Manual Chapter : Migrating the Configuration on B2000 Series Blades

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Manual Chapter

Migrating the Configuration on B2000 Series Blades

Overview: Configuration migration from a B2100 blade to a B2150/B2250 blade

If you are using VIPRION® B2100 (original) blades in your VIPRION 2000 Series chassis and would like to upgrade to B2150 or B2250 (replacement) blades, you can use a chassis upgrade script to pull the user configuration set (UCS) from an old blade, and then copy and load the configuration to a new blade. The chassis upgrade script is automated, but requires user input.

To view help options for the script, type: --help .

Important: During this process, blades should not be processing production traffic and should not be in an Offline state.
Important: If you are upgrading to B2250 blades, you must reassign the new interfaces to the appropriate VLANs.

About prerequisites for running the chassis upgrade script

Before you run the chassis upgrade script, check for these conditions:

Condition Action
Chassis must not be in a production environment. Divert your application traffic to another chassis.
Original blade must be running BIG-IP® version 11.4.1 HF1 or later. If the original blade is running an earlier version, you must upgrade the blade software.
vCMP® guests on original blades should not be in a Deployed or Provisioned state. You must put the guests into the Configured state.
Note: If vCMP is provisioned on your system, read the section, Migrating vCMP Virtual Disks on B2000 Series Blades.
License must not be expired. You must activate the license before you can upgrade your VIPRION® system.

About sample configuration migration tasks

These examples illustrate how to migrate a configuration from a VIPRION® B2100 (original) blade to a B2150/B2250 (new) blade using an automated script. The script requires user input, so you must run it from the serial console of the new blade.

Example 1: Replacing multiple blades

Before you run the script, verify that at least one of the original blades in the chassis is active and running as the primary.
The script pulls the configuration (UCS) from a B2100 (original) blade, and then copies and loads the configuration to a B2150/B2250 (new) blade.
Important: You must run the chassis upgrade script from the serial console of the new blade.
  1. Halt all blades except for the one that is installed in slot 2:
    1. Connect to the blade using the serial console.
    2. Halt the blade.
      slot<N> halt
    The blade in slot 2 becomes primary.
  2. After the Primary LED on slot 2 is lit, insert a new blade into slot 1.
  3. Attach a serial cable to the CONSOLE port on the new blade in slot 1.
  4. Connect to the serial console of the new blade in slot 1.
  5. Log in to the command-line interface of the system using the root account.
  6. Run the chassis upgrade script on the new blade.
    Note: Press Ctrl+C at any time to stop the script.
  7. Monitor the script's progress. The script pauses and displays a message if it encounters any error conditions.
    The script displays an inventory of the blades in the cluster, similar to this example:
    #STEP 4: cluster member inventory
    Info: found 2 slots:
    slot 1:
      primary: 0
      alive: 1
    slot 2:
      primary: 1
      alive: 1
  8. When prompted, type the root password.
  9. Monitor the script's progress. The script stops running and displays a message if it encounters any error conditions.
  10. If there are other secondary blades in the cluster, the script prompts you to confirm that you want to stop the blades. If you decline to take down the blades, the script stops running.
  11. When prompted for the UCS file name, you can choose either to use the automatically-generated file name, which contains the chassis serial number, or provide your own name.
    The script saves the UCS configuration on the primary (original) blade.
  12. When prompted for the UCS passphrase, type the preferred passphrase and press Enter. By default, no passphrase is used.
  13. Monitor the script's progress. Next, it copies the UCS file from the primary blade and puts it in the /var/local/ucs directory on the new blade.
  14. When prompted to stop the primary blade, confirm that you want the script to stop the blade. If you decline to stop the primary blade, the script stops running.
    The new blade becomes the primary and attempts to load the UCS file. An error message displays if the load fails. For example, if you run out of free space on the new blade. If this occurs, free up space on the blade, and then load the UCS again.
    On successful completion, the following message displays: script completed successfully.
  15. If you have vCMP® provisioned on your system and are running BIG-IP® version 11.4.1 HF1 or later, continue to Migrating vCMP Virtual Disks to B2000 Series Blades. Otherwise, continue to the next step.
  16. Replace the original blade in slot 2 with a new blade and install any additional new blades.
    Note: After you install a blade, wait approximately one to two minutes before installing another to ensure that each blade has sufficient time to boot. When the Status LED is green, the blade is fully booted.

Example 2: Replacing a single blade

Before you run the script, verify that the original blade in the chassis is active and running as the primary.
The script pulls the configuration (UCS) from a B2100 (original) blade, and then copies and loads the configuration to a B2150/B2250 (new) blade.
Important: You must run the chassis upgrade script from the serial console of the new blade.
  1. Insert a new blade into slot 2.
  2. Attach a serial cable to the CONSOLE port on the new blade in slot 2.
  3. Connect to the serial console of the new blade in slot 2.
  4. Log in to the command-line interface of the system using the root account.
  5. Run the chassis upgrade script on the new blade.
    Note: Press Ctrl+C at any time to stop the script.
  6. Monitor the script's progress. The script pauses and displays a message if it encounters any error conditions.
    The script displays an inventory of the blades in the cluster, similar to this example:
    #STEP 4: cluster member inventory
    Info: found 2 slots:
    slot 1:
      primary: 1
      alive: 1
    slot 2:
      primary: 0
      alive: 1
  7. When prompted, type the root password.
  8. Monitor the script's progress. The script stops running and displays a message if it encounters any error conditions.
  9. When prompted for the UCS file name, you can choose either to use the automatically-generated file name, which contains the chassis serial number, or provide your own name.
    The script saves the UCS configuration on the primary (original) blade.
  10. When prompted for the UCS passphrase, type the preferred passphrase and press Enter. By default, no passphrase is used.
  11. Monitor the script's progress. Next, it copies the UCS file from the primary blade and puts it in the /var/local/ucs directory on the new blade.
  12. When prompted to stop the primary blade, confirm that you want the script to stop the blade. If you decline to stop the primary blade, the script stops running.
    The new blade becomes the primary and attempts to load the UCS file. An error message displays if the load fails. For example, if you run out of free space on the new blade. If this occurs, free up space on the blade, and then load the UCS again.
    On successful completion, the following message displays: script completed successfully.
  13. If you have vCMP® provisioned on your system and are running BIG-IP® version 11.4.1 HF1 or later, continue to Migrating vCMP Virtual Disks to B2000 Series Blades. Otherwise, continue to the next step.
  14. Optional: Install any additional new blades.
    Note: After you install a blade, wait approximately one to two minutes before installing another to ensure that each blade has sufficient time to boot. When the Status LED is green, the blade is fully booted.

Migration result

Your original blade configuration is now running on your new blade (which is now the primary blade in the system), and on any additional blades that you installed in the system.

After successful completion of the migration, you will need to delete any volumes with software versions older than BIG-IP 11.4.1 installed on them.

Chassis upgrade command reference

The chassis upgrade script includes these options.

Option Description
--no-op Does not run the script, but displays what would have been done.
--verbose Enables debug logging.
--help Displays all options.