Manual Chapter :
QoS configuration from the CLI
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- 1.6.0, 1.5.1, 1.5.0, 1.3.2, 1.3.1, 1.3.0, 1.2.2, 1.2.1, 1.2.0
QoS configuration from the CLI
Create traffic priorities
Depending on your traffic needs, you can define different traffic priority classes from the chassis partition CLI. Each entry created here corresponds to a class of service, identified using a user-provided descriptive name, such as "GOLD", "SILVER", or "VOIP". Later, you will map these entries to specific numeric priorities for 802.1p or DSCP.
- Connect using SSH to the chassis partition management IP address.
- Log in to the command line interface (CLI) of the chassis partition using an account with admin access.When you log in to the system, you are in user (operational) mode.
- Change to config mode.configThe CLI prompt changes to include(config).
- Create a traffic priority. You can create up to eight for the partition.qos global-setting config traffic-priorities traffic-priority <name>In this example, you create three traffic priorities for traffic: one for VoIP traffic, one for gold traffic, and one for other types of traffic:default-1(config)# qos global-setting config traffic-priorities traffic-priority VOIP default-1(config)# qos global-setting config traffic-priorities traffic-priority GOLD default-1(config)# qos global-setting config traffic-priorities traffic-priority OTHER
- Commit the configuration changes.commit
Next, you map the traffic priorities that you created to 802.1p or DSCP values.
Map traffic priorities
After you create traffic
priorities, you can map them to either 802.1p or DSCP values from the chassis
partition CLI.
- Connect using SSH to the chassis partition management IP address.
- Log in to the command line interface (CLI) of the chassis partition using an account with admin access.When you log in to the system, you are in user (operational) mode.
- Change to config mode.configThe CLI prompt changes to include(config).
- Create a mapping from the traffic priority classes that you created previously to specific numeric priorities for 802.1p or DSCP code-points.qos global-setting config mapping-8021p traffic-priority <traffic-priority-name> value <list-of-values>In this example, you create two traffic priorities for traffic, one for VOIP and one for other types of traffic:default-1(config)# qos global-setting config mapping-8021p traffic-priority GOLD value 1-3 default-1(config)# qos global-setting config mapping-8021p traffic-priority VOIP value 7
- Commit the configuration changes.commit
Next, you set a default traffic
Set a default traffic priority
After you map traffic priorities,
you can configure a default traffic priority, or quality of service (QoS)
queue, from the chassis partition CLI. This assigns a default traffic priority
for 802.1p or DSCP values that are not mapped to a traffic priority.
- Connect using SSH to the chassis partition management IP address.
- Log in to the command line interface (CLI) of the chassis partition using an account with admin access.When you log in to the system, you are in user (operational) mode.
- Change to config mode.configThe CLI prompt changes to include(config).
- Configure a default traffic priority.qos global-setting config [ mapping-8021p | mapping-DSCP ] default-traffic-priority <traffic-priority-name>In this example, you set a traffic priority named OTHER as the default traffic priority for both 802.1p and DSCP:default-1(config)# qos global-setting config mapping-8021p default-traffic-priority OTHER default-1(config)# qos global-setting config mapping-dscp default-traffic-priority OTHER
- Commit the configuration changes.commit
Next, you create a meter
Create a meter group
After you configure a default
traffic priority, or quality of service (QoS) queue, you can create a meter
group from the chassis partition CLI. You create a meter when you assign a
weight to a traffic priority. A meter group is the set of eight meters created
with all traffic priorities.
- Connect using SSH to the chassis partition management IP address.
- Log in to the command line interface (CLI) of the chassis partition using an account with admin access.When you log in to the system, you are in user (operational) mode.
- Change to config mode.configThe CLI prompt changes to include(config).
- Create a meter group.qos meter-setting config meter-groups meter-group <name> meters traffic-priority <traffic-priority-name> weight <value>In these examples, you create meter groups named mg1 and mg2, and then assign weights to traffic priorities named GOLD, OTHER, and VOIP:default-1(config)# qos meter-setting config meter-groups meter-group mg1 meters traffic-priority GOLD weight 80 default-1(config)# qos meter-setting config meter-groups meter-group mg1 meters traffic-priority OTHER weight 20 default-1(config)# qos meter-setting config meter-groups meter-group mg1 meters traffic-priority VOIP weight 120 default-1(config)# qos meter-setting config meter-groups meter-group mg2 meters traffic-priority GOLD weight 10 default-1(config)# qos meter-setting config meter-groups meter-group mg2 meters traffic-priority OTHER weight 10 default-1(config)# qos meter-setting config meter-groups meter-group mg2 meters traffic-priority VOIP weight 100
- Commit the configuration changes.commit
Next, you assign an egress port to
the meter groups.
