Manual Chapter : Deploying BIG-IP Virtual Edition in XenServer

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Manual Chapter

Deploying BIG-IP VE on XenServer

The first step in deploying BIG-IP® Virtual Edition (VE) is to download the OVA file to your local system. Next, you can run the Deploy OVF Template wizard from within the XenServer XenCenter client. Follow the steps in this procedure to create an instance of the BIG-IP system that runs as a virtual machine on the host system.

Important: Do not modify the configuration of the XenServer guest environment with settings less powerful than those recommended and described here. This includes the settings for the CPU, RAM, and network adapters. Doing so might produce unexpected results.
  1. In a browser, open the F5 Downloads page ( and log in.
  2. On the Downloads Overview page, select Find a Download.
  3. Under Product Line, select BIG-IP v12.x/Virtual Edition.
  4. Under Name, select Virtual-Edition.
  5. If the End User Software License is displayed, read it and then click I Accept.
  6. Download the BIG-IP VE file package ending with ide.ova.
  7. Extract the file from the Zip archive.
  8. Before starting the import wizard, review the prospective hypervisor environment for the following.
    • Make sure a DHCP server is active on the same network as the XenServer host before you start the XenCenter OVF Appliance.
    • Make sure there are no firewall or other restrictions between the required ports for connectivity between the XenCenter Client and XenServer. For more information and networking requirements, refer to the XenServer Virtual Machine Installation Guide.
    • Make sure enough storage space is available on the XenServer for the BIG-IP virtual machine.
  9. Start the XenCenter client and log in.
  10. From the XenCenter 6.0 File menu, click File > Import .
    The Import wizard starts.
  11. For the filename use the Browse button to locate the OVA file, open it, and then click Next.
    For example: \MyDocuments\Work\Virtualization\<BIG-IP_OVA_filename>
    This displays the End-User License Agreement (EULA).
  12. Read and accept the license agreement, and click Next.
    The Location screen opens.
  13. Under Home Server, select the home server for the BIG-IP VE virtual machine from the list, and click Next.
  14. On the Storage screen, click Place imported virtual disks onto specified target SRs, select the 100 GB storage size and location for the BIG-IP VE virtual machine, and then click Next.
  15. On the Networking screen, assign the Management, Internal, External, and HA virtual machines to their respective Target Networks and click Next.
    Tip: There is no need to enter MAC addresses, MAC addresses will be assigned automatically.
  16. In the OS Fixup Settings window, make sure the Use Operating System Fixup check box is not selected and click Next.
    Important: The Use Operating System Fixup check box is selected by default.
  17. On the Transfer VM Settings screen, click Next. On the Finish screen, review your settings before continuing and click Finish.
    The progress bar and text in the Progress pane indicate when the BIG-IP virtual machine creation is complete.

Accessing the BIG-IP VE management user interface

If your network has DHCP, an IP address is automatically assigned to BIG-IP® VE during deployment. You can use this address to access the BIG-IP VE user interface or tmsh command-line utility.

If no IP address was assigned, you can assign one by using the BIG-IP Configuration utility.

  1. In the XenCenter client screen, select the Server View.
  2. In the Resources pane, select the virtual machine.
  3. Click the Console tab.
    You might need to click the console area and press Enter to activate the console.
  4. At the local host login prompt, type root.
  5. At the password prompt, type default.
  6. Type config and press Enter.
    The F5 Management Port Setup screen opens.
  7. Click OK.
  8. If you want DHCP to automatically assign an address for the management port, select Yes. Otherwise, select No and follow the instructions for manually assigning an IP address and netmask for the management port.

You can use a hypervisor generic statement, such as tmsh show sys management-ip to confirm that the management IP address has been properly assigned.

You can now log into the BIG-IP VE user interface, and license and provision BIG-IP VE.