Manual Chapter : About the Logging action

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  • 15.0.1, 15.0.0
Manual Chapter

About the Logging action

The Logging action can be used in an access policy or in a per-request policy. In an access policy, the Logging action adds logging for session variables to the access policy. In a per-request policy, the Logging action can add logging for both session variables and perflow variables to the per-request policy.
This action is useful for tracing the variables that are created for a specific category, or in a specific branch.
A session variable might or might not exist at the time of logging; depending on the result of the access policy branch, or results of processing the access policy.
The Logging action provides these configuration elements and options:
Log Message
For an access policy, specifies text to add to the log file. For a per-request policy, specifies the message text and the session and per-flow variables to add to the message. Complete variable names must be typed. Wildcards are not supported for per-request policies. An example log message for a per-request policy follows.
The system found this URL %{perflow.category_lookup.result.url} in these categories %{perflow.category_lookup.result.categories} and placed it into this category %{perflow.category_lookup.result.primarycategory}.
An HTTPS request was made to this host %{perflow.category_lookup.result.hostname}; the per-request policy set SSL bypass to %{perflow.ssl_bypass_set}.
Requests from this platform %{session.client.platform} were made during this session %{}.
Add new entry
Specify actions that read from and write to specific database properties. Click the
Add New Entry
button to add a new logging agent to the action.
Session Variables
Specifies a session variable from a list of predefined session variables or a custom session variable.
This option is available only when adding the Logging action to an access policy.