Manual Chapter : HTTP Dimensions and Metrics

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BIG-IQ Centralized Management

  • 8.3.0, 8.2.0, 8.1.0, 8.0.0
Manual Chapter

HTTP Dimensions and Metrics

The dimensions and metrics listed are gathered to monitor traffic data pertaining to the HTTP layer. The information provided is found in the dimensions pane tables with the screens that display HTTP data. It is important note that all metric data is displayed as a unit over the time period selected for the screen.

HTTP Dimensions

The following defines the dimensions found in the dimensions pane that report HTTP traffic analytics.
BIG-IP Host Names
The name of each BIG-IP system that processed the monitored transactions.
The name of each application reporting HTTP traffic data.
Application Services
The name of each HTTP application service reporting transaction data.
Virtual Servers
The name of each virtual server that processes monitored transactions.
Pool Member Addresses
The IP addresses of the servers assigned to a pool configured to a managed BIG-IP.
Transaction Outcomes
The outcome assigned to each HTTP request as they are processed by the BIG-IP system.
The URL that initiated the HTTP request that was processed by the BIG-IP system.
Client IPs
The client IP address that initiated the HTTP request that was processed by the BIG-IP system.
The subnet of the client IP address that initiated the HTTP request that was processed by the BIG-IP system.
The country listed in the HTTP request that was processed by the BIG-IP system.
Response Codes
The result code listed HTTP response received by the BIG-IP system.
Response Code Families
The class of the HTTP response result received by the BIG-IP system.
The HTTP method included in the HTTP request received by the BIG-IP system.
The type of browser included in the HTTP request that was received by the BIG-IP system.
The operating system included in the HTTP request received by the BIG-IP system.
User Agents
The browser and operating system information included in the HTTP request received by the BIG-IP system.

HTTP Metric

HTTP metrics reflect the quantity, volume and speed of the HTTP traffic processed by your managed BIG-IP systems. Metric sets categorize the metric data according to an aspect of the traffic's progress throughout the transaction process. The table below defines the metric set and the kind of metric data collected.
Metric Set
Metric Set Definition
Metric Definition
Each initiated request between the client and BIG-IP system, regardless of the outcome.
Average number of transactions per second that were processed by the BIG-IP system.
Total number of transactions processed by the BIG-IP system.
Request Volume
The volume (in bytes) of a request that is processed by the BIG-IP system.
Avg Size
The average number of bytes sent per transaction request.
The average rate of bytes per second sent in transaction requests.
The total number of bytes sent in all transaction requests.
Response Volume
The volume (in bytes) of a response that is processed by the BIG-IP system.
Avg Size
The average number of bytes sent per transaction response.
The average rate of bytes per second sent in transaction responses.
The total number of bytes sent in all transaction responses.
Server Latency
Server latency is the time (in ms) from when the BIG-IP system sends the first request byte to the web application server, until the BIG-IP system receives the first response byte.
The average server latency observed by the system.
Trans Count
Total number of transactions processed by the BIG-IP system.
The highest server latency observed by the system.
Page Load Time
Page load time is the time (in ms) from when the client sends the first byte of a request until the last byte of the response is received by the client.
Page load time is how long (in milliseconds) it takes from the time an end user makes a request for a web page, until the web page from the application server finishes loading on the client-side browser.
Trans Count
The number of client responses from the system that include page load time information.
The longest page load time observed by the system.
The average page load time observed by the system.
Application Response Time
The time (in ms) from when the server receives the first request byte from the BIG-IP system until the server sends the first byte of the response.
The average application response time observed by the system.
The shortest application response time observed by the system.
The the standard deviation (in ms) of all application response times observed by the system.
Trans Count
The number of application response times observed by the system.
The longest application response time observed by the system.
E2E time
The time (in ms) from when the client sends the first packet of a request until the client receives the last packet of the response.
The longest client end to end time observed by the system.
The shortest client client end to end time observed by the system.
The standard deviation (in ms) for all observed client end to end time.
Trans Count
The number of client responses that include client end to end time information.
The average client end to end time for all observed transactions.
Client Side RTT
Client side round trip time (RTT) is the sum of time (in ms) observed from when the first byte from a client request is received by the BIG-IP system and when the first byte of a response is sent from the BIG-IP system to the client. Or, Client TTFB not including request duration.
The standard deviation (in ms) for all observed client side RTTs.
The shortest client side RTT for all observed transactions.
The longest client side RTT for all observed transactions.
The average client side RTT for all observed transactions.
Server Side RTT
Server side round trip time (RTT) is the sum of the times (in ms) observed from when the server receives the first request byte from the BIG-IP system and from when the BIG-IP receives the first byte of the response from the server. Or the time observed from when the BIG-IP system sends the first request byte, until it receives the first response byte, not including application response time.
Trans Count
The number of server responses to the system that include RTT information.
The standard deviation (in ms) for all observed server side RTTs.
The average server side RTT for all observed transactions.
The longest server side RTT observed by the system.
The shortest server side RTT observed by the system.
Request Duration
The time it takes (in ms) the BIG-IP system to send the first byte until the last byte of a request to the server.
The longest request duration observed by the system
Trans Count
The number of requests observed by the system.
The standard deviation (in ms) of request duration for all observed requests.
The average request duration for all observed requests.
The shortest request duration observed by the system.
Responses Duration
The time it takes (in ms) the BIG-IP system to send the first byte until the last byte of a response to the client.
Trans Count
The number of responses observed by the system.
The average response duration for all observed responses.
The longest response duration observed by the system.
The shortest response duration observed by the system.
The standard deviation (in ms) of response duration for all observed responses.