Manual Chapter :
Firewall Schedules
Applies To:
Show Versions
- 14.1.3, 14.1.2, 14.1.0
Firewall Schedules
About firewall schedules
AFM Network Firewall schedules allow you to define times, dates or days of the week for when a firewall rule is enabled. Firewall schedules can be reference when modifying or creating a new firewall rule, using the
option. Each rule within a rule list will be
enabled or disabled based upon it's own schedule.
Firewall Compilation mode can not be set to Manual when firewall schedules are referenced by a rule list.
Create firewall schedules prior to creating or modifying firewall rules.
Creating a firewall schedule
You can create a firewall schedule to define the times, dates, and days of the week that a
firewall rule is enabled. The new firewall schedule can be referenced later when creating a rule list.
- On the Main tab, click.The Schedules screen opens.
- ClickCreateto create a new firewall schedule.
- In theNameandDescriptionfields, type the name and an optional description.
- In theDate Rangearea, define the range of dates over which the schedule applies.
- SelectIndefiniteto have the schedule apply immediately, and run indefinitely.
- SelectUntilto have the schedule apply immediately, and define an end date and time. Click in the field to choose a time from a dialog box, and set the ending time with the sliders.
- SelectAfterto have the schedule apply after the specified date and starting time, and run indefinitely. Click in the field to choose a time from a dialog box, and set the starting time with the sliders.
- SelectBetweento apply the schedule starting on the specified start date and starting time, and ending on the specified end date and ending time. Click in the fields to choose the times from a dialog box, and set the starting and ending time with the sliders.
- In the Time Range area, define the times over which the firewall rule applies.
- SelectAll Dayto have the schedule apply all day, for every day specified in the date range.
- SelectBetweento apply the schedule starting at the specified time, and ending at the specified time each day. Select the start and end hours and minutes from the popup screen, or clickNowto set the current time.Specify the hours according to a 24-hour clock. For example, you can specify 3:00 PM with the setting15.
- In the Days Valid area, select the days of the week when the schedule is valid. Select check boxes for days of the week when the rule applies, and clear check boxes for days of the week when the schedule does not apply.
- ClickFinished.The list screen and the new item are displayed.
A new schedule appears in the Schedules list.
The firewall schedule can now be referenced when modifying or creating a new firewall rule list.