Manual Chapter : 3-DNS Module for BIG-IP Reference guide, v4.0: Utilities

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3-DNS Controller versions 1.x - 4.x

  • 4.0 PTF-01, 4.0.0
Manual Chapter



Working with command line utilities

The 3-DNS Controller includes several command line utilities. These utilities allow you to configure the DNS and the various features of the 3-DNS Controller. You may also want to review Chapter 9, Scripts , for additional 3-DNS Controller configuration options.

Accessing 3-DNS Controller utilities documentation

You can access the most current documentation on 3-DNS Controller utilities by using the Configuration utility or by using the command line.

Accessing 3-DNS Controller documentation using the Configuration utility

You can view all the documentation for the 3-DNS Controller from the main screen of the Configuration utility, including the man pages for the utilities that are shipped with the controller.

To access documentation on 3-DNS Controller utilities using the Configuration utility

  1. Log in to the Configuration utility.
  2. From the Online Documentation section of the main 3-DNS Controller screen, click the 3-DNS Man Pages link.
    A screen containing an index of 3-DNS man pages opens.

Accessing 3-DNS Controller documentation from the command line

Using the command line, you can display a list of utilities that fall into a particular category, or else display the man page for a specific utility.

To display a list of utilities that fall into a particular category

To display a list of utilities that fall into a particular category, type the following command:

man -k <category>

For example, to get a list of utilities that pertain to DNS, type the following command, and a list of utilities that pertain to DNS appears.

man -k dns

To display documentation for a specific 3-DNS Controller utility

To display the man page for a specific utility, type the following command:

man <utility>

For example, if you type the following command, the 3dparse man page appears:

man 3dparse