Manual Chapter : About Variable Assign

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  • 15.0.1, 15.0.0
Manual Chapter

About Variable Assign

The Variable Assign action can includes one or more entries. An entry specifies a variable and assigns a value to it.
A variable assign entry screen as it displays initially
2-pane screen: custom variable in left pane and custom expression in right pane.
In the entry screen, the variable is specified in the left pane and the value is specified in the right pane.
A Variable Assign action provides these configuration elements and options for the variable:
Custom Variable
Specifies a variable name. It can be any name including the name of a session variable or the name of a perflow variable.
For a per-session policy, when the policy runs it recognizes only existing perflow variables.
Predefined Variables
Specifies a predefined session variable or perflow variable name, which must be selected from the
list. The type of variable (session or perflow) that is available for selection depends on the selected
Per-Session Variables
Per-Request Variables
Per-Request Variables
, the
Scratchpad, Custom
, and
Primary Category
perflow variables are available for use in the per-request policy and in per-request policy subroutines. You can, for example, pass the value of a session variable into the per-request policy in one of these variables.
Unsecure or Secure
Specifies whether the variable is secure. A secure variable is stored in encrypted form in the session database. The value of a secure variable is not displayed in the session report, or logged by the logging agent.
A Variable Assign action provides these configuration elements and options for the value:
Custom Expression
Specifies a Tcl expression. The result of the expression is used as the value.
AAA attribute
Specifies the name of the attribute that contains the value:
  • Agent Type
    - specifies the type of AAA server: AD, LDAP, or RADIUS.
  • Attribute Type
    - specifies the attribute type to use depending on the agent type:
    • Use user's attribute
      - for AD agent.
    • Use user's primary group attribute
      - for AD agent.
    • Use LDAP attribute
      - for LDAP agent.
    • Use RADIUS attribute
      - for RADIUS agent.
  • Agent type
    attribute name
    - specifies the name of the attribute that contains the value.
Specifies a text string to use as the value. The text entered in this field is used as is.
Session Variable
Specifies the name of a session variable from which to get the value.