Manual Chapter : Import tenant image files

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  • 1.0.1, 1.0.0
Manual Chapter

Import tenant image files

Before you can import a tenant image file, be sure to download the tenant image file to a web server in your infrastructure that supports HTTPS, has PUT/POST enabled, and has a valid CA-signed certificate.
You can import tenant image files onto your
system from the CLI.
  1. Log in to the command line interface (CLI) of the system using an account with admin access.
    When you log in to the system, you are in user (operational) mode.
  2. Import the tenant image file.
    The remote host should be an HTTPS server with PUT/POST enabled and have a valid CA-signed certificate. To ignore the certificate warnings, you can use the insecure option.
    file import remote-url <
    > local-file <
    > username <
    > password [ remote-port <
    > ] [ protocol [ https | scp | sftp ]] [insecure]
    This example shows how to import a tenant ISO to the system:
    appliance-1# file import remote-url local-file images/staging username admin password Enter the password at the prompt: Value for 'password' (<string>): ******** result File transfer is initiated.(images/staging)
    You can use the downloaded image file when deploying a tenant.
    If the file import doesn't work, you can alternatively use secure copy (SCP) to copy the tenant image file to the
    directory of the system.
  3. Return to user (operational) mode.
  4. Optionally, you can check the status of the file import command.
    appliance-1# file transfer-status
    When the file transfer completes, the