Manual Chapter :
Add a new health rule set for an application service
Applies To:
Show Versions
BIG-IQ Centralized Management
- 8.3.0, 8.2.0, 8.1.0, 8.0.0
Add a new health rule set for an application service
When you configure an application service to
the BIG-IQ, the application and its services are monitored by a default health alert
rule set. You can create a new health alert rule set to customize the alert
notifications for a specific application service.
- Go to the Alert Management screen.
- At the top left of the screen, click theAddbutton.The New Alert Rule screen opens.
- Type aNameand an optionalDescription.
- Select theRule Type(Device HealthorDevice Access-health).
- In the Metric Conditions area, enable and disable metrics as needed by selecting or clearing the box to the right of theMetriccolumn.BIG-IP devices earlier than version do not collect data that supports metric alerts. Applications that are managed by earlier versions of a BIG-IP device do not receive metric alerts.
- Use the Actions area to enable alert notifications by SNMP and Email.
- Use the Devices area at the bottom of the screen to view the available devices for the new alert rule set, and move a device from theAvailablelist to theSelectedlist.You can filter the device lists by selecting from theFilterlist.
- ClickSaveat the bottom of the screen, or clickSave & Closeto save and return to the Alert Rules screen.
The health and metric
rules trigger new alerts according to the saved modifications. This clears active alerts
for the associated application, which triggers the Alert Rule Changes alert.