions
allkeys Show all session variables for all sessions
locks Show list of session locks
ip Show list of IP to session maps
ntlm Show list of NTLM credentials to session maps
Table 2. Arguments
Name Description
sid Show all session variables for a session
delete Delete a specific session
lockdelete Delete all or a specific session lock
Table 3. Flags
Name Description
savetofile Save all results to a file