Assign an egress port for a meter group
After you create meter groups, you can use the
assign an egress port to meter groups from the chassis partition CLI.
- Connect using SSH to the chassis partition management IP address.
- Log in to the command line interface (CLI) of the chassis partition using an account with admin access.When you log in to the system, you are in user (operational) mode.
- Change to config mode.configThe CLI prompt changes to include(config).
- Assign an egress port to a meter group.qos meter-setting config interfaces interface <interface-name> meter-group <meter-group-name>In these examples, you create assign egress ports to meter groups named mg1 and mg2:default-1(config)# qos meter-setting config interfaces interface 1/1.0 meter-group mg1 default-1(config)# qos meter-setting config interfaces interface 1/2.0 meter-group mg2 default-1(config)# qos meter-setting config interfaces interface trunk1 meter-group mg2
- Commit the configuration changes.commit
Next, you enable which QoS mode you want to use.
Enable a QoS mode
You can enable the QoS feature to
use either the 802.1p mode or DSCP mode from the chassis partition CLI.
VELOS supports using only one mode
at a time. You cannot mix 802.1p and DSCP values.
- Connect using SSH to the chassis partition management IP address.
- Log in to the command line interface (CLI) of the chassis partition using an account with admin access.When you log in to the system, you are in user (operational) mode.
- Change to config mode.configThe CLI prompt changes to include(config).
- Enable either 802.1p or DSCP.qos global-setting config status [8021P-enabled|DSCP-enabled|QOS-disabled]
- Commit the configuration changes.commit
Finally, you can verify that your
QoS configuration is the way that you want it.
Verify your QoS configuration
After you have completed configuring QoS on your VELOS system, you can use the
verify your QoS configuration from the chassis partition CLI.
- Connect using SSH to the chassis partition management IP address.
- Log in to the command line interface (CLI) of the chassis partition using an account with admin access.When you log in to the system, you are in user (operational) mode.
- Verify your qosFor example:default-1# show qos qos global-setting state status 8021P-enabled TRAFFIC PRIORITIES NAME VTC ----------- BE 0 BRZ 1 CTRL 2 GOLD 3 SIG 4 SIX 5 SVL 6 VOIP 7 qos global-setting state mapping-8021p default-traffic-priority BE 802.1p TRAFFIC PRIORITY MAPPING NAME VALUE ------------- BRZ 1 CTRL 3 GOLD 4 SIG 5-6 SVL 2 VOIP 7 NAME NAME WEIGHT -------------------- mg1 BE 12 BRZ 1 CTRL 5 GOLD 5 SIG 10 SVL 5 VOIP 60 METER NAME GROUP ------------------------ single-port-lag mg1 qos pmq-table type 8021P-enabled VTC VALUE -------------- 0 [ 0 ] 1 [ 1 ] 2 [ 3 ] 3 [ 4 ] 4 [ 5 6 ] 6 [ 2 ] 7 [ 7 ] BLADE MG ID DID ID ---------------- 1 20 1 2 20 1 DID NAME STATUS TYPE ------------------------------ 20 2/1.0 UP IN_TRUNK BLADE MG ID ID VTC CIR CBS ------------------------------------- 1 1 0 2629571813 30612 1 219130984 2551 2 1095654922 12755 3 1095654922 12755 4 2191309844 25510 6 1095654922 12755 7 13147859069 153061 2 1 0 2629571813 30612 1 219130984 2551 2 1095654922 12755 3 1095654922 12755 4 2191309844 25510 6 1095654922 12755 7 13147859069 153061 YELLOW RED RED TRAFFIC FORWARD BYTES FORWARD BYTES BYTES YELLOW BYTES BYTES BYTES INTERFACE PRIORITY IN OUT IN OUT IN OUT ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2/1.0 BE 2110864454001191 131307771322650 0 103916809262888 0 0 2/1.0 BRZ 0 131312895910348 0 129030133658924 0 0 2/1.0 CTRL 0 131317575236946 0 119903658605678 0 0 2/1.0 GOLD 0 131323436227602 0 119908472120928 0 0 2/1.0 SIG 0 262645909350346 0 239815984025754 0 0 2/1.0 SVL 0 131317514644604 0 119903604393560 0 0 2/1.0 VOIP 0 131326550473990 0 145599086 0 